Those last few pounds 'til goal

Hello - I’ve been here awhile and have had great success with MFP and my local nutrition club. I have lost over 75 pounds and am hoping to close in on my goal over the next several weeks. I am starting a new 8 week weight loss challenge at my nutrition club this Thursday and am looking for support in staying on track. My main goal at this stage is to better my body fat percentage, not necessarily lose too many more pounds. I am not looking to win this challenge as I would be too thin if I did.:tongue:

I have participated in two other weight loss challenges this past year from July to November in which I was able to win both by losing 35 lbs in the first and 30 lbs in the second. Since the last challenge I have slowed down the rate of my weight loss mainly focusing on strength training and giving my body a little rest from the changes it has been going through.

The nutrition club I go to has a body scanning device for determining body fat % and I am starting this new challenge out at 15% BF. I believe I can get down to about 12-13% by the end of the challenge. My main goal is to reach 10% by June.

If you’ld be interested in lending me some support or just interested in following along with what I do, please add me as a friend. I can be supportive as well. Thanks!


  • jackier19
    jackier19 Posts: 24 Member
    This is exactly what I want to do! Im 2 lbs away from my goal weight of 130 (started at 199) and was considering going to 125. But ultimately I want to lose some of my body fat. I really want to focus on bringing my bmi down! I wish you good luck and hope we reach our goals. I'm in the healthy category for my bmi but it's still 22.3. I would also like to be in the teens.
  • MissFDavis
    Wow that is amazing! Congrats on your success so far! I believe you will get to where you want to be very soon, look how far you have come. I haven't checked my body fat percentage since August so I'm not sure where I am at now, but I am 12lbs away from my goal weight. I'd like to follow along & see where you end up! Good Luck.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    Thanks! Great job to you as well!

    I started out at 270 and am now down to 194. At 5'10 my BMI says ideally I should be at about 170 lbs for a healthy range - but my BF% seems to indicate I am already in the healthy range. I gained my weight over the past 10-15 years as my wife was pregnant with our 4 children. My wife was always good at losing her gained weight after each pregnancy. I would always gain weight along with her- unfortunately, I rarely ever lost in between them:grumble: . I like to joke that I am finally losing my baby weight from pregnancy - lol.

    As I am getting close to turning the big '4' '0' I want to be as healthy as I can be and have the energy like I did when I was younger. I have found it a bit more difficult to lose weight as I age compared to my teens or early 20's. I try to eat fairly clean, strength train about 4 days per week and run about 3-4 days a week.

    The last week I have been eating at about maintenance level which is at about 2200 cal - my log may not be entirely accurate for the last week , but should be for the next several weeks.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    Thanks for the adds - any others???
  • SCJ1971
    SCJ1971 Posts: 4 Member
    Great job on you're progress. Keep at it and you will achieve your goal.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    Thank you!