So what are you goals for the month of March??

proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
Happy March everyone, not only is it a new day its the beginning of a new month. What are you goals for this month, mine is to loose 7lbs.


  • mine is 15...I am goin to mexico ad I would LOVE to drop 15 by then :)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    That's a great and ambitious goal!!
    My goal is to stay under my calories for the month! I might have to make an exception for the week of Spring break in Jamaica!! The goal that week, not to gain any weight!
  • summerstarr
    summerstarr Posts: 10 Member
    My goal is to lose 7lbs this month too :)
  • heleana
    heleana Posts: 9
    Lose another 4 lbs this month. I'm very up and down with my motivation so to keep going in the right direction (down) would mean alot to me.

    THe only way to do it is to keep coming here so that I keep track of what I'm eating and most importantly remind myself to do some excercise!

    Anyone else got something more exciting to keep us motivated?
  • My goal is to keeping seeing a drop in that scale and in the inches. It'd be nice to lose a bunch of weight, but as long as those numbers are still on the downward slope, I'll be pretty happy with that.
  • My goal is to have the scale tell me I weigh less than 230 lbs (aka, lose ten pounds as of today, as the scale tells me I'm 239.5)
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    my goals are to lose 7lbs this month & do 100 push-ups per week; I have a presentation to make about the cost of health care for the morbid obese vs non- obese the end of the month & that 7lbs loss will make me look super hot bc i'm tryinf to inspire some of my class-mates.
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    my goal is to get under 180 this month and stay there..........I have been bouncing back and forth from 181 to 185 or so since November and would love to get under 180 and stay there! So frustrating!
  • My goal is to lose 15 or more pounds. I set my goals high so that I can strive that much harder to acheive it. IM FOCUSED!!!!!!!!!!
  • roughly 8lbs and to stay under 140....i wanna lose before my wedding but would like to kick butt n lose it this month....i have 1 lbs till my goal weight but im pushing myself for wedding is in may....=) n do 100 situps a day....n would love to do 100 pushups a week n 100 squats a week...
  • I would LOVE to lose 10 pounds this month!!!
  • Mine is to finish my 30 day shred video and lose the belly fat :happy:
  • My goal is to lose 7 pounds this month..that would put me at 215!!! * Fingers Crossed*
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Alright guys, these are all goals I believe we can achieve. I believe so much in writing your goals out, it helps me to stay focused and then to look back and see my accomplishments makes it soo worth it. I am cheering for you guys, you can do it!!!
  • Alright guys, these are all goals I believe we can achieve. I believe so much in writing your goals out, it helps me to stay focused and then to look back and see my accomplishments makes it soo worth it. I am cheering for you guy, you can do it!!!

    thanks same to u....
  • debrahb
    debrahb Posts: 6
    I turn 51 this month, so I am going to walk 51 miles.
  • indycello
    indycello Posts: 147 Member
    I am looking at about 10lbs this month. Putting me a 260. However I would love to see that be more like 255
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    My goal is to keep getting out of bed before 5 am to workout everday. If I can achieve that then the weightloss will take care of itself and I will be happy with whatever amount I lose. Staying under my calories everyday would be nice too.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    my goal is to get under 180 this month and stay there..........I have been bouncing back and forth from 181 to 185 or so since November and would love to get under 180 and stay there! So frustrating!

    Believe me frustration is something I have come across, I worked out like crazy this past week and of course watched my food and the scale said I gained 2lbs, could of been water weight or musle not sure, but were so use to the scale that I didn't even take my measurements. Keep going you can do it!!
  • Start toning my stomach, I would like a more flat belly. Just received some new bathing suits in the mail, gotta look good in them!!!
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