barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


:flowerforyou: Hello to all my long time friends on this thread as well as the newer ones and the new ones that we will meet this month.

:flowerforyou: This is a great place for support and encouragement…….even though the name is Women ages 50+ we welcome all women to share with us.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals for February? What goals do you have planned for March?

:flowerforyou: Some of us set goals for the whole month, some set short term goals. Some of us set weight loss goals and others set goals for new behaviors and attitudes.

:flowerforyou: It’s a new page on the calendar and a new opportunity to change your life………let’s go.



  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi all just checking in. We have had storms during the night. It knocked out the internet throughout the county. We have flooding too. Spring has come into this area with a bang. We have already had 2 occasions to warrant tornado watches and warnings...this is early for us.

    I'll check in with all of you a "little" later...I am sleepy now.:yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I'm so glad to see that you found the thread. and that you got your internet service back......I'm so lost now without the internet, it's hard to believe that at one time i was completely opposed to spending the money to have it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mrsanderson404
    Thought I would jump right in....3 hours til Mar 1 on the west coast but what the heck!

    Thinking and praying for "Linda"...I believe that is her name....in Bahrain....we haven't heard from her (I believe) but perhaps internet is unreliable....just have her in my thoughts

    Back at work and back on track...didn't do too poorly last week on vacation but I can just think about carbs and gain 4 pounds...LOL

    Happy March y'all....spring is just around the corner!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Bumpity bump.
    MrsAnderson, you read my mind, have had Linda-in-Bahrain on the brain...
    Oh, and... 9 minutes to... Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEE!:tongue:

    Night all,:yawn:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Back soon x
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Had a cold for 3 weeks plus. When will I feel better. March will be my fitness mlonth. Determined to lose at least 8 pounds this month. It can be done. Just need to get serious.
  • bevbeers
    bevbeers Posts: 7
    Great !! I,ve been looking for womeme my age even though I believe that the process of fitness and weight loss is the same for any age just be fun to share with those at my stage Hope to communicate often Bev:cry::yawn: :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    bump. I will check back later.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks, Barbiecat, for sharing your motivation and giving us direction. I have a question.....are the tickets for just the amount of weight lost on this site, or can I post the amount of weight I've lost since my heaviest which was in 2003?

    My March goals: build my walking to 2 miles on most days of the week.
    avoid processed foods - "if God doesn't grow it that way think twice about eating it"
    track consistently
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy birthday Auntie/bk!!!!

    I didn't do so well with goals for February in doing crunches and stuff so I will make march a little less lofty. an hour a day on the treadmill good food during the week and keep training toward that darn pull up. I did make my water goal pretty much so I am keeping that one.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Barbie thanks for starting the thread. I am still right on track with my food and have started more exercise. It is amazing what I can do when I put my mind to it. It is amazing the damage I can do when I am mindless about it. We had Byron again. Emma is still very sick. They think virus. She has not eaten anything since Sunday. Everything comes up or out. I have not seen her either. I miss her but dont want him to get sick and I dont want it either. Hope she makes turn for better today. Tired because even though he sleeps I am restless worrying about him. He woke up at 4 am and sat up in bed and wanted to play. took a while for him to get back to sleep. He is now sleeping when I have to get up. I plan for march to keep on with this plan and continue adding exercise. I belong to Snap Fitness and I ordered this thing called easy fit. It fits on my pants like a podometer and counts calories and exercise intensity. It links to my snap site and keeps track of what I do each day. You just sync it like an ipod. I am a gadget aholic (new word) Keeps me honest though. just got it so learning how it works. Hope you all have a good and productive day.
    Vicki M
  • mrsanderson404
    Welcome Bevbeers....I think you will like it "here"...great group of gals!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Bumpity bump.
    MrsAnderson, you read my mind, have had Linda-in-Bahrain on the brain...
    Oh, and... 9 minutes to... Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEE!:tongue:

    Night all,:yawn:


    I, too, have been thinking/praying for Linda. Hope all is well with them.

    Be back layet.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Wow - we just keep growing and growing this group. It's great to see all the new people!

    As to how well I did on Feb. goals - so so would best describe it. For the most part I ate well and avoided sugar and white flour with emphasis on lots of colorful veggies and lean meat. Didn't do so well on logging consistently or exercise or weight loss. I may be a few pounds down but my home scale is erratic. I have always weighed at the gym.

    I have done a lot of gardening and raking but not structured exercise. That will end come Monday. The gym will be reopening Saturday but I will miss the grand opening as I have family obligation that day. I am SO excited that it's finally open again. Can't wait to get back on the elliptical and climb some hills. :bigsmile: I will confess my weight gain/loss/or stasis Monday.

    Auntie bk - Happy birthday! :flowerforyou: I was recently "anotheryearolder" :laugh: as well.

    Now that I'm getting thinner and lots more fit that a year ago, getting older is not as big deal and obviously it beats the only other alternative..... It is odd though sometimes when I look in the mirror I see my mom looking back at me. It's easy to "forget" how you appear until the mirror reminds you; especially if you feel younger on the inside! :drinker:

    Grandee - I love the quilt your cat is peeking from behind. I have helped my mom in years past cut quilt pieces and have put some squares/sections together with her but have never attempted to do one myself. I do have a couple that she made for me. Hand made quilts are so beautiful! I like to sew and knit. I hadn't knitted in several years as I live in north Florida but I just finished two baby blankets for my almost here (going to be induced this Sunday) :heart: GGS

    Good news for all those in the frozen north of the US - when I looked out the window this morning I saw many hundreds of robins hopping around in the yard. They are on the way to you, hand in there spring is on the way! :laugh: Robins only are only around here in transit to and from the north.

    March will be a difficult month for me to communicate regularly with you all. I don't spend that much time away from home usually but with helping care for a friend for a couple weeks until she gets back on her feet after knee surgery, the impending arrival of the new GGS this weekend, and two trips to visit with out of state friends this month I will be gone a good bit of the time. Here I have been waiting and waiting since Dec 31st for the gym to reopen and now I will be gone a lot this month. I will be at the gym every day that I'm home though!

    I too have been wondering how Linda in Bahrain is doing. We are all hoping that you are safe. Let us know how you are doing when you can!

    Take care ladies and let's all really dig deep and get moving. Shorts and swimsuit season is on the horizon. :wink:

    P.S. - I just thought to use the search for members tool and see if Linda has posted anywhere on the site lately; however Bahrain isn't even listed in the available countries. She must not have entered her country or couldn't if it wasn't on the list. I don't know how that works.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Birthday AuntiBK.. Have a good day.
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, is there room for another one? I live in the UK, and have lost 12lbs since the Xmas break. Also started exercising which has brought the weightloss to a halt but peeled some inches off the body! It would be great to have a chat with you all!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies. Happy St David's Day. Happy March. Happy Birthday AuntieBK.

    All things considered, I did well for February. I dropped well below my goal weight and hope to drop a little further if possible. Exercise - not quite as good as I'd hoped as my arthritis flare up has held me back a lot. The physiotherapist told me today that I shouldn't go back to my aqua fit classes for the time being - which is annoying, but I'll stick to it for now.

    I've been busy today booking everything for my Dad's 80th birthday (it's not until the end of September, but we have over 100 people coming to the party from all over the place and I wanted to get as much sorted as possible). My sister then reminded me that they are having their wedding blessing to celebrate being together for 30 years at the start of September. Add to that the twins' christening in July and my son and his fiancée getting married late summer (not got their date yet, but they will be getting married overseas followed by a later party back in London) and our own annual themed garden party in August. Hmmm, when am I going to fit in a holiday?

    Anyway, I'm not going to stress too much until I've recovered from my heart surgery. I'm also not going to push myself too hard in the exercise department for the next few weeks - as long as I can move about in one form or another for an hour each day, I will be content with that.

    Speaking of moving - it's time for me to do some now, so I'll just wish you all a happy, healthy and harmonious March and a big welcome to all our new friends.


    Amanda x
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My February goals, since I used January to refocus, are to maintain the focus that I have found and hope hope hope to lose 1 pound, as I havent posted a loss in a year. How did I do? I have maintained focus and did post a 1 pound loss!

    March goals, you ask? Continue to focus, and try to maintain my exercise minutes at 300/week. Maybe lose one more pound?? We'll see!

    Here's to smart choices!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Can I join your group?

    I'll be 51 in April, and I'd love a group of gals for support and encouragement!

    I'm at work right now but I'll jump back on later at home and give you a little more about myself.

    But here's one piece of info - MrsAnderson and I have been best friends since high school, so what is that Mrs A? Around 35 years? No, wait, that can't be right... I'm barely 35 years old right?

    Oh shoot, just read up on my post, I am 50... but that just can't be right!


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi just marking my spot for March

    Need to check the rest of February's posts and then think of some good goals for March.

    Happy 1st March everyone :bigsmile:

    Viv :heart: