

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Dee - the new kittey we have right now is named Clyde. The one we preadopted (she will probably be able to come here in about 10 days) is going to be named Bonnie. The Humane Society gave Clyde the name of Reeses Peanut. Since Vince retired from Mars and Reeses is a Hershey product, it just wouldn't do for us to have a cat named Reeses. The other cat they named butter cup. That name's OK, but we decided on Bonnie and Clyde. One of our other cats, Lexi, was SEVERLY abused and to this day (we've had her for about 3 years now), she's still skittish. She may never get over it. But then again, when we first got her there was no way she'd come near me. Now if I'm lying on the bed or if she's in a chair, she'll let me pet her. As long as she's on the same level as me. That only took 3 years, but she's coming round.

    Susan - a lot of people do the calorie cycle thing, one day high one day low, and it works for them. I couldn't give up my exercising, I swear I'm almost addicted to it. Then again, it's a good kind of addiction. You know something, for the last few days I've been exercising, just not real hard. Yesterday I did yoga and today I just did balance games on the Wii. Yet, the Wii says that I lost a pound!

    sveltewisher - thanks for the great recipe. I printed it out and will probably be trying it soon

    Amanda - you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Those grandbabies of yours will help you heal faster, that's for sure

    Lynn - I, too, wish DST lasted year round. I just hate it when we have to turn the clocks back. Cats don't eat choccolate, they really shouldn't but they also don't like sweets (wish I was the same way!)

    We took Clyde to the vet for the initial visit (it was free). We talked about getting him declawed. Seems that the vet went to a conference and if his practice takes part in the clinical trial for a pain med for declawing cats and if we wait until the trial starts, the declawing of Bonnie and Clyde will be free. Plus, since it's a clinical trial, they'll be monitored very closely, like 14 times/day. We will most likely do that.

    Vince had to get some things out of the back bedroom, so he closed the door to the basement and to his office (lots of wires in there and places a cat can hide), and Clyde had the run of the house. He was curious. Lexi just treats him as "yawn...been there done that". She hissed at Loki when we first got him. Right now Loki hisses at Clyde, but I do think that he will come around.

    Did an hour of a weight Jari Love DVD today (I really like her) and then took an hour of a PowerCore class. You know, I was thinking to myself "a class like Body Pump would probably go over here", but I didn't have anyone to discuss it with. Now this new CEO (who I think is making good changes) brought it in. On the bad side -- there must have been about 20 people in the class. I really don't like a class that big. Plus, it's at 10 in the morning, wish it were earlier. Unfortunately, I probably won't be going to the class all that much, but it's good to know that they FINALLY have something like it.

    Tomorrow is our monthly board meeting at the Y. That translates into I have to get up at 5 in order to have time to get dressed, have breakfast, and be there by 7. Afterwards, I'll take a spinning class.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    wow...where is everyone?:noway:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Lynn, the eggplant.recipe wasn't mine.

    I found some Leslie Sansone workouts on the free zone on demand on my cable, so I did one today. Nice switch.

    My kitty came home from the vet today. He seems to be pretty well recovered from surgery, but we are making him stay in the house tonight. He considers us to be his torturers for that.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Mary-so sorry.:flowerforyou: ..sometimes my memories are skewed.:noway:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    A quick hello. Today was a Veeerry long work day so no exercise but within calorie range. Yesterday spent the day cleaning our rental. We have about two more weekends of work. Good for burning calories, anyway. And we already have a tenant.

    Wish me luck tomorrow, special day and dinner out at a fancy, schmancy restaurant. (Yes - it's my birthday) I will probably have very lo cal stuff during the day so I don't go over with dinner. Lighter work day allows for more exercise, too.

    Catch up later this week.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: a quick hello and good night :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    I didn't sleep much last night but I read my book during my awake times so it wasn't a total loss :bigsmile: I'll be in bed early.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, even if you can't post your food during your hospital stay you'll do well because after all the good practice you will naturally make healthy choices and since you're having heart surgery the hospital will offer you a more heart healthy menu which means low fat and low sodium and probably some other good qualities :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and before you know it, you'll be playing with the grandtwins again.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Dee - the new kittey we have right now is named Clyde. The one we preadopted (she will probably be able to come here in about 10 days) is going to be named Bonnie. The Humane Society gave Clyde the name of Reeses Peanut. Since Vince retired from Mars and Reeses is a Hershey product, it just wouldn't do for us to have a cat named Reeses. The other cat they named butter cup. That name's OK, but we decided on Bonnie and Clyde. One of our other cats, Lexi, was SEVERLY abused and to this day (we've had her for about 3 years now), she's still skittish. She may never get over it. But then again, when we first got her there was no way she'd come near me. Now if I'm lying on the bed or if she's in a chair, she'll let me pet her. As long as she's on the same level as me. That only took 3 years, but she's coming round.

    We took Clyde to the vet for the initial visit (it was free). We talked about getting him declawed. Seems that the vet went to a conference and if his practice takes part in the clinical trial for a pain med for declawing cats and if we wait until the trial starts, the declawing of Bonnie and Clyde will be free. Plus, since it's a clinical trial, they'll be monitored very closely, like 14 times/day. We will most likely do that.


    Michele please don't have your cats declawed, - it's the equivalent of us having our finger ends chopped off. I thought it meant just taking the cats claws out, but my daughter tells me that it is much more than that. It can also make them bite more because they don't have their claws. It is actually banned in the UK because it is considered cruelty. Is there any special reason for thinking about it? Please do some research yourself before you make the final decision.

    Have to go doggies are already at the door waiting for me.

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: \Michelle

    I have to agree with Viv. It is being banned by more and more veternarians everyday due to it being considered inhumane and cruel. Cats use their claws for scenting and protection, not to mention they need to be able to scratch an itich if necessary. But this is especially a bad idea if the cats are indoor/outdoor cats. They will be unable to protect themselves.

    If you insist on declawing them only do their front paws if absolutely necessary. This allows them to be able to scratch themselves if necessary. Declawing cats is right up there with cropping dogs ears and tails. It is extremely painful for them and unnatural. My vet absolutely refuses to do any of those procedures due to animal cruelty. Like Viv said reseach it a little more before making your decision.
    I don't want to be ranting to you, but just consider doing a little research on it.

    Oh I spoke with a Los Angeles County Social Worker today about whether they had any programs that helped or had volunteers that could help with bathing or respite care to relieve me and let me rest for a few hours. She was referred to me as one that would have the most options. When I explained to her that my mother mae too much money to be allowed on Medi-cal and could only be on Medicare which doesnt allow any help for me in taking care of my mom. She confirmed it and said "unfortunately you are stuck in the middle financially....she makes too much to be on Medi-cal, and too little to be able to hire help. Her advice go to a senior center and sign up for a repite care offered for 6 weeks, 1 day a week and when the program ends and if she hasn't improved enough consider putting her in a home and let Medi-cal take all of her money. At least she will get everything she needs and I won't have to take care of her anymore and Medi-cal will get all of her money and leave her with about $37 for the whole month to use. She said "that's really all that you can do" This sucks! It is totally unacceptable!!! What is wrong with the system????My mother worked her but off to get what little she has now and they just want her to fall between the cracks. Something is seriously wrong with our system!:angry:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am posting from my phone to add my voice to the chorus of those saying to Michelle... "Please Do NOT declaw your kitties!"

    Before the piggies joined me & before I was married to "Mr. Allergy"--now my ex, I was cat person. I successfully trained an adult cat to claw only on her scratching post, so it can be done. I will give details if anyone wants to klnow.


  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOY!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Chiclet-the system "stinks" in many ways when it comes to our senior citizens. I hope that you can come to a solution that will bring you both care and peace. :flowerforyou: I wish I knew enough to help you. :flowerforyou:
    Yours is a situation where I feel helpless with you.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,
    Joy Happy Birthday to you. Today is also my brother's birthday. have a great day.. I will not comment on cats or delclawing because I no nothing of those things. Lynn the eggplant recipe was mine just in case you need it again. It is very good.
    I had a tiny mishap last night. for some reason I ate one chocolate bliss and that lead to 2 more. that is really not that bad still under on caloreis but jsut made me want more. it is okay cause this morning I have no cravings. I am really having hard time with these allergies. If I take my zyrtec then all I want to do is sleep and if I do not take it I am sneezy, itchty and watery. there is something in the air and it needs to go away. dont really feel like doing much exercise either. I know it will pass but aggravating. slowing down my weight loss. I hope you all have a great day. will try to post later.
    vicki M
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Exermom, glad your new diet is betting broken in, or breaking you in, whichever. Your cats sound so cute. It's wonderful that you give the poor homeless babies a nice home. Special place in heaven for people like you. I can never have them because my husband and son are so allergic. But we have wonderful dogs.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    Last night's Scottish dance class was a real workout, only one short break and did they really teach 6 dances? I was sweating and stinkin' :sick: at the end. . . but I felt great today :happy: until the news went on. :sad: Those poor Japanese :brokenheart: .

    No time for the looong individual post, but in briefest:

    Happy Birthday Joy!:flowerforyou:

    Viv, Chiclet, Barb thank you for speaking up, it was my first reaction but I hesitated... :embarassed: cowardly me

    Michelle how many cats will that make that you are rescuing now. 4? Maxymom is right on, there is a special place in heaven for you and your DH.:love:

    Robin, are you getting enough sleep? Maybe all the new job stress (so different from the unemployed stress :ohwell: ) is contributing. Keep on shakin it up.:drinker:

    Amanda what are you coping strategies for the pre-op nerves?:heart: I'd be bouncing off the ceiling.:explode:

    Mary, glad you got back into the swim :flowerforyou: before your Mom was hospitalized. :cry: It will help you keep up your strength.

    Jeannie, sending calm strong thoughts your way.:heart:

    Lynn thanks for all the chuckles, the step-counter-to-bed makes me howl :laugh: everytime I remember it.

    Barbie, Couldn't help myself, Rodale got me to order Slim Calm Sexy :laugh: Yoga. It arrived yesterday, I'll let you know...

    Hugs to all,
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Chicelet, I'm so sorry that the support systems in our country are so hard to manipulate, and manipulate is what you have to do. The are so many different ways to try to get aid. If one doesn't get you there, try another avenue. Can you find a private charitable advocate for you and your Mom? And have you had her checked for Alsheimer's yet ? If it's that, biploar meds won' t help but hurt. Another thing, if you/she have too many assets, spend them down, or move them so they fall in a different category. It souds counter-intuitive, but can make good sense when dealing with the government. Good luck! And I would say, take that apartment. The $90 more will be more than made up for in other area. If something happens to your Mom, you can cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, let yourself enjoy your good fortune. and it's only 2 yrs till you are 55.:flowerforyou:

    :happy: :happy: :happy: Ladies, it's worth missing exercise to get you hair done, and taking time to get a pedicure, too. Those things make you feel good and positive, and that helps everything along. Before or after an operation, too. A good state of mind is crucial to physical health, and reminds us, as that commercial says, " I'm worth it! ".:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, beautiful day today, cleaned off the deck somewhat, just a path for buttons to go the back yard. Had a good walk downtown today felt good to get some fresh air.

    Exercises are getting a tiny bit better, at least today I was able to finish the two sets of ten without a fail. Hope it will continue and I can get back to my gym, I miss it! Back to work in two weeks for a fuller time schedule on both jobs, oh woe is me, it has been so nice. But yes I will be glad to see a full paycheque again.

    Hope all is well and well is all, I will be catching you tomorrow after work and exercises.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I have been on the run all day. Spent tee morning at the vet with my jogging partner, Sophie and our calico, Violet. Originally the appointment was only supposed to be for Violet - her annual exam and vaccinations. But yesterday Sophie started hacking again and since we are boarding them for a long weekend soon I needed to be sure she as board-able... is that even a word? :ohwell: Well long story short, I learned she was not sick or contagious but had an trachitis from all the pills she had been taking. This was a different vet and she says she seriously doubts she EVER had kennel cough in January since she had been immunized. The old vet never told me how a dog's trach works or the importance of immediately chasing all medications with food to prevent irritation and to discontinue using a collar for walks/runs immediately and switch to a harness. So the poor gal has to endure a week's worth of cough suppressant and another round of antibiotics. Then I had to drive an hour to the next big town to PetSmart because our dusty little one horse town only has a Walmart and they had no harnesses her size.. I also got her some soft food to chase the pills with.

    Hubby worked late so I took the opportunity to get lost in the undergarment section of my favorite outlet store. Everything was sold separately and time got away from me as I searched for matching sets. an hour later I left with more choices than I've had in years and years. Now to chunk the old ones! :tongue:

    Since I was dining alone, I pan seared tilapia and made myself a spinach salad. I think I hear hubby now....
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :smile: Amanda, God bless and protect you during your surgery, and your family, too. :flowerforyou:

    :happy: And, there are so many wonderful ladies out there and I can't think of all your names once I've passed them, but good night all, and have a wonderful, regenerating sleep.:yawn:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick post to say that I hope you all have a great Wednesday tomorrow!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: it rained most of the day but that didn't keep the poodles and me in the house:bigsmile: we spent over an hour at the dog park along with many other intrepid dogs and their owners.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've been on the run most of the day, but I wanted to take a moment to check in :bigsmile:

    :cry: :cry: no offers on our house yet so we will continue with our plan which is trust God, clean house, and stay busy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: