

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Came down with something yesterday and have been napping the days away. At least when I am sick I am not tempted to over eat. No energy to even read the thread.
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Hi Everyone!

    Sounds like Y'all are gearing up for spring. I thought we were getting it early with a temp of around 68 yesterday and today when I woke up there was this thin layer of icky white stuff on my deck, the temp is 28 and the chance of snow is 30%..........Helloooo, if there is white stuff on the deck, isn't that 100%???? It's amazing to me that the weatherman can be so wrong so much of the time and still have a job. If one of us was wrong so often, we'd get fired. I guess it's not the weathermans fault that it's so nasty out but it would be nice if he warned us. OK, I'm done.

    Glad to see everyone so up and motivated. I am so glad I found this site. It has helped me realize just how much I was eating and snacking. Didn't know how sugary a banana could be. Peanut butter with raisins on toast is awesome and I crave tomatoes. When you start logging these things and then look back you see patterns. If they are bad you can change them and if they are good you feel pretty good about yourself.

    I gotta get back to work, just wanted to put my two cents worth in, although at todays rates it's probably only a penny's worth. Have a great day!:bigsmile:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Lots happening today on this board. I feel a lot better than yesterday...just trying to get used to the antibiotic for the sinus infection. I have trouble with those...hopefully this one will be ok. I want to get back to my routine but today was better but rocky.
    Barbiecat--- I am learning a lot about letting my body heal; pushing only gets me in trouble. I have not been this sick in years.

    ildid59--- Hope you feel better.

    Lynn--- Great that you have blooming daffoidils...I can't wait to see flowers this spring. Your sense of humor is great.

    Grandee47-- Sounds like a great day today. Congrats on the weigh in...enjoy it!

    Fittocycle---I loved The King's Speech...

    Have a good day, all.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Just a quick post. sitting here in dark. had very bad weather today. small tornado touched down about 1 mile or so from my house. no one hurt just some roof and other damage to some houses and trees. lights went out about 1230 pm and are still off supposed to be on by 8 which is hour away. have internet cause I have u verse but not sure how long battery on u verse will last or battery on computer so being quck. hope to post to all of you tomorrow. supposed to be better day so hoping.
    Vicki M
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Checking in. :smile: Had our usual Saturday. Hubby to work early while I did a few chores. Hubby home and we left to run errands. Home again to eat lunch. I spent the afternoon walking the neighborhood getting signatures for a friend who wants to run for county judge. It was really fun because after the long winter, it was the first time in months I've seen some of my neighbors. I also met a few people who recently moved in. We live in a condo community and they're finishing up the last phase, so new people move in every few months.

    Several people have asked about my cat. I own two cats I rescued. The one pictured is a 6-year old Ragdoll named Bandit. He is as sweet as he is pretty. Unfortunately, before being rescued he lived in a really hectic environment with lots of other animals and he is very skittish and ducks if you move fast around him. I've noticed that this past year he is getting less skittish. Mac, my 12-year old, is a Norwegian Forest Cat. I will post his picture as soon as I figure out how to do it. I rescued him and his identical brother, Jasper, who found a home with a teacher friend at school. Mac thinks he's a dog! What a buddy!

    See you tomorrow!

    Oh, I can't wait until the warm weather quits teasing and comes to stay. Once that happens, I'll walk first thing in the morning on my own, and then again in the evening with my hubby.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I forgot to take notes and then I forgot what I was going to comment on. I should have, would have, could of opened word like I usually do to take notes, but spaced it.

    Diet wise I had a good day. Things are still crazy around here. DS is doing well. He is so much calmer. Hubby is still talking about leaving and went to stay in a hotel to think. What ever happens is what happens. My stress level went down tremendously when a friend reminded me that I am not responsible for his decisions and actions. I am a mom of two teenagers and all that comes with it.

    Have a great evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    mrsanderson - I use parchment paper when I make an angel food cake. A friend of mine gave me a Weight Watchers recipe where instead of the water in box angelfood cake mix, you put in a 20oz can of crushed pineapple. To me, sometimes angel food cake can be very bland, but the pineapple gives it a bit of "zing". I just may double the paper and slide a dish under the cake to remove it. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Lynn - I totally agree with you, oranges are so much better when they're picked right off the tree. When my in-laws were alive, the house they owned was on land that used to be an orange grove, so every morning we'd get up, go pick the oranges, and then squeeze them right there and then. Don't think I've ever had such wonderful OJ since then.

    Did an hour on the Stairmaster today. Tomorrow, yoga.

    I'm trying to learn to play MahJongg. I wish there was an online game like the one we play so I could play against something and learn. But that's not the case...sigh. After mahjongg we went out to lunch at Jason's Deli. I went out of my comfort zone and had the chicken chili, but only the cup. Normally, I would have avoided the chili because of the beans but I want to get myself sort-of ready for lent when I'm going to shoot for adding beans to at least two meals. Anyone have any good recipes (with the nutritionals) that maybe don't have a lot of beans in them? I'm thinking that I should start out having just a few in a recipe and build on that. Hopefully, by the time Lent is over, I'll be over my anti-beanness. Then, for dessert I had the fruit cup. Was I full when we were finished!

    Lynn - what a brightener for the day. Thanks!

    My due date for Jessica was April 1. You have no idea how many times when I told someone I was pregnant and the due date, they said "are you fooling me?". Fortunately, she was born March 22.

    hey cardmaker! Welcome!

    As for the weekend, today (Sat) I went to yoga, then did a bit of food shopping. I'll go to church later tonight. Then tomorrow I'll do an hour on the Wii doing the hula hoop. Going to try it this time without any shoes on.

    McMadame - awesome!

    SuzyQ - feel better fast

    ldspill - the weatherman probably would do a much better job if he just look out the window!

    vicki - glad you are safe. We had a tornado (you may remember) near us recently. It was quite scary.

    grandee - love your cats. We are pretty sure that Loki is part Ragdoll. He is on the big side, not fat. He's a bit over 15lbs, but he's so very playful. He'll just flop down in front of you for attention. But he doesn't have the blue eyes, so that part's not Ragdoll. We also like the looks of the Norwegan Forest Cat. Can't wait until you post pics of him.

    thinking of you all and hope you have a great evening.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Managed to actually do my whole list today. (Including the Jayhawk win, which I am sure was helped by my cheering!) I also went to a wonderful dinner for my brother in law's birthday, and stayed under my calories. (Only because I refrained from snacks all day.) Anyway, just got the boys to sleep, and have to get busy. Have a good Sunday tomorrow!

    Forgot to say: Vicki, I am glad you are okay. Tornadoes are scary.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Hi Everybody!!!

    Just had to come back for a little chat. I am one of only two full time residents in our condo complex so now that I've found you guys I feel like I have a group to talk to. I'm not saying my husband isn't great to talk to but he's never had a weight issue and he just doesn't get it. He brings donuts and candy and sodas into the house all the time...Whewwww! It's tough. I taught him how to make chocolate chip cookies just so I don't have to be too close to them. It's like a restaurant around here, I have to cook two meals because he has no desire to eat anything green or anything that might be a vegetable or a fruit. It's like having a little kid in the house with the grilled cheese, peanut butter and pizza. I can't for the life of me figure out how he functions and stays healthy. It's just not fair at all......Thank You, I feel much better now.

    Grandee...I agree about the weather one day it's cold the next warm then again cold, It's a wonder we don't all have the flu. Oh, I not much of a cat person (alergies) but Bandit is really pretty.

    Jam...Sorry to hear about the hubby struggles, been there, done that....more than once. Just be true to yourself and the kids and you'll be fine.

    Vicki...glad to hear you're ok. We had winds so high the other night our sliders bowed into the house. It looked like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. Pretty scary.

    Well, I guess I better go before this becomes my next novel. Thanks for listening, I didn't see one of you yawn.

    Live, Love, Laugh!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Wow, I blinked and this chatty bunch is pages and pages away. I did do alot of reading this evening and caught up on all the news in the neighborhood. What a productive bunch of women.

    I have just been very busy with work, and I have been doing a great deal of exercising. I may not be losing weight but I sure feel better, and I know all that exercise is what allows me to put in those long days and not fall apart.

    Loved the frog joke Lynn. We have a local woman who is called the walking lady because at the age of 79 she walks everywhere and I do mean everywhere. No matter what the weather she walks to town and back, or church and back. She is a local fixture. I met her because I stopped in a sleet storm and offered her a ride home which she took, and that is a rare thing but it was really nasty out.

    I met her one summers day at the local Kwick mart. She was dressed in a bright sun dress and her long white hair was up in a pony tail. As we were checking out a car pulled in and a young man got out, dressed all in Navy whites.

    Darlene looked out and looked him over and said " Mm Mm Mm My My My I do love a man in Navy whites." The young lady at the checkout counter had a schocked and disaproving look on her face. Darlene leaned over and patted her hand and told her, " I'm just old honey I'm not dead."

    There is a promise of spring in the air, albeit a slight one. Right now all is ice under foot and given my proclivity for moving to fast and falling, I am being very careful. We cross from the house to the barn like 102 year olds.

    I am at 176 ( still, sigh) , but still in the game, I dumped my weight loss ticker in favor of one where I can record minutes of weight workouts per month. It is unmotivating to look at a ticker that rarely moves and all this moving and shaking is good for me and that is my focus. The fat will have to surrender sooner or later, cause I am not stopping!

    Just saw Renny on the home page, I see Suzy is back, Kackie is settling in the new house, and Barbie is hoping for the new house. Jeannie take care of yourself, life surely does throw us some curve balls, but we are responsible for how we play the game. Has Barb been around lately? RJ are you enjoying that new job? What part of Boeing do you work in?

    Michelle there is a MahJongg game online, I had it downloaded on my computer. I haven't looked for it lately on line but it must be out there somewhere. Vicki thank heaven the storm missed you. Mary it sounds like you have a full and hectic life all the time.

    There are so many more of you, but I am out of time, frogmomma, Mrs. Anderson, Amanda, Macmadame, and all the rest of you please know that I am thinking of you fondly and do so enjoy the neighborhood news.

    Hello to all the new members this is a wonderful thread.

    Time for me to do my last rounds and off to the land of nod. :heart: Alice
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wow - so many new faces! So many posts! I haven't had a chance to catch up completely but should have done so by this evening.

    I spent yesterday with DD#2 which was a delight as always. She helped me go through my clothes to do a little weeding. I came across a gorgeous French vintage dress that my DH bought for me from an antique shop 21 years ago. I've never worn it because I put on weight just after I got it. Anyway, it fits like a dream and DH actually gave it a wolf whistle. I will try to get a photo of me wearing it.

    I need to go through my Physio exercises now, back later.

    Love and good wishes to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning Ladies:

    Haven't had time to get caught up on all the new news but HI! to all.
    Went out for dinner last night for D's birthday (hubby). Did try to talk him into cupcakes for
    his dessert but he wanted cheesecake (yikes), needless to day my weight was a little up this
    Today we are going the twins birthday, they are "7" and yes there will be more eating and
    drinking. So I will try to be careful and not indulge too much because my weight is almost
    back to where it was before my daughter's wedding in November. Yes it has taken me
    that long to get back.
    It poured rain here yesterday (Ontario, Canada) and today we have 2-3 inches of the lovely
    white stuff :sad: I am so sick of winter :sad:
    We are going to Florida in April and I can't wait.
    Everyone has a lovely Sunday and will try to catch up with your news. :bigsmile:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I've been sick for 4 plus weeks. Have not weighed myself. Went to Florida for one week. Will be brave and weigh in tomorrow and see how much damage was done. Starting to finally stop coughing. It appears a lot of us are sick lately. Can't wait until spring.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello All,

    Vicki- glad to hear that you are safe and the tornado missed you

    Alice- I truly understand how you feel about all of the exercise and the weight just not coming off. I have been at the gym every single day this week between 1-11/2 hours. I have been under my calorie goal every day, have been watching the salt, drinking water AND haven't had any hershey kisses since Wednesday and the scale hasn't budged. I'm hoping that a miracle will happen and I will lose something tomorrow on my official weekly weigh in day. But, I will say that ll of the exercise has made me feel so much better.

    smwert- sorry to hear you were sick. Hope you are better soon.

    Shirley- I live near Buffalo, NY and have had pretty much the same weather as you the past few days. Keep hanging in there until Florida. We are planning a trip to Myrtle Beach in mid April, and I am so looking forward to it.

    To all of you who have been experiencing spring weather- I am sooooo jealous. This winter has just seemed so long. We have had cold pretty much constantly since we were dumped with over 3 feet of snow in early Dec. We have had an occasional day of 40, but not very many. Sure do hope spring time arrives soon.

    DH left today for a week in Florida and DD is bringing her dog over for me to watch while she is in Denver for the week. Not planning on doing much cooking this week!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: So, weekends are usually my downfall. Do any of you have any suggestions how to just stay steady on the weekends? I'm open...:ohwell:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks for the well wishes. I do appreciate them.

    It is so nice to see so many of those who where here 2 years ago back in this group. It is hard to believe it has been two years and how much we have all been through. It is good to have you all both to talk to and to be part of your listening group.

    Michele, I thought of you as I got back on the Wii today to do some time on the hula hoop. It was painful. I should have done a short round, but didn't. My numbers were a little lower than what I use to be able to do, but in the ballpark.

    Have a great evening all.

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies;

    VICKY M, glad to hear you are okay, whew, that would scare me to pieces!

    JEANNE, <<<<HUGS>>>> yes your friend is right! I'm a single mom now, and at the time of the split up, all sorts of things go through your head, confusion, worries, frustration etc. Keep your mind on your responsiblilties only, the rest is in someone elses hands. Keep strong!

    DOOBIEDOO, Weekends used to turn my weekday hard work into a regain the loss nightmare. I sat down and analysed my daily chores, events etc that are on the normal weekend agenda. So, I am active in the mornning, housework, getting lose ends of chores done etc. After lunch I am getting tired of all that work, so sitting down chores come into play, sewing, peeling apples for applesauce, or preparing all my raw vegetables for the week ahead and supper for the day, stuff like that. After supper, it would be relax and rest, read, work on my studies etc. So I turned my menu upside down. I ate a big and filling breakfast, keeping the fats low, so turkey bacon for example. Hot cross bun warmed up instead of toast, butter and jam or peanut butter. For lunch I made it a bit smaller, clear soup, chicken noodle, vegetable, yogurt with berries (wild berries, frozen from grocery store), for supper even smaller, a mixed salad with egg on top or chicken chopped up, a few vegetable crackers on the side. Thus the high energy breakfast got me through the morning, and the lunch tammed down as I spent less energy and supper was more fibre and nutritious than heavy.
    So put the high energy meals to get you through the most active part of your day, slim the meals down as you slow down.
    Hope this helps you.:smile:

    Hope all is well here, I am a little sore from my exercises but that is telling me they are working, very weak yet, but I have another two weeks to go until the next appointment. Back to work tomorrow, for four hours, then to the dentist, four teeth have to be done. Can't wait for that to be done, then it is over for another four months. I am in the process of getting my dog to let me brush her teeth as well, she will only eat her food if it is wet. I'm thinking it is so small it is hurting her gums. So we did a bit today, she got a good treat for being good.

    Okay I'm away, hope all goes well for everyone tomorrow...

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! Didn't have a good eating day. I gave into sugar cravings.....Samoa cookies and Mike's&Ikes. Mad at myself. :mad: Threw the rest of the M&Is away. Samoa's are in the freezer. Good thing I'll be out of the house all day tomorrow. Didn't exercise either. It's been raining hard all day, so when we got home from church, we just kind of crashed. :ohwell: Tomorrow is housekeeping day at my daughter's, so I'll be burning lots of calories and won't be near junk food. My daughter is somewhere on this site involved with c25k and other things that I can't do. It's her excitement for this site that got me here and I'm so glad she did! And I'm soooooo proud of her! She's also my best friend. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle, Bandit weighs 15 pounds. He's a big boy and not at all fat. He's not a lapcat, but he's always close by. He's looking over my shoulder as I type this. I posted a photo of Mac. He's not as big as Bandit, weighing in at @13 pounds, but is a lapcat. I've always owned cats and dogs (just the two cats right now), but these two are without a doubt the prizes of all my pets.

    OK everyone, have a great Monday! :wink: