
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Mary, I just said a prayer for your mom's recovery. Take care of yourself.

    Managed to read to this point, but no time for a longer post.

  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    my goal is to see the scale continue dropping, I don't want big losses, around 1 pound per week would be great.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Michelle, I posted the Irish Shortbread in the Recipes section under the topic IRISH DESSERTS. Under that I also posted the Irish Jig Dessert which was a big hit. It's so easy and yummy and has just a wee bit of whiskey in it!

    Except for not formally exericising, I had a really good day. I kept my eating under control which is a big thing because we always have way more desserts than we need at the Young At Heart luncheons. I absolutely love running this ministry for our senior citizens. :heart: They are so thankful, but just don't understand that we, the team, feel like we're the ones benefitting the most. The Irish theme was enjoyed by all. Our next luncheon will be in June and we'll celebrate Flag Day and have all-American cuisine.

    I still haven't read today's posts, so I'm going to do that now. Hope everyone had a great day!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    FAYE, congratulations!!:drinker:

    MARY, :heart: :heart: {{{{{{{{PRAYERS, AND HOPES }}}}}}}}}:heart::heart:

    Well another day comes to an end, we are getting pounded by another storm, oh well , a little light shoveling tomorrow maybe.
    Hope all is well here and better tomorrow, keep strong and believe in yourselves, be true to yourselves! We will win our goals!

    Good night sweet dreams to all...

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Ldspill – I couldn't help but smile when I read your last post.:happy: I can “feel” the enthusiam you have. I get on a roll myself every now and then and hope everyone realizes I'm at least half way talking to myself. Getting healthy can really get the endorphins going. I am getting back in that mode myself. I had a good day at the gym and got my heart rate up and feel just great myself today. It's such a relief to find out that being over 60 (that's me NOT you) can feel darn good most days. :bigsmile:

    Mary – My prayers as well. Are you enjoying the iPad?

    Vicki – Glad you weathered the storms out your way. Looks like we are going to get some tonight. I have the door to the screened in porch open and the wind is whistling through here. I may have to shut the doors soon but I do enjoy giving the place a good airing out.

    Smwert – Glad to hear the cough is finally getting better. Once I get a bad cough the only thing that will knock it out is prescription codeine cough syrup. That stuff works! One time I had it so bad I cracked a couple ribs coughing. It is the pits being in a weight loss rut. I am at a standstill too pretty much since Dec but am way better off than I was and not as healthy as I will be if I keep at it.

    Grandee47 – Good for you on throwing the candy away. :drinker: My major food problems are savory not sweet but one sweet thing I just can't have in the house are dark peanut butter cups. If I can ever get to where I can have them around and ignore them, I will know I have my food issues resolved! :noway:

    Michelle and Ldspill – I am glad to know I am not the only one making two dinners most nights. It would really make my dh miserable if I tried to get him to eat like I do and it would bore me to death to eat the way he wants to! :noway: We used to try to find some middle ground but we are both happier now that I don't so much. What the heck, we are retired and I have the time and like to cook. Tonight is the exception – we are both having brown rice and baked salmon. However he has his usual boring green beans and I am having grilled zuchinni with grated parmesan cheese – yummy! He is not a big fan of salmon but will eat it occasionally.

    Suzzieque – Wow! Glad you dodged the fire. That had to have been a scary experience! Too bad about the cleaning bill.

    Bkrbabe 47 – Love the dress! Perfect for spring.

    Slinxy – Oh oh, waving hand in the air. I love to garden as well. :happy: I make my own "soil" from compost as our ground soil is just poor Florida sand. My pansies and violas are going strong. Snapdragons will be blooming soon. I just pulled up my spent arugula and will plant some more lettuce in it's place. I have onions, lettuce and kohlrabi ready to eat now and just got my eggplant and tomatoes ready to go in the ground. I'm also planting green beans, cucumbers and zuchini this week. It is all 6 in raised beds - the veggies that is.

    Amanda – Hoping the knee get better soon! Hey, with your determination you will do fine after surgery. You are always so upbeat here and encouraging – if you need a lift after surgery let us know. We can put Lynn to work finding jokes for you to keep your spirits up until you can exercise again. :wink:

    Hopeful53 - So sorry about your Mum but good news on resisting the cake. The only thing worse than having elderly parents it seems, is not having them. I sure miss mine.

    Jeannie – Good job on the two pounds!! :happy:

    Lynn – Thanks for asking and YES it's so good to have my gym back! Did 30 minutes on the elliptical today and soon will be back at the same levels I was when the gym closed the end of the year. I feel better already.

    Still no update on my weight loss, if any. The gym didn't put the scale back as they were unsure it was accurate. They say another will be installed shortly. I may just give in and buy a good one myself.

    Sorry about the book. I do so enjoy this community.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Faye - Welcome Raiden!!! Are you SURE your hubby doesn't have a long-long twin in NC? Where again in FL are you?

    Just did an hour of yoga today, then we had our Newcomers meeting and went to the Humane Society. One cat that we were interested in got adopted. I knew that as soon as its ear mites were cleared up, it would get adopted, it was such a beautiful cat. However, we saw another one that had surgery today (fixed) so was in the iso. room along with another cat that came in with him. Now we just want to be sure that the cat gets along with other cats. From what we were told that the Humane Society was told was that they were wild and these people took them in (exactly what that means, I don't know -- took them into their house, fed them?) hoping to find a home for them, but when they couldn't, they brought the cats to the Humane Society. The one cat had ear mites and a polyp in its ear (which they removed) so until that's healed, it can't be with the other cats. So we will probably go there tomorrow to see how the one cat gets along with other cats. Tomorrow I'll do a DVD with weights because I'm going to go to the church in Hickory where they have this crocheting class. I really want to learn how to crochet in the round. I sort-of get it, but I always get messed up when I get to the end of the round.

    I input a recipe for black bean turkey chili using chicken breast ground meat. I am shocked at how much sodium it has in it! I wonder if what was in the database are beans that have been canned, that would account for the high sodium. The beans I had are the ones that you need to soak. Actually, I probably should have soaked them for longer than 6 hours.

    Mary - prayers for you and your whole family.

    Glad to have ya maxymom

    grandee - that irish jig dessert - can it be made without the whiskey? What can I substitute for it? See, there is one Newcomer who I THINK is a recovering alcoholic. Things he's said lead me to think this. Also, the fact that I've never ever seen him with a drink but rather a cup of coffee. Thanks for posting the recipes. Aren't seniors such wonderful people? I remember when I taught classes, the classes that I enjoyed the most were teaching the seniors. They were always so caring, I loved them. So many of them had such great stories to tell!

    Have a great night everyone!

    My stomach is feeling a bit bloated because I had that bean chili, so I'm having a cup of ginger tea right now.

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Michelle, I imagine there's some other flavoring or extract you could use. I was even thinking how you could replace the coconut macaroons with crushed oreos and usie creme de menthe or mint extract in place of the whiskey. I think there's a lot of different things you could do with it. I know that I can only make it when it will all be used up at once because it's one of those things I won't stay away from.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Faye thanks for the explanation. Just curious. My daughter in laws moms family is like that. divorced but very friendly. really nice.
    ldspill you make me feel like getting up and jumping on the treadmill. I did good on food again. Even got some exercise. went outside after rain and started cleaning up yard. have an old truck in back yard that my godchilds husband would like to have, so needed to clean it out. Also had lots of christmas boxes in exercise room that needed to be moved to barn. spent about hour or so cleaning and hauling and moving stuff. forgot to wear hrm but figured I burned something. I vow to you ladies that when I wake in morn I will get on treadmill. if not I will have to tell you about it. hold me accountable. hope you have a good rest of evening.
    vicki m
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    this was my big exercise day......I've gotten into the routine of getting on the exercise bike in the morning (I can drink my breakfast shake while riding) and riding for 30 minutes.....this morning I watched Dr. Oz talk about the HCG diet.......then my Wednesday intermediate line dance class for two hours.......then the exercise bike at lunch time......finally after three weeks, the weather was good enough for my friend to come over from Seattle to walk with me (she said it rained the whole way over until about 20 miles before our walking place where it was sunny......after I got home from our hour and 40 minute walk, I had a snack and took the dogs to the dog park where they played and I walked for 45 minutes.....I'll get on the exercise bike again before bedtime.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mom is still very sick, but marginally better, and everyone thinks she is on the upswing. My daughter said that Mom had her sense of humor back and was making sense most of the day, so I am thinking that she will recover. Thanks for the prayers and keep them up!

    Am I enjoying the Ipad? Not so much, I am on the phone with so many relatives about Mom so much, I haven't had time to turn it on in 3 days. Something has got to change around here! I need time to play! :laugh:

    Got to get some things done before bed, but wanted to update you. Have a good Thursday tomorrow!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Everyone,:smile:

    Mary, I will remember your family in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Shirley - My DIL had a broken tailbone. It will take a while to recover. Does she have a donut pillow? That will help. I am glad you liked my joke.:wink:

    Faye- That baby is a cutie. :love: Those blanket must be standard hospital issue. My first grandson had that same blanket and he is 14 now. The other three that followed did too. That picture brings back memories.:smile:

    Maxy-welcome and good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Frogmama-You have done really well!:flowerforyou:

    LDspill-Yep! I am warped but it's fun! :wink: Dancing around in your underwear..:laugh: .if you have my luck, someone will walk in on you.

    Marjorie-Welcome and good luck on here!:flowerforyou:

    Grandee-all these desserts sound good.:tongue:

    Marilyn -hope you sleep well tonight. Shoveling snow again?? :noway: Let us know how much?

    Jeanie-congrats on the 2 pounds!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile:

    Vicki--Hope you enjoy the treadmill in the morning.:smile:

    Barbie- I am amazed at all the excercise. :noway: I am looking forward to doing half that much.:happy: :tongue:

    Michelle-Ginger tea for bloated stomach...I would like to know if it works.:drinker:

    Robin, Kacki, Mimi, Laura, Debi, where are all of you guys?

    I have did so well on my calories. I am going on a juice, smoothie fast next week. So any of you who read my diary don't panic. I honestly don't know how the calories will do. I haven't done a juice fast since I have been on MFP. I have been at a standstill for a while so I am going to "shake up things" with my system. I am commiting to it so that I will follow through. So I am be more warped and crazy when I start this.:laugh:

    I have a big weekend coming up or I would havd started it this week. I have done 30 day liquid fasts before but it has been about 2 years since I did one. Wish me luck!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Hi Everyone,
    I started this program to get rid of my belly fat. And, I gotta tell you, I'm having a very hard time eating as much food and as often as is recommended. I look at my chart and it still says, "not enough calories", you are in the starvation mode. But, I'm just plain uncomfortable. And adding to that, after drinking all the water I look and feel like a FROG! Please, I need some additional encouragement.
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Glad to be here, Michele. Today I entered my data and set my goals. First day to enter everything that passes my lips.. Didn't do very well, was 155 calories over, and it didn't seem like I ate that much. I'll have to rethink what I eat. Those condiments add up, don't they!
    All you ladies are a real supportive group. I have never participated in online discussion before. At this board, evrybody seems pleasant and helpful.
    Sounds like you have adopted a passel of cats from the SPCA. It's dogs for us, one from the SPCA and two from the Walmart parking lot.. Well, hope to talk to you again. I've got to turn in. Thanks for noticing a newbie.:smile:
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Hello My cohorts in crime....I just couldn't stay away. Love reading about how everyone is doing. I know, I know I was just in here this afternoon but the last time I stayed away, I had to read three pages. That's a lot to absorb.

    I finished on a very high note today. I was under my calorie goal by a long shot . I had 711 calories remaining. I really am feeling pretty good about this. I have a smoothie in the morning, a fairly big lunch and I just started having a protein shake for dinner. I' ve only done the shake this week and I lost that really bloated feeling. We eat kinda late at night because of business and I just can't be doing that. I'm not a spring chicken any more.

    Faye....So glad I could make you smile, that was my intent. I just want to motivate, inspire or make someone feel like "it can be done". When I get pumped, look out. I've lost 4 pounds in 9 days, feels good. Sounds like your hubby as well as mine have no idea what really good food is. I could eat salmon every day if I had to.

    Barbie....Sounds like you exercised all day, you are my hero. No wonder you've been so successful.

    Lynn....I have had someone walk in on me. My husband couldn't get a hold of me because I had the music so loud. He sent my daughters by to check on me. They just rolled laughing. Yep, I'm a little crazy but, if everyone around me is an indication of normal???? I'd rather be crazy.

    Sceck....Belly fat is tough. As we get older our estrogen levels start to diminish and without them our system becomes more like a man's...hence the "Beer Gut". You start to eat less to get rid of it and all you've done is send you body into starvation mode which means the body starts to store fat and you've just added to the problem. I suggest the "Flat Belly Diet". this book is full of great information, receipes and some exercises. It has a journal section that asks questions and gives you shopping list. It really has helped me. No, this is not a commercial, I don't get any royalties. It's just a good book.

    Tomorrow is going to be hectic business-wise so I don't know if I'll get the chance to chat. Just know that I'll miss you all and I hope your thursday is filled with love and laughter.

    Have a truly great day.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Just a qick in and out for me this morning. Hang on in there Robin :heart:

    Today I am supposed to go running at lunchtime - now the thing is my "mrs motivator" is not at work today. Will I have the motivation to get my ***!! in gear and run on my own? Time will tell ladies - I'm posting this hoping it will make me accountable and give me the incentive to get myself out there.

    It's a freezing start to the day, but hopefully the sun will get out later - no excuses not to run!

    Welcome Slinxy - where abouts in the UK are you? I'm up in York and so far we've not had much sign of spring here! Not started my spring cleaning yet still too cold.

    Must dash I'm late for work.

    Viv xx

    Hi everyone - Pleased to report that I did go running on Tuesday lunchtime - quite enjoyed it - but was even happier when I'd finished and was rewarded with a nice warm shower. Felt good that I had achieved it rather than the run itself.:smile:

    I'm going to catch up with the posts and I'l check back with you all later.

    Viv xx
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi again, just finished reading all the posts. We are back to our chatty selves and lots of new people too - we are one big happy family.

    :flowerforyou: Faye welcome to baby Raiden - can' wait for you to post more pictures of him.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn loved the joke I read it out to hubby and he rolled his eyes :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb loved your joke too. I should also have a sign saying Dogs are like potato chips etc as once we got our first dog, (a rescue dog) we were soon offered Tara as she needed a good home, she was too boisterous for her previous owner so we got her at 5 months old, must admit she was a little terror. She would go charging over to other dogs forget to stop and bowl them over. I think it was because when she played with Milo, he would wait until she was almost upon him, then turn his back on her so she collided with his rump! He was a bit smaller than her but stocky so it didn't matter too much, but other dogs didn't realise they had to turn their backs on her, so most of the smaller dogs got bowled over. Very embarrassing I can tell you, trying to explain she was only playing. Thank goodness we managed to get her out of that habbit (eventually) :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda thinking of you and sending best wishes your way.

    :flowerforyou: Mary hope your mum continues to improve.

    :flowerforyou: Lynda I like that you are a little crazy, I'm a little crazy too.

    My DD is going to buy me an MP3 player for my birthday, so I've been busy downloading my favourite music to the PC so that I can listen to it when I go for a run. This will give me another incentive to keep it up. I didn't run yesterday, but I had a day off work and cleaned out the back room so I was up and downstairs all morning and counted that as my exercise for the day, that and a long dog walk in the afternoon.

    Looks like the sun is trying to peep out of the clouds. I really should get my gear out today and go for a run at luchtime. I've been trying to do Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays when I'm at work. It's not so easy when I am at home.

    Anyway time is marching on, I have a lot to do today so better get a move on. While I'm on the PC I'm not moving or losing :bigsmile: so better say BFN and I'll check in again soon to let you all know if I went running or not! (now I'm going to have to run)

    Happy Thursday everyone

    Viv x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Lynn, I am here, I am just taking a break this week and not really focusing on exersize or any of it. I just want to see where I fall when I am not pushing.

    I have done well on the eating and I am enjoying not exersizing every day. I feel weird about it but I just really wanted a break.

    Its not that I don' t still walk alot. We park where my DH works and I walk half amile to where I work and then I walk back to him at the end of the day. I also walk around the plant a lot looking at the airplanes. this is a very big place so I walk alot. I wore a pedometer a couple of days and on a day I don't go anywhere I logged about 4000 steps and on the day I walked allover the planes I logged 12000 steps. So although I sit at a desk I do get some walking in.

    I hope you ladies are all doing well. I am here in the background. I will come forward again when I have my mojo back and my head in a happier place.
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Sceck....Belly fat is tough. As we get older our estrogen levels start to diminish and without them our system becomes more like a man's...hence the "Beer Gut". You start to eat less to get rid of it and all you've done is send you body into starvation mode which means the body starts to store fat and you've just added to the problem. I suggest the "Flat Belly Diet". this book is full of great information, receipes and some exercises. It has a journal section that asks questions and gives you shopping list. It really has helped me. No, this is not a commercial, I don't get any royalties. It's just a good book.

    Have a truly great day.

    Thanks Lynda, will look that book up. Someone gave me a copy of "The Abs Diet", but that seems to be geared towards men. Lots of good info though. Perhaps the "Flat Belly Diet" will do the trick. Thanks for taking your time to respond!!
  • debieanne
    debieanne Posts: 85
    good morning everyone a little after nine here hope the day is filled with many blessings i am heading to do landry and than go walking
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hello. everyone!

    With my new schedule I am having a hard time finding time to post or even keep up with the thread but I am trying!

    Welcome to all the newbies.

    Faye--He's beautiful! Spoiling is what grandparents are for!

    FYI--Fat Tuesday came about because of the need to use up fat, eggs, dairy and sugar before the ritual fasting of Lent.

    Prayers for all of you, esp. Mary, Amanda and Robin and all who are struggling.

    I am doing better and as the weather warms up things will look brighter, too. I love Spring!

    Lots to do today so need to get moving. Have a wonderful day, all!
This discussion has been closed.