Help!! Going to my parents this weekend...

I am driving three hours to stay with my parents for the weekend. What do I do? They are retired and go out to eat; barely grocery shop. They eat at Mcdonalds a lot; as does my brothers who live in that town. I totally do not eat anything fast food, and I know I can handle that part of it, but as for the food at home aspect, how do I get by there? I would hate to look like the daughter that does not want to eat anything they have, but I cannot risk a weekend of eating horribly. Also, I don't know what to do about not working out since it looks like that will be at risk as well. I thought about taking a walk, but they live in the country where cars won't see me on the road..No sidewalks and they go soooooo fast by my parents...I am soooo scared to fail this weekend... I already can hear them all taunting me while we go to McDonalds, and they gorge on Big N Nasty's and I just sit there with my ice water.. I can handle that part..It's the 'when I'm hungry part'...


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Could you offer to cook dinner for the family at least one of the days you are there? You could also pick up some groceries when you get there to eat for breakfasts/lunches if they don't have any of the type of food you want to eat. I did this last summer when I spent a week with my family.

    You could also suggest restaurants/fast food places with healthier choices. Ex - the baked potato and small chili at Wendys aren't too bad, and you can always get a grilled chicken sandwich from a fast food place without any mayo and eat it without the bread.

    Just some ideas.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    One other thought - if they're cooking food at home that is not as healthy as you'd prefer, just limit your portion sizes and try to get in some extra veggies (even if you have to cook some just for you). One weekend of doing this shouldn't cause a big setback, as long as you really do watch your portion sizes.
  • denise980
    Offer to cook while you are there.

    I know you may not want to here this, but if there is a Wendy's, it is actually the healthiest fast food restaurant in the country because of the choices that you can have.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Take a bunch of food with you. :) Or I like the cook dinner one. That way you could make a ton and eat it all weekend. :)

    What about for a workout if you plan to do a project around the house that they've been wanting done. I know when I visit my parents I plant plants, change lightbulbs, hang flags, etc. Maybe you could do something like that. Not a specific workout but work all the same and still burning calories. Then you'll have something to do when everyone makes you crazy. :)

    I don't eat McD's or any fast food anymore so Idk about that. Pretty sure there's something that you can eat there. Grilled chicken plain and toss the bun, have a side salad, chuck as much of the cheese as possible, etc.

    Hang in there. My mom isn't a very good cook but I think I would die if we ate Fast food all the time. :) Aren't families wonderful.
  • rabtib
    rabtib Posts: 10
    I have this problem when I travel to see my family out of state. This last time in January I stopped at the grocery store as soon as I left the airport and bought all the food I would need for the week so I would have plenty of healthy options. I would do just that, if you have a way to go to the store before you go or on your way I would take your own groceries with you and your parents will see how dedicated you are to getting healthy and they won't think any differently of you. My family down south is always proud of my bringing my own groceries and support my trying to eat healthy and I am sure your parents will too. Have a great time and if you don't get to exercise you will at least be able to eat right with your own food and you can pick right back up with the exercise when you get home. :)
  • carmen62
    If you can't be honest, tell a white lie. "I had gastro last night and my tummy still feels a bit off. Don't think I could face fries...."
    I know that is terrible, I can hear people wanting to criticise but I do understand that family pressure thing.

    Redefining the relationship is obviously optimal, but if you can't, whatever gets you through the night....
  • inoclu
    My grandparents are the same way, so when I take a weekend at the ranch, I bring my own groceries. I explained to them that I wanted to be healthier and look better, so while they may raz me, they're supportive of my focus. What about getting an exercise video and working out indoors or do some cross country running...maybe with a bat just in case. I've been so desperate that I've done a dry land workout in the back yard. Good luck!
  • eventhestarss
    Options :D

    And you can do some jumping jacks and high knees in your room in the morning?
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    My parents/family is the same way. My whole family is overweight and it is SO hard not to gain weight when I go home. My mom will buy the healthy food I like before I get there, but while Im there she wants to make me my favorite comfort foods. Ill wake up to cinnamon rolls and we will have lasagna and cornbread for dinner, and then she will bake cookies when she is bored. DRIVES ME CRAZY!! I love my mother so much, but I wish so badly that she would take care of herself so she can be around longer. If I lived closer to home I think it would be different for her, but my dad eats horribly and really doesn't care. It is so frustrating. Just sayin, I feel your pain....I wish you luck! Im still working on losing the 7 pounds I gained from going home for Christmas :'(
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    One other thought - if they're cooking food at home that is not as healthy as you'd prefer, just limit your portion sizes and try to get in some extra veggies (even if you have to cook some just for you). One weekend of doing this shouldn't cause a big setback, as long as you really do watch your portion sizes.

    Yes! In the end weight loss comes down to one fact: burning more calories than you eat (to a point - starvation mode). And portions really help.
  • amy_nico1
    amy_nico1 Posts: 5 Member
    First off, try to focus on the time you are spending with your family. Food often plays too big a centerpiece in my family's gatherings, but why do we always need to stuff our faces to be with each other?? (speaking for my family, not yours:wink:). As you start making your healthier choices a natural part of your life--not making a big to-do about it, but still honoring its importance--your family will adjust. They will have to. I switched from being a meat eater to being a full-on vegan about six months ago, and my family was NOT happy about it. I bring my own food to holidays and don't make any exceptions, and now my mom and I try out new vegan recipes together on the weekends. I still get grief from other family members, but I decided this time I was not going to break my commitment to myself. I don't preach to others, and I don't expect anyone to go out of their way for me. I think you can do the same--try to come prepared, perhaps with a cooler of food or pre-made dishes for yourself or to share with everyone--but stay confident and strong in the choices that affect YOU. If you can't fully embrace your lifestyle changes or goals, then they won't either, and they will never take it seriously.

    As for exercising, I know what you mean, the roads around my parents are all hilly, windy, no street lights, and no sidewalks. Maybe you can get up early and go jump rope in the garage, or just do calisthenics and toning moves in your room . If you spend even just 30 minutes doing things like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, lunges, pushups, etc., you will get your heart rate up, work your muscles, and feel better than if you did nothing. But #1 is have fun and enjoy your family time!!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    If you can't be honest, tell a white lie. "I had gastro last night and my tummy still feels a bit off. Don't think I could face fries...."
    I know that is terrible, I can hear people wanting to criticise but I do understand that family pressure thing.

    Redefining the relationship is obviously optimal, but if you can't, whatever gets you through the night....

    I'm not. I agree with this. You do what you gotta do for yourself. Doesn't mean you love them any less by not eating what they eat.
  • pwiggy
    pwiggy Posts: 17
    I am sure your visit is over by now, but when visiting my Grandparents I have the same problem. Even if you want to eat out healthy the restaurant choices are non existant. I always go to the grocery and pick up a the items to make a few healthy meals and snacks. I then cook a double batch of the dinners and put them in the freezer for them. That way they have a couple of frozen dinners as well. We also spend quality time together. I normally like to try and make the meals a casserole or stew that freezes well. My Grandparents always appreciate that they will have a nice homemade dinner later after we leave as well. No one feels judged or frustrated.