Not taking off the lbs

I'm 39 and I have 4 children. My 4th child was a surprise to us and he was born 3 yrs ago.

Here's the deal. I'm gaining some weight, not a lot....but more than I'm happy with. I need to lose about 22 lbs to get down to the weight that I feel great at. It seems that the weight doesn't come off so easily now. Is this primarily because I'm female and almost 40?

What have some of your experiences been with weight gain around this age. Keep in mind, I've always been average in weight. I'm not obese or anything, but I'm paranoid that something is wrong.

My husband preaches less calories, more exercise. I guess I need to step it up a notch. - write me personally if you'd like to chat off the forum. I need support. :)


  • sabrina0329
    I'm 39 and I have 4 children. My 4th child was a surprise to us and he was born 3 yrs ago.

    Here's the deal. I'm gaining some weight, not a lot....but more than I'm happy with. I need to lose about 22 lbs to get down to the weight that I feel great at. It seems that the weight doesn't come off so easily now. Is this primarily because I'm female and almost 40?

    What have some of your experiences been with weight gain around this age. Keep in mind, I've always been average in weight. I'm not obese or anything, but I'm paranoid that something is wrong.

    My husband preaches less calories, more exercise. I guess I need to step it up a notch. - write me personally if you'd like to chat off the forum. I need support. :)
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hi. I have heard that the older you get, the more your metabolism slows down and the harder it is to lose weight. I think that our bodies are just not as supple and fast-to-respond (especially as women) as they were when we were younger and they were made to grow and change.

    For me, I'm "only" 27 and I have already noticed a difference. It used to be very easy for me to shed weight if I dieted... now, I have to struggle to lose a few pounds.

    But I do know middle aged women who are really fit and toned and trim, so it can be done... honestly, I think we just have to work harder at it the older we get. It requires consistency and dedication. I don't know if you like to read (it's more like magazine articles) but a book that really inspires me all the time is called the Secrets of Skinny Chicks. It profiles women of all ages and backgrounds who make fitness their number one priority. (I wouldn't say health and fitness, because some of them are dangerously low on their calorie intakes and a bit obsessed if you ask me.) But most of these women work hard to fit in an active lifestyle and eat healthy while balancing careers, marriages, and other aspects of life. It tells you what they eat, how much they work out, and what their inspirations are. It shows you that a woman can be fit no matter how old she is, and I always think, wow, if she can do it, I can do it. So I recommend that book for inspiration and tips... although I've come to realize that following a healthy/ sensible eating plan like on MFP works for me better than eating too few calories like a few of the women in that book do.

    Good luck, you'll do great!
  • metalpalace
    Have you tried committing to an already established exercise and nutrition program? I know that for myself when I was going it alone I had no confidence In the hard work I was putting in towards my workouts. I had no proper structure, unsure of how long to rest or to work out etc etc. I didnt get any results it was very frustrating.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    I just turned 37 and for sure the lbs are more stubborn to come off. I lost 8, but the last 8 just do not want to leave. I am going to try exercising more....I think my diet is okay. I really think the older you get, the harder it gets to come off, but I know it will eventually. Just stick with it!
  • sabrina0329
    I am out of shape and in the past I have set out on a mission to lose weight and get in shape overnight. We all know what the results are: overdoing it and burnout. Plus, I think it makes us gain in the longrun because we lose some fast and then stop and just gain it back and then some!

    I'm walking each morning....2 miles. However, I live in WA and the rain is coming. Not just ordinary rain.....awful rain! lol

    So, I'm trying to figure out what works well inside. I know in the past my body responded well to weight training and some cardio. Yoga is wonderful but I'm not so certain that's what I need right now to shed the lbs. Although, the toning would be great.

    Any suggestions as to what workout strategy is good?
  • metalpalace
    As the body ages muscle tissue is more easily lost which makes it more difficult to get into shape. The right combination of nutrition, lifting heavy weights, cardio and stretching can benefit anyone of any age male or female. You can walk, run, or ride a bike till the cows come home but if you are not on a more balanced and structured program than that you will never get the toned look you are going for because you will plateau.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Because of your age you need to make sure you do some 'weight baring' exercises to help maintain bone density.
  • cassangelidy

    perhaps you should look into Jillian Michaels Shred. I have not tried it personally but lots of people on this site LOVE IT. Its only 27 mins and its strength training and cardioish. I just thought I'd suggest it because having a busy life, like it sounds like...this might be a short enough exersize to stick too. :)

    I'm in WA too...North of Seattle! Welcome to the board! You will find lots of info and wonderful people ready to help! :):flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I think you are on the right path, but your body might right now be building muscle not losing pounds. Just keep up a healthy routine. Are you logging correctly? Eating the correct amount? Drinking enough water? Eating all the food groups?

    Give your plan an overhaul and look for where you could improve. If everything is perfect, check out some of your clothes. Are they fitting better?

    Maybe you could try a heart rate monitor if all the above are going correctly. Mine really helps motivate me to push more, longer, harder, and faster.

    Keep up the motivation and you can do this!!!! :flowerforyou: