

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Barbie, just checking back in. The water was in addition to the juice. :tongue: Yeah, I have a lot of steps on the pedometer going to the potty.:smile:

    I came back on here to close out for the night. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will be posting more again.

    Nite everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, Lyn! When I saw all that juice, I thought you were buying it. And you're making it yourself!! really impressive! No wonder you're tired!

    Vicki, oak trees are really bad for pollen this time of the year in our part of the country, but those ash trees are the worst, and they can be blocks and blocks away. We have a white ash tree right in our front yard.....Achoo

    Barbie you have the most amazing animated figures in your messages. One day maybe I'll figure out how to do that, but first I'd better figure out how to use MFP to lose weight..

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good all of you nice ladies :yawn: Sleep well.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone is well.

    It's been quite cold again here, almost back to wintry conditions, will we ever see spring? I'm so in need of some warmer weather!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie you are right, I think if it wasn't for the doggies I'd "hibernate" most of the winter and only go out to work and back!

    Well talking about doggies I'd better get my boots on they are waiting at the door for me to walk them along with DD :bigsmile:

    I'll try and get back later, I have the afternoon off so might be able to chat then.

    Viv xx
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Everyone,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It's 4:30 am and I am wide awake.:noway: ..don't know why. I can tell my body is cleansing because I had a hard chill before I went to bed. So, I don't know why I can't sleep ..probably a combination of cleansing and day light saving time.:tongue:

    Some of you have asked me about my fast/liquid diet. I am drinking juices and a bullet for anything that goes into my mouth.:drinker: I am choosing organic/fresh/raw fruits and veggies. For protein I use a raw organic egg and Blue Diamond Unsweetened Original Almond Milk. I use the almond milk all the time because I have to be very careful using dairy products. I'll explain a little more about that but back to the juices. Some have asked how much. Carrot - 16-32 ozs a day. Celery/Romaine combo- 16 ozs a day- Granny Smith Apple (they have less sugar than any apple) 16 oz a day. Red Pepper (one of the highest natural vitamin c) -8 ozs- Tomato 8ozs --I supplemented with a raw pico/salsa recipe pureed in to the tomato juice. I add a dash of Redmond's Real Sea Salt/ red pepper and yum. I don't get this much of everything but these are my guidelines.:smile:

    The reason I have to be careful with Dairy is that 8 years ago I had COPD/chronic asthma. I was having pneumonia about every 6 weeks. I was on steroids, breathing machines etc...I heard about a naturopathic doctor who had helped a lot of people by nutrition. I did all juices/veggie/fruits for 6 years. I was on 90% raw foods. I took lots and lots of supplements, etc... I did not eat wheat, soy, peanuts, dairy, refined sugar, white flour, or red meat for 4 years. I am very careful to this day. You will see on my diary, that I may do that now but only occasionally. I no longer have asthma or copd.

    If you have sinus problems/lung problems, etc..., dairy can cause inflamation in the soft tissues of your body. This will cause drainage. Red meat in excess will do the same thing. Peanuts, wheat, white flour and sugar can cause so many things I won't bore you to tears with my post trying to explain it. If you are interested, I would suggest Googling it. :wink:

    Mary:flowerforyou: I hope your Mom is doing better. Let us know about the surgery. Sometimes, you have to wonder about hospital and nursing home staff. Sorry about my memory lapse with the eggplant recipe.:happy: I came to realize it was the color of yours and Vicki's pics that I was remembering...I like red.:flowerforyou:

    Joy-:flowerforyou: Hope you enjoyed your fancy restaurant on your birthday. Sometimes, it's nice to "do" a meal and enjoy it without thinking about it too much.

    Barbie- I have your sleeping "issues" tonight. :noway: Decided I would catch up on MFP. Although, I don't thnk computers are conducive to sleep habits, have you noticed that?:huh:
    Ps -hope your weather has improved.:flowerforyou:
    Chiclet-:flowerforyou: I am so glad you are going to have a new place to live. :flowerforyou: That will help you...a fresh place. :smile: What about what Barb suggested with the Pension? Would that help?
    I think the ladies on here are really trying to help. Maxymom and some of the others have had some good suggestions to try.

    Vicki-:flowerforyou: I hope you enjoyed your chocolate bliss...sometimes, you have to get the urge out of your system and then "take a new hitch." I will contact you for the eggplant recipe...that might be good on my trip.:flowerforyou:
    I hope your allergies improve. Glad you enjoyed the joke.
    Maxymom-:flowerforyou: I really like your pic..:smile: .I smile everytime I look at it. Did your daughter get home?

    Amanda - :flowerforyou: We are all in your cornor and will be hoping for you during your surgery and recovery. Is there anyone who can keep us updated on your progress throughout the procedure and recovery? I feel I can speak for us all to say that we will be on "pins and needles" waiting to hear from you.:tongue:

    Barbara- :laugh: I am glad you enjoyed the pedometer story...believe it or not it's almost happened again. My Dh and I still laugh too...you can well imagine some of our conversations.:noway: :laugh:

    Marilyn-:flowerforyou: I am so glad your excercises are getting easier. I hope going back to work goes well for you.
    Did you read my joke? I hope you laughed. :wink:
    Suez-:flowerforyou: enjoy your new lingerie!:wink: I have always liked pretty undies...sometimes, they haven't like me. Good luck on your project.:flowerforyou:
    Barb-:flowerforyou: It looks like you are enjoying your new phone. Your friends sound very generous and kind. Do you have sleeping problems too?

    Sally - :flowerforyou: I hope you were able to get back into your routine after your trip. My DH is planning one for us next week. That will be after my fast. I am thinking, okay, from a fast to eating out? If I can do this fast, surely there is more willpower in there. We will have a condo, so that will help some. I will get organic products to have in the room. I, sometimes, will cook our breakfast. A lot of condos have a blender or something similar. That will help.:tongue:

    Shirly-:flowerforyou: 55 mins of strength training is very good. You will be burning cals while you are resting.:smile:

    Vickkij:wink: - noticed your bump in here. Let us know what is happening with you.

    Michelle-:flowerforyou: I hope you enjoyed Ruby Tuesday. I really like their salad bar!:drinker: :drinker:

    Doobie- I have to agree with you about fruits and veggies. :drinker: It is wonderful when they are fresher...I will be glad to eat a "home-grown-tomato." I can eat them like apples. mmmm:drinker:

    WizzyakaViv :flowerforyou: I hope you get some warm weather soon. We are on our usual roller coaster ride with our weather. It's 35-40 one day and 60-65 the next. Hard on the physical body.

    Hopeful, Kackie, and many others...hope you are happy and well..

    Have a good thursday.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy St Patrick's day ladies.

    It's a chilly and grey day here in London and I just can't get warm. I'm sitting here with a hot water bottle to try to heat up a little.

    My plan for today is to have a good clear out of paperwork etc. in readiness for going into hospital. I always worry that something will happen to me and my family would have to wade through a mountain of unnecessary papers. It doesn't hurt to have a general 'declutter' anyway.

    Has anybody else had a problem with MFP lately? I've tried to post a couple of times and it's come up with an application error message. Very frustrating.

    I truly hope that everyone is doing well and being kind to themselves.

    Take care my friends.


    Amanda x
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    It's been a challenging tax season as....along with the long hours....my Mother in law is dying. My husband also is unemployed and looking for work, so it is a blessing that I have MY job.
    My Mother in law is 93 years old and has been in a nursing home for 18 months. Honestly, I wish the good Lord would take her and relieve her of this body she's been trapped in. :cry:
    Because I sit for 6 days out of 7, my back is hurting and I had to go to the Chiropracters yeasterday. I have been exercising daily....accept for now because I have to rest my back for a few days.
    I have had no time to put up a post or even read the posts for the last month, but if you are new.....give this MFP a serious shot! In my 63 years, I have not found anything that works so well, and makes so much sense, as tracking your food, exercising, drinking lots of water and being in touch with these great women from all over the world.
    I track every day...no matter what...as I have been doing even during long hours and personal struggles!
    So welcome!
    And to all those, who may have heard of me (LOL) ....sending hugs and prayers.
    1 more month and tax season will be over and I'll have my life back!!!
    God Bless! And Happy St. Patricks Day!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy St. Patrick's day everyone, and especially Amanda. :happy: Wish I could send the warm Texas Gulf Coast weather to you folks in colder climes.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Happy St Patrick's Day ladies :bigsmile:

    Its a fine day Spring day! I'm a wearin me green as Sophie and myself head out the door for a wee stretch of the leg. :wink:

    May your troubles be less and your blessing be more. And may nothing but happiness come through your door
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day all.....

    May the road rise to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    The rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

    May God be with you and bless you:
    May you see your children's children.
    May you be poor in misfortune,
    Rich in blessings.
    May you know nothing but happiness
    From this day forward.

    May the road rise up to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
    And may the hand of a friend always be near.

    May green be the grass you walk on,
    May blue be the skies above you,
    May pure be the joys that surround you,
    May true be the hearts that love you.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day Ladies:

    BirdieM: I know what you are going through with your mom. I lost my Dad in October last year and he
    was 93 from Dementia. He was in a nursing home for 5 years in Florida and we live in
    Ontario, Canada. So after many trips to Florida and lots of money later he finally passed.
    It was a long hard road for me and my husband. So I know of what you speak. Good Luck
    with your mom and make sure to be kind to yourself too.

    Have Great Day and Go Green !!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    St. Patricks Day! Cheers everyone.

    Lynn, yes your jokes are very funny, I'm happy to read them.

    Been very busy cleaning up the house, thought I would test my legs today and work as I would at my job. Three and a half hours and my legs are sore, I really don't know what or how I'm going to get through the week after next. I think I will try my leg exercises and knee exercises again to get some strength back, they helped a load before. I am just making progress with my pelvic muscles, yet the ones in Pilates will have me moving other limbs, and when I do that now I loose form. Thinking hard on it I traveled back in time (I have my own machine!), and I was dancing to music at school and at my friends place, it seems that we took dancing so seriously that we danced our lunches away. That was the time my body was slim and firm. Well that kind of dancing would fall into dancercise now, so why not start somewhere and move tighten and keep it at a managable pace.

    I guess I will wait until I see the physio doc., again to see what he thinks.

    Maxymom, hi, yes, the cold weather is not a good thing, but it is much better temps than -15 degrees celcius or better. I fear though once the warmer weather comes the battle of heat, fumes, and ronch that will fill the air. I was thinking... New York, Haiti, Japan, all had devistation on the 11th, has anyone got the dates? We have had some tornado warnings and some small, but damaging ones touch down, mostly in Quebec. But I have noticed that wind patterns have changed here, they are getting stronger and lower. I am terrified of wind, lightening together in a storm I'm up until it goes away. I do try to keep things in the yard secured and think about possible problems, before I leave home or go to bed, if I know a storm is lurking about.

    Does anyone know much about wild turkeys? We have one around our neighborhood. One was walking very calmly down our street the other day. I feed birds, I'm wondering if they will frequent my yard? Being a good neighbour, I don't put out my paper recycling until morning to avoid winds blowing it all over the street, and I am not really comfortable about meeting one of those things at 4am in my PJ's. My bladder will not survive!

    Anyhoo, anyone that knows some up beat music that is good for dancing to, please let me know. I have music but it is so old I'm not sure I would get new albums at the music stores unless they contacted an archive source. I'm not a rap person but the beat of some songs are worth a try, I like just about anything else, easy on the country though. Def Leppard, Aerosmilth, AC/DC, INXS, are some of the albums I have, oh and Tina Turner and some of Cher's songs are good as well. I'm hearing there are CD's with mixes that are just for exerciseing, has anyone heard of this, it might be the better avenue.

    Well I'm off and going to try and dance a bit tonight before bed, just to work up a bit of heat would be good. Good evening ladies.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Anyhoo, anyone that knows some up beat music that is good for dancing to, please let me know. I have music but it is so old I'm not sure I would get new albums at the music stores unless they contacted an archive source. I'm not a rap person but the beat of some songs are worth a try, I like just about anything else, easy on the country though. Def Leppard, Aerosmilth, AC/DC, INXS, are some of the albums I have, oh and Tina Turner and some of Cher's songs are good as well. I'm hearing there are CD's with mixes that are just for exercising, has anyone heard of this, it might be the better avenue.

    Well I'm off and going to try and dance a bit tonight before bed, just to work up a bit of heat would be good. Good evening ladies.


    If your computer has decent speakers and is near where you exercise my aI suggest Pandora Radio. It is a free online radio where you can create a station that plays most any kind of music you like.

    Here is the link: http://www.pandora.com/#/genres/top
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Lynn thanks for the info. that sure makes a lot of sense. I feel much better not eating certain things. just have to pinpoint what triggers are. never knew about dairy and sinus issues. I will be looking forward to juice info and I will send you eggplant recipe. Birdie so good to hear from you, Knew you were busy with taxes but still missed hearing from you. looking forward to end of tax season. prayers for your hubby and MIL. went on field trip with regan today and ate yogurt for lunch so having hubby take me out to dinner. I will try to be good LOL. got some walking in on trip though. Talk to you ladies later.
    vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    I started the day with a great line dance class filled with dances to Irish songs. later we went to a corned beef and cabbage lunch event at the new neighborhood where we hope to move.....the lunch was exactly as I had visualized a St. Patrick's Day meal....I ate smart except for too much Irish soda bread.....at least I avoided the butter and ate only one potato :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: a long walk at the dog park and 30 minutes on the exercise bike helped to balance calories in and calories out:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I'm so glad to hear from you again.....you are certainly challenged right now with your mom and your huge work load.....I'm so glad to hear that you are staying focused with your food and exercise.....I knew you would be :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I didn't realize that I hadn't visited you all since Sunday! This week has flown by. I quickly read back through the posts and I am going to reply to just a few:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda......praying for your surgery.....when is it?
    :flowerforyou: Mary, you mentioned your mom is feeling some better, prays answered. Enjoy spring break! You deserve it.
    :flowerforyou: Lynn for making all that juice. Holy cow! So, how long will it last you? Do you freeze any for future use?
    :flowerforyou: Maxymom because I'll be forever grateful if you share with me how to do those animated figures etc when you learn!
    :flowerforyou: Michelle because you answered my questions promptly about your kitty and I'm just now reading it.

    I had a wonderful day today. When my son married my DIL, little did we know that her parents Joy and Dave would become our closest friends. So, not only do we share our grandchildren, we vacation together etc. Last April we almost lost Joy to a stroke and it was touch and go for a while. Miraculously enough, she not only survived, but she's survived with minimal damage. So, today was the first time that we've gone out and about where she ran me ragged!!!!!! I am thrilled beyond words. Before we went out and about, I showed her MFP and she signed up. She is just interested in tracking food and exercise, but I'm hoping she'll eventually participate in forums. She's not real computer savvy, so I think she's leary of knowing how to use a forum etc. Whatever, she was very excited about the tracking.

    We also ate lunch out and even tho I didn't eat much at lunch, calorie-wise it blew the calorie budget, that's for sure. We had a most awesome dessert....a chocolate cake roll filled with mint cream. Oh my. What a treat!

    Well, that's it for tonight. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Dee :smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Went to Ruby Tuesday last night. I had the creole fish with the broccoli and instead of the potatoes had grilled zucchini, which I didn't eat all of it. I had 3 large glasses of water (no ice, I've found that the ice sometimes makes the water much too cold to even be refreshing), I'm estimating about 10oz each, maybe it was 16 but I'm going to estimate 10. I did have one of their rolls, but I also put in my diary that I had the mushrooms which were higher in calories than the zucchini and an apple which I didn't have so in the end, the calories probably came out about even. Then, while bowling I had 3 more glasses of water. I know each glass was 16oz since I brought in my own cup. Out of the three games, one I just barely broke 100 with. Another one I got close (I think it was a 98), but I really stunk in the other game. Oh well....can't win them all. It was fun, tho

    At the end of the bowling season, we're going to have a pot-luck dinner at one of the bowlers house. She feels badly because she has a small townhouse and can't have a social (too many people) but this group is so small that she feels she can easily handle it.

    Got a question for any cat owner: our daughter brought her cat here back in December. She never got it neutered and it sprayed. Of course, our cats have tried putting their scent there. So, what has happened in essence, is that the comforter, sheets, and mattress cover in that bedroom get peed upon. Honestly, the smell of cat urine makes my stomach turn. I've tried washing and washing, we got this stuff from Petsmart that's orange-smelling and is supposed to take out the smell. Only the cats went back and used it again. We got other stuff, so now I'm using this and I'm putting the sheets, mattress pad, comforter, even bedspread out in the sunshine. We had one cat who peed in the corner. I think this was because he was sick at the time and probably couldn't make it to the litter box. So my question is: does anyone know of a product that they've used and know that this product gets rid of cat urine smell and the desire to go back to that spot? Oh, I have a plastic covering on the mattress so I know that the urine never got into the mattress. I've washed that plastic covering.

    Did an hour of body toning today. Really, I'm not that impressed with the class. I am looking for something more weight training, this seems to be more yoga and pilates. Honestly, I probably won't go back. I'll do some HIIT tomorrow. Then, at 10 we play mahjongg. I know some of the ladies go out to lunch and then play cards, since I'll be in that area I will probably go to one food store, get what's on sale, and have lunch at home.

    Birdie - you have my sincered sympathies. I'll be thinking of you all the time. What a horrible thing to be going thru!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

    who can't help but wonder why when she "completes this entry" and it tells her what she will weigh in xxx days, she never seems to!
  • mrsanderson404
    I was reading a story this afternoon about an inspirational author that had researched and written several books on successful people.....he was asked which of the MANY successful strategies did he find the most valuable...

    "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago. He said, "Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not."

    He went on to say, "There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work."

    This made me think about dieting...there are literally hundreds of plans and programs you could participate in...and they will all work....as long as the self discipline is there.....I'm going to try and remember that the next time I am tempted.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Mrs. Anderson,

    A good quote you gave about self discipline. Mine seems to be in short supply these days, so the doggies and I are all suffering the effects of too much snoozing, eating and not enough walking. If the weatherman will cooperate, I hope to change that situation soon.

    Marilyn, and anyone else interested in the dates previously mentioned....

    I googled the date of the Haitian quake and Wikipedia and other sources state it happened on Jan 12th, rather than the 11th, but the date is based upon the local time at that location. Although the Japanese earthquake occurred in the afternoon on March 11, their time, it was actually still evening on the 10th in the Pacific, Mountain, and Central time zones of the US, and within an hour after the start of the new day for those on East coast time.

    Regardless of the date, I certainly feel for those people dealing with the aftermath. If anyone says 'third times a charm," it sure doesn't seem that way for Japan--earthquake, tsunami, and then the nuclear threat. I will breath a lot easier for that region if they are able to get the cooling issues under control.

    Birdie, Glad to hear from you, but sorry you are dealing with illness in your family.

    Regarding, the question about my sleep issues. Yes, I do have them. Last night I managed to crash by midnight, which is a considerable improvement over what has been happening. I did wake up at 3a, thanks to Mai Li having a spirited "discussion" about the location of another canine family member. I managed to get back to sleep after refereeing the disturbance.

    I recalled the news story about the Tibetian Mastiff that some guy in China purchased for $1.5 million, and wondered if I let Mai Li grow her hair out a bit...maybe I could convince someone that is what she is and arrange a sale!! :noway: :noway: :noway: LOL. Not likely, she is such a willful little girl that I would probably have to pay someone to take her!!!!:laugh: :laugh: I could never give up my "pesky girl." She is one of a kind. (At 3 a.m., THAT is probably a GOOD thing!!)

    Joy, belatedly, Happy Birthday!!

    Amanda, good luck with your paper shuffling.

    I had chicken breast along with asparagus and some cooked celery for dinner, and discovered cold milled flax seed is an excellent condiment over veggies. My dessert was a banana with a little almond butter on it, and another sprinkle of flax seed. I hope this will hold me until breakfast.

    I am going to call it a night soon, so BFN

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Got a question for any cat owner: our daughter brought her cat here back in December. She never got it neutered and it sprayed. Of course, our cats have tried putting their scent there. So, what has happened in essence, is that the comforter, sheets, and mattress cover in that bedroom get peed upon. Honestly, the smell of cat urine makes my stomach turn. I've tried washing and washing, we got this stuff from Petsmart that's orange-smelling and is supposed to take out the smell. Only the cats went back and used it again. We got other stuff, so now I'm using this and I'm putting the sheets, mattress pad, comforter, even bedspread out in the sunshine. We had one cat who peed in the corner. I think this was because he was sick at the time and probably couldn't make it to the litter box. So my question is: does anyone know of a product that they've used and know that this product gets rid of cat urine smell and the desire to go back to that spot? Oh, I have a plastic covering on the mattress so I know that the urine never got into the mattress. I've washed that plastic covering.


    I've had cats (and dogs) ALL my life, but only recently discovered a product that actually does the job. OdoBan. I used it on my Mom's clothes while she was in the nursing home. It was the only thing that would completely remove the smell when she had accidents. As for the carpet, the problems is most likely the pad below the carpet. I'd say pull back the carpet and look at the back to see just how large the spot is. REPLACE the pad underneath and use a carpet extractor and OdoBan to spot clean the stain. Here's a link to the product: http://www.odobanpet.com/testimonials.php

    Hubby and I started taking RAW whole food vitamins today. I'm expecting noticeable results over the otc multi-vitamin we were taking.

    I'm pleased to say Sophie is barely coughing at all now. Looks like THIS vet knew what she was talking about :happy: Going to be a busy day at our house. Getting the car ready for a weekend road trip, giving the cat her yearly bath before we board her and packing. I hope to squeeze in some time working in the flowerbeds.

    Happy Friday y'all :flowerforyou: