What if anything are you going to differently in March?

Today being the last day of February and we are having a snow day.... when does spring time start? I guess March is coming in like a lion. Does tht mean that it will leave like a lamb? Here's to hoping since we have no control over the weather.

But we can control what we do on our journey to great health and losing weight. So March... 31 days to get closer to my goal. I am going to shake it up.
I changed my calorie goal.
I am starting 30 Day Shred in addition to my usual EA Sports challenge.
I am going to try Yin Yoga ( just signed up for a weekly class- right out of my comfort zone!)

And what are you going to do to bring in Spring?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm going to buy a bicycle! I already have my helmet.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member

    So far I lost 20 lbs on my own after having my baby and 20 more with MFP All without exercise!
    Now to kick up the pace I have started exercising so that I might actually start hitting my 5 lb a month goal :happy:
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I just got my BodyMedia Fit today so I'm going to be using that that really help evaluate where I am and how to get these last 10 pounds off and to maintain that weight/size. And I say size because I plan to add strength training back to workouts. I'd stopped it back in December when I took a break from working out all together as a mental sanity thing. And when I got back to my work outs I've only added my cardio back and haven't done hardly any weight training at all.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    I am going to try and get all my calories in each day and burn 500 calories a day by walking and weight training.

    I also made a challenge with a friend on here so we are going to see who looses 50 pounds by June...