dinner under 300 cals-any ideas?



  • mhshockley123
    I like Lean Cuisine! I add extra steamed veggies and a small spinach salad. :love:
  • ralena
    ralena Posts: 29 Member
    Hungry Girl has a new cook book coming out, 300 under 300. I love "most" all her recipes. Great one I tried today, "Crispy white pizza". It was fantastic! and under 200. but very very filling. You could add a few veggies as well to this. Fast, Easy,Filling. If you haven't heard of her she has a show on cooking network as well as a website, loaded with tips,recipes,new food items. I use tons of her recipes. "Hungry Girl"

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • drowningsea
    Skinnytaste.com has a lot of good recipes.

    I made baked tilapia with lemon butter sauce and it was only around 160 calories for a 4oz. piece of fish with the sauce. Add some roasted veggies cooked in a tsp. of EVOO with some herbs and you can definitely do around 300 there.
  • hebeflora
    hebeflora Posts: 10
    always cook things from scratch if you can - and if you buy ready meals, the low fat/ low cal ones can be far worse for you as they put in bad things to make up the taste. also they don't leave you a full as others so bear that in mind ;) x
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    thanks Heb. Thats part of the reason why I posted because I have been working really hard to cut packaged meals out of my diet. Definitely got some really good recipe suggestions.
    Now,anyone have some good seasoning/cooking suggestions for my haddock?
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    You can never go wrong with a vegetable stir fry, I eat that like 3 times a week for dinner>.<
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    mmm,I am having stir fry tomorrow at my moms :)