Super Summertime!

OK. So I have seen some great challenges on here. The biggest problem is people get lost in the crowd of a hundred people doing the same thing. I saw a challenge on here that only took the first few people so I want to start a group of my own like that!!

Super Summertime is going to be open for the first 4 people to respond to this (so including me it will be 5). This will give us a chance to get to know each other and really help each other along this journey.

So once we have the 5 people, I want us to set goals for June 1st. Really what feels like the first day of summer. Where would you like to be and how would you like to feel on that day? Let's set some realistic goals for those 3 months and help each other achieve them.

Each week we will have new goals for that week. Sometimes I'll make them up and sometimes we will decide together. This is all about getting healthy and feeling good in our own skin. We are already beautiful ... We just need to be healthy too!

Well ... Let's see who wants to join me on this journey!! :)


  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    I meant that each week we will have new challenges, not goals. Our goals will stay the same but we will challenge ourselves :)

    Sorry bout that!
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I like that idea! count me in if you dont have 4 already! :)
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    count me in!!!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in...if you still have room. I've been looking for a small group like this. :)
  • RebeccaM2386
    I'm in
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Susie, Lurayne, and Slaos welcome! We just need one more! :)
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    And hello Rebecca!! Looks like we have our 5! Woohoo! Let's introduce ourselves! How about what we should call you ... Your starting weight ... A goal weight ... One challenge you'd like to do for a week (ie drink 64 oz of water for 7 days or get strength training in 3x a week) and something you love about yourself!

    I'll start ;)

    I'm Britnee. My starting weight is 188.9. I would love to be 170 by June 1st. I would love to get 5-6 good card workouts in one week. And I am always smiling!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Ok hi Britnee! My name is Lorraine my starting weight today is 161.5lbs. My goal for June 1st is 140lbs :)
    I definitely need to start drinking 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY! So that's my big mission for this week. And the thing I like about myself is that I make people laugh and they enjoy my company :) (Or at least I think they do!!! heehee)

    Looking forward to doing this challenge with all of you! x
  • RebeccaM2386
    I'm Rebecca My starting weight was 162 CW is 154 and my goal weight for June 1, 135. One goal I would like to achive is to work out at least 30 minutes everyday for one week. I love that i'm all most always in a good mood.
  • chelsea32291
    Ah looks like I'm q tad late. Good luck to you all! :-)
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Everyone..I'm Stephanie. My starting weight was 190 and I'm currently at 174 (as of this morning at the Dr.). My goal weight by June 1 is 150. I'm in on the drinking 64 oz of water. I was doing really good for a while then I got sick and I'm struggling to get back on the water wagon. I'm a CPA and a mom...I think of myself as very friendly and outgoing. Looking forward to spending the next 3 months with you ladies!
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Thanks ladies!! I did tell Chelsea, who would make our group 6, that she would be welcome to join too. I just want to keep it small enough to help us all really reach our goals. I look forward to getting to know all of you!!

    While we are still waiting to hear back from a few members I thought I'd kinda give an outline to the group. My idea was to have weigh ins be on Fridays. (I know some people may weigh in normally on a different day. If you don't feel comfortable changing it, no problem, but just wait to tell us till Friday!). Then the next weeks challenge would be started on Friday as well so our weeks run from Fri-Fri. As I'm starting this just a day before the beginning of March we will not do our first weigh in until Friday, March 11. That gives us a few extra days to start this off right!!

    I figured for our first week+ our challenges will be simple. Since water seems to be a big one, let's have one challenge to be drinking 64 oz of water at least 10 out of the next 11 days (with the challenge officially starting Tuesday, March 1st. And our second challenge to be to do at least 30 mins of good, hardcore working out at least 7 of the next 11 days! I think it's very do-able for such an amazing group of ladies!!

    His blog shouldn't only be about posting results. It should also be about encouragement, uplifting each other, and celebrating lifes victories outside of weight loss altogether! Let me know how this all sounds to everyone!!
  • RebeccaM2386
    This sounds great. I cant wait till tomorrow to get started. Yay this is exciting.
  • chelsea32291
    Hey everyone! I'm Chelsea. I actually just Joined another challenge but I'd like to do this one too to keep me extra motivated, if thats okay. :-p I'm 19 and a sophomore in college. I started my lifestyle journey in January after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism and gaining 50 lbs.
    My starting weight as of today is : 223.8
    My goal for summer is: 199

    Good luck to you all!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Well Ive only been a member for less than a week now and Ive already joined 3 challenges! They are all different and will keep me focused on different areas of my lifestyle that I need to change. This looks like a really good challenge...especially because it's going to last until June and it will be exciting to see how much everyone will change by then! :)
    The mini challenges are great for this week. The one I will be focusing on the most is my water intake. It has always been really bad and I could go days without actually drinking a glass of water...I would normally substitute it with fizzy drinks or coffee :(:( VERY BAD! So 64oz of water everyday is definitely going to be a challenge for me :) The exercise should be ok since I try to do it most days anyway. But we'll see how many days I can fit it in before the next weigh in :)
    And Im most excited that our group is so small. It makes our achievements seem bigger when you share them with 5 people who can understand and relate to the effort you put in and it makes our struggles and mistakes seem smaller when there are 5 others who can help you through them :)
    This will be a fun journey. And cant wait to start tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • RebeccaM2386
    :happy: Happy March 1st Here goes day one we can do it.:happy:
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm getting an early start on the water this morning...had my regular coffe drink with breakfast, skipped the convenience store for my diet dr. pepper...and got a cup of water as soon as I got to work. I hope you ladies' days are starting off right!

    Oh...and I exercised last night for 30 mins. Big thing for me since I have been sick for a week and only exercised 1 other time since last Sunday!
  • chelsea32291
    I'm getting an early start on the water this morning...had my regular coffe drink with breakfast, skipped the convenience store for my diet dr. pepper...and got a cup of water as soon as I got to work. I hope you ladies' days are starting off right!

    Oh...and I exercised last night for 30 mins. Big thing for me since I have been sick for a week and only exercised 1 other time since last Sunday!

    Way to go! & glad you're feeling better!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Great work Stephanie! Its always really hard to get back into exercising after a long break but Im glad you pushed yourself to do it :)

    I had a grrrrrreat day today! Burned 1100 calories! Did a bit of everything (fat burning DVD, jogging, brisk walking and gym)
    Also I drank 70oz of water! Yay! This is my second day in a row drinking 70oz water and while it was tough to keep drinking it so regularly throughout the day, I do feel alot better after doing so :)

    Im really hoping for a great week this week. Since the middle of January I have been jet setting every second weekend!(Not complaining about the travelling!) Got to see London and Paris and so on but it was a nightmare for my scales! I was up and down 3-4lbs every week and I got soooo disheartened. But now Im homebound until my uncles wedding on April 29th in Malaga so Im really going to focus on doing well for the next few months :)

    And here's hoping you guys can help me stay on track!
    Hope you all had a great first day too!

    Much love! x
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Wow...way to be motivated ladies ... GREAT JOB!! Happy March 1st to all of you!

    Not gonna lie, having a rocky start this morning. First of all I'm moving this weekend so have absolutely no food in the house cuz I hate buying and then having to pack it all in 3 days. Which means I have been eating quick, on the go stuff for awhile. Not great. But I am trying to get some intense workouts in to help offset it at least till this weekend when I can go grocery shopping and start cooking again!!

    Also I had a dentist appt this morning and haven't gotten but a cup of water in so far today. And the novacaine and stress of being at the dentist for me makes me tired out. So I may take this as a light workout day and just take a short walk as it's beautiful outside here in MN :). But not to worry, I bought a new water bottle so here I go!,

    Congrats to all you beautiful ladies who are committing to your health and joining me in this exciting challenge!!!