You look "too thin?"



  • She might be just a touch, not much, overweight.

    You've all hit it right i think, equal measures of jealousy, swimming in my clothes, this is so different from how I used to look, and society's acceptance of obesity as the normal condition.

    Thank you all, this was very helpful :)
  • Going to pick up a few new shirts by the way :p
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    That's great.

    Sometimes people don't know what to do when their "fat friend" is no longer fat. lol.
  • In my dreams I get comments like that LOL! Soon very soon people will be saying that to me.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I had that comment many times along the way to my goal weight. It seems like I had people tell me at 160, 155, 150, and 145. Right when I hit a big goal. Right now I am debating on another 5 or 10, and I have people say that there isn't 10 more pounds to lose! As much as I'd like to say, "OH, ok, thanks, you're right!" lol, I know myself, and I know what will make me happy!! Keep on doing an awesome job!!
  • ababygrace
    ababygrace Posts: 123
    All I got to say is take it in. Good for you for feeling great about yourself. I have had people tell me when I was 140 that I looked too skinny. Really? I think it was just jealousy.
  • The last time I was in decent shape was a couple of years ago when I got loads of comments about being too thin and looking unhealthy. The problem I have is that I lose off my face well before my stomach, so when I lose the stomach, I tend to look a bit emaciated in the face.

    It didn't bother me that much though as I knew I was in good shape.
  • zucena
    zucena Posts: 43
    Ignore and keep to your goal... You'll never be able to satisfy everybody, remember there will always be that one person that feels they are the one to let you know, the question is are they truely happy with themselves? Think about what you want and what makes you happy. You have to live with yourself. Now if you are underweight and that person telling you is your doctor then maybe take it into consideration. :wink:
  • Yeah- I've had the same problem. I also have about 10 more pounds to lose. I had a husband and wife tell me that if I lost any more weight I would look sick and that people would start talking about how "OMG did you see Katrina? She's too skinny". They are both overweight though and I think the perception of average weight is a lot heavier than it really should be. I would try not to worry about it~ As long as you know that you look good, that's what counts. People just may not be used to seeing you like that!
  • jlcghs27408
    jlcghs27408 Posts: 37 Member
    Yep, I get that sometimes. Even when I was wearing size 10 jeans. For me (personally), that is not TOO thin. I think people just say that because they aren't sure what else to say & maybe they think it's complimentary?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My grandma used to tell me that I was getting too thin, until one day that she saw me without my shirt on, then she called me fat! :laugh: Due to my cheek bones, my face looks gaunt when I am down in the "normal" range, but I still have a gut (which you can't see through my XL shirts and because of my large rib cage).

    Lose the weight for yourself and don't listen to what others say, unless they are compliments!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I have a girls trip planned for April. I haven't told my Aunt that im try to lose weight. I can not wait to see what she says... . My daught was gone for a week,and when she came home. She said my i can see it on you..
    This is what keeps me going...
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I've had (overweight) people ask me (rather rudely) "how do you stay so thin?" or "how did you get so thin?" and I think its just rude and inappropriate.

    Should I say to someone "how did you get such big feet?" or "how did you get brown eyes?"

    I want to ask these (overwieght) ladies (who are sitting in the locker room at the Y half naked) "why are you so fat?"

    Do you think that would shut them up?

    They remind me of the big, fat, nosy elephants in Dumbo.
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