3500 calories equals 1 pound



  • emmascott
    emmascott Posts: 249
    I know you are probably going to continue with this plan anyway, but aside the damage you may cause yourself, I thought I'd take a different approach. The weight will come back on so quickly if you do this and then younwill be gutted that you wasted all that time and effort. I've hated that in the past I've done fad diets - which are essentially from not eating enough. Doing these silly diets have made me put on 5 stone! I've lost 16lb since the new year with the littlest effort I've ever put into a diet. Doing it sensibly enabled me to have such a good weekend this week; I've eaten out twice - with cake and had a mcdonalds quarter pounder meal and drank wine. It hasn't caused me to put weight on because it is coming off gradually. You will be kicking yourself in two weeks when it piles on again. Please don't do it.

    ps, I don't think anyone is being rude, they can just see the bigger picture. It's nice to have people care enough to try and talk you out of this.

    I hope you make the right choice.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I really do not think we are being rude. I have no doubte that you will lose weight.....but you will lose mainly muscles!!! in the long term you will be even fatter!!!! You are a grown woman and you can pretty much do what ever you want but this really look like an eating desorder and really I can't support you in that. I won't sit back and encourage you to do something that is going to make you LESS healthy.
  • lrhopkina
    lrhopkina Posts: 10
    Don't forget about your Basal Metabolic Rate - the amount your body burns just to function. If you burn too many calories too quickly, your body will go into starvation mode, and as soon as you stop after a week of crazy workouts, you will gain it all back. NOT A GOOD IDEA!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Please be careful with this. It does not seem like a good idea love. Make sure you are watching how you feel and pay attention to your body. I also think that if you do this regimen and then go to eat normally you will gain the weight back super fast. I am not an expert so maybe it will be okay if after you stop this you do normal healthy eating. Did you come up with this on your own or did you hear about it from somewhere. I would suggest researching it before you continue. I am concerned about it affecting your organ function and burning you out to the point that you get sick. If your body is run down you are more likely to get sick and it is flu season. Take care and lemme know how it works! God bless!
  • mmellor
    mmellor Posts: 146
    I dont think anyone is intentionally rude. I think they are just trying to be very clear that you are potentially setting yourself up for some major failure. If the weight didnt accumulate in 13 days, it surely wont come off in 13 days. Why not do this the healthy way and ensure the weight STAYS off this time? Youre supposed to gain weight when youre growing a human being :laugh: Be proud of what your body accomplished and treat it nicely so you can stick around for a long time to watch your kids grow up!

    You really need to rethink this strategy before you do permanent damage to your metabolism, organs, or self esteem. If this type of weight loss strategy was effective and a long term fix, dont you think more people would promote the concept and/or try it themselves? Its just not smart.

    Agree....unfortunately you may not notice the damage to your kidneys and liver until later in life. Sux but its true. Its your body so you obviously do what you want with it, I would suggest not putting these statements of QUICK weight loss on this site because there are some very young women who are on here and they may take these suggestions and use them. You are lovely the way you are and slow and steady ALWAYS wins the race. Good luck to you!!! :happy:

    I agree, I don't read rudeness I read caring...many of us on this site have struggled with weight and have our own experiences to speak of, so please don't take their advice as a direct hit to your idea but just people that care about your success! Please rethink your strategy and Good luck!
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Right now I burn about 1000 with cardio boxing and 1000 with the treadmill, the other 1500 comes from cleaning and being a mommy to a 8.5 month old who's into everything. Thanks for reading, I know this post is all over the place, sorry!

    I think your math may be off, you don't mention how long your work outs are but I find burns like that near impossible to achieve. I have been burning 300 cals in 30 minutes of high intensity and am spent by the end of it. To get 3500 a day I would have to exercise at that intensity about 6 hours thats impossible.

    I also think your cleaning and what not would count as normal activity not exercise.
  • tslocum2001
    I can understand your desire to lose it and lose it fast. I would love to see the scale say my goal of 122 in 2 months, but at the same time, I want to have the shape I want and a schedule I can stick with long term. I think that you have to be so careful about burning out because you do have a little one who takes tons of energy; but at the same time, exercise is great; but everything in moderation or you could be toying with anorexia.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Wow, this does sound insane.

    I hope these responses have helped you rethink what you're doing... Everyone on here wants you to succeed at losing weight, but not like this.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    (I'm guessing OP is not still reading the thread, but here goes)

    No one here is being rude. They are just telling you what you don't want to hear. Think about it. How many responses...and not one of them is "Hey, this is a good idea, let's do it." That should make you think twice.

    What it comes down to is this. If the idea of damage to your metabolism, organs and loss of muscle doesn't deter you, maybe this will. You will not lose that much weight in that amount of time. You don't have enough body fat to allow for that amount of weight loss that rapidly. It is simply won't happen. You can exercise until you drop and starve yourself. It still will not happen. Many, many people have tried this approach and it simply does not work unless you are morbidly obese and have large fat stores.

    What weight you do lose will be mostly muscle. The body simply cannot access fat stores that quickly when you are relatively lean, and will turn to burning the most accessible source of energy, which is in the muscles. And it will take far longer to rebuild that muscle.

    You are setting yourself up for exhaustion, nutrient deficiencies, binge eating and, ultimately, failure. Please rethink it.
  • runracer11
    runracer11 Posts: 45 Member
    This is like running a marathon (or slightly longer) every day for 2 weeks, lolling around the rest of the day, fueled by 900 calories a day.
    Be careful!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Being a mommy to a 8.5 month old, how on earth do you find time to burn 3500 calories a day? It just isn't realistic or healthy, IMHO, to even try to keep up with it.
  • kinectamama
    I am not sure every one understood. I track 3500 calories a day, but for actual exercise I only burn about 1200..well a little more recently ti make up for 2 days of not tracking. I am always moving which is how I track so much but the real burn is just as much as all of you so please realize I ask not anorexic, unhealthy, yada yada yada
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    I am not sure every one understood. I track 3500 calories a day, but for actual exercise I only burn about 1200..well a little more recently ti make up for 2 days of not tracking. I am always moving which is how I track so much but the real burn is just as much as all of you so please realize I ask not anorexic, unhealthy, yada yada yada
    I quote:
    "Right now I burn about 1000 with cardio boxing and 1000 with the treadmill, the other 1500 comes from cleaning and being a mommy to a 8.5 month old who's into everything. Thanks for reading, I know this post is all over the place, sorry! "

    go look at the success stories of this forum. notice how they lost 13+ lb over a period of time and are looking great.
    if you try to lose that 13lb in two weeks, let me tell you, saggy, dry, and pale skin. you will not look like how you want to. you will have bags under your eyes from exhaustion and your organs will not be able to operate properly. so places won't get that circulation they need and you won't be able to filter out any toxins giving you a dull sickly look.
  • kinectamama
    If you want to go back and read all the calories I have tracked it's, usually 1200, or less, in fact. It has ben strong 2000 twice. Thanks though!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Right now I burn about 1000 with cardio boxing and 1000 with the treadmill, the other 1500 comes from cleaning and being a mommy to a 8.5 month old who's into everything. Thanks for reading, I know this post is all over the place, sorry!

    I think your math may be off, you don't mention how long your work outs are but I find burns like that near impossible to achieve. I have been burning 300 cals in 30 minutes of high intensity and am spent by the end of it. To get 3500 a day I would have to exercise at that intensity about 6 hours thats impossible.

    I also think your cleaning and what not would count as normal activity not exercise.

    I would have to agree that unless you have a tremendous amount of weight to lose, counting cleaning, etc. as exercise is not viable. It should count as normal daily activity.

    Also, you really need to be taking in more calories. Your weight is not going to change with super low calories and massive energy expenditure. Take me for example. I burn on average 1100 calories daily 5 times a week doing 2 hours of competitive swimming workouts. However, I have only been taking in a NET calories of 600-900 per day. I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs for over a year now. I am finally realizing that I need to completely re-work my diet.

    You would think that with all of this working out, mass calories burned, and little caloric intake I would be losing weight, right?

    WRONG!!! It doesn't work!!!!

    Think twice, thrice, or more about your plan and the possible extreme damage you could do to your body. Trust me, there's nothing more in the world I want than to get back to my college weight, but I know it has to be done slowly. So, do it the right way and the healthy way!!!
  • binsylad
    binsylad Posts: 99
    Hey there -

    Can I suggest that you dont try this?

    If you were doing this on general gym equipment (Guesstimating your burn) and were averaging your food intake cals ....this would still be a bad idea. (My mate frequently did 2000 cal burns on a Gym machine only to find his HRM showed 490!!!!)

    Doing it ACTUAL with an HRM - You will definitely work way longer and way harder.

    You Body WILL enter starvation mode during this and do serious long term damage - You will almost definitely lose too much water andto add to that, ultimately in the long run you will GAIN weight.

    We are here to help, so I repeat, Please dont do this!

    Mike / England.
  • princesschikee
    Technically, it would take me over 3 hours to burn that many calories on a treadmill, but I'm only 112lbs. I think this would be a heart attack waiting to happen. Why put yourself through the agony. I personally think it was a setup, but what do I know.