Brides on a Mission: Week 9



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm not weighing in yet

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got to go to my first NHL game

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My grandpa passed away to southern alberta tomorrow for prayers and then the funeral. The first death in my family, my heart is broken:(

    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: 2 of each

    5. Any wedding news updates: The fiance has finally finished his guest list! woot woot

    6. What is your go to healthy snack: Quaker crispy minis

    7. What time of day do you work out? The minute my child is in bed, so usually 8:30pm

    8. Weekly wrap up: I did ok, didn't make great choices this weekend, but didn't blow over. It's the damn chips and movie nights!
  • Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm not weighing in yet

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got to go to my first NHL game

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My grandpa passed away to southern alberta tomorrow for prayers and then the funeral. The first death in my family, my heart is broken:(

    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: 2 of each

    5. Any wedding news updates: The fiance has finally finished his guest list! woot woot

    6. What is your go to healthy snack: Quaker crispy minis

    7. What time of day do you work out? The minute my child is in bed, so usually 8:30pm

    8. Weekly wrap up: I did ok, didn't make great choices this weekend, but didn't blow over. It's the damn chips and movie nights!

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • For all those who were involved with the wedding/husband opinion conflict at the end of last week: Jennplus2 just messaged me and applogized for what happend. She said that she was refering to the wedding TV show that the above post mentiond but she didn't realize she didn't say that in her own post. She wants us all to know that she is very sorry that she offended some people. She said she didn't want to come back to the board because so many people were upset with her. She asked me to pass along the applogie to everyone on the board.
  • For all those who were involved with the wedding/husband opinion conflict at the end of last week: Jennplus2 just messaged me and applogized for what happend. She said that she was refering to the wedding TV show that the above post mentiond but she didn't realize she didn't say that in her own post. She wants us all to know that she is very sorry that she offended some people. She said she didn't want to come back to the board because so many people were upset with her. She asked me to pass along the applogie to everyone on the board.

    happy to hear....and im sorry for the misunderstanding. sure we all are....
  • Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm not weighing in yet

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got to go to my first NHL game

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My grandpa passed away to southern alberta tomorrow for prayers and then the funeral. The first death in my family, my heart is broken:(

    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: 2 of each

    5. Any wedding news updates: The fiance has finally finished his guest list! woot woot

    6. What is your go to healthy snack: Quaker crispy minis

    7. What time of day do you work out? The minute my child is in bed, so usually 8:30pm

    8. Weekly wrap up: I did ok, didn't make great choices this weekend, but didn't blow over. It's the damn chips and movie nights!

    sorry for your loss girlie.....i never got to meet my grandpa....=) glad u did
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Will have to come back to this, Weigh-in on Thursday

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Went to my mom's over the weekend and helped my sister do some work on her first apartment - can't believe she is going to be living on her own! Got to spend a lot of time with my beautiful niece, and had lunch with my best friend/MOH (who I don't get to see often)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): We ended up getting a flat tire on our way home Sunday night, so we stayed an extra day at my mom's. It was great to have the extra time with family, but I always seem to eat worse when I am there, plus I can't go to the gym. I need to have a better plan for when we go out of town!

    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: 4 on each side, including the BM and MOH

    5. Any wedding news updates: We reserved our cabin and cabins for our wedding party :) The stuff I ordered to make a birdcage veil got here yesterday!

    6. What is your go to healthy snack: celery and peanut butter, fat free cottage cheese

    7. What time of day do you work out: FH and I go in the evening - after work, but before dinner

    8. Weekly wrap up: Last week was a really good week for me, until I got to the weekend! But I am getting back on track today, and planning on a great workout this evening!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: no weight lost or inches :(

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): getting complimented at the cross-fit gym by a guy in the Special Forces that I do better pull-ups than most guys can.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): it's been a good week- I have no complaints!

    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: 3 (maybe 4) bridesmaids and 4 groomsmen

    5. Any wedding news updates: started hand painting favors for the wedding!

    6. What is your go to healthy snack: 100 calorie popcorn bag with a handful of mini m&m's tossed in... it satisfies my sweet cravings

    7. What time of day do you work out: currently working out in the mornings with a friend, lunch time with the other half, and volleyball practice in the evenings a couple nights a week.

    8. Weekly wrap up: I've been considering taking supplements to help me get more calories/ better nutrition- and after talking with my brother and his wife (both are in AMAZING shape), I've decided it's probably a good idea.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @wannabrn10: I give you props for juggling everything: attending college, planning a wedding, and being so motivational on our 'brides on a mission' board. In college it was hard enough for me to work part time and do homework and find time for my social life, let alone eat healthy. Because w/ eating healthy comes meal planning/food prep and fresh produce, which would typically go bad since I felt I was always on the run. And beyond all this I didn't have time to exercise (so at least I signed up for some HP classes to get a half hour in twice a week....) Anyways, I'm proud of you and your hard work! And all of us on here are very grateful for your enthusiasm, trust me... in the back of my mind I'm thinking about how I need to check in w/ all the mfp brides.. and it matters! We will miss you when your MIA for a bit, but good luck w/ school/tests/everything! You'll do great! And we'll be happy to hear from you when we can!!! :-) Thanks for your inspirational posts always!!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @katiecat9: love that your putting your own personal touch on the favors! What are you making? I'm still debating on whether I'm going to do favors, or make a donation to the heart association and army ranger roundation (just two that are close to my heart.)

    Any party favor ideas from other brides on here? I'd love to hear them!!

    I've thought of wild flower seeds in a packet w/ a thank you from us. And yah, thats it.. I'm stuck! ;)
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    @dezil I am hand painting a peacock feather on clear candle votives to give out as favors.

    I like that you're considering making a donation to an organization- we considered that and instead I decided to hold a 10k fund raiser for the wounded warrior battalion at Ft. Bragg, which will be the day after our wedding.
  • 1. Name: Jaymie
    2. Age: 30
    3. City: Seattle, WA USA
    4. Occupation: Medical Office manager
    5. Wedding date: Aug 19, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: John
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 8 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 176
    9. Goal weight and date: 135/140 June
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Walking
    11. Favorite healthy food: Salad
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @dezil Love the wildflower packet idea! So cute! I have already bought these cute little boxes, but I haven't really decided what I am going to put in them. Maybe some homemade goodies (maybe cinna pecans) and a little note from us. I guess I have awhile to decide that, need to do the big stuff now...
  • So...had a kind of emotional set back today....

    My "youngest" brother (he's the younger of my two older brothers)...Has been engaged since September or so of last year. He had originally asked my fiance and I how we felt if he and his fiancee got married the same year as us. We talked about it in length....He does not have a whole lot of money and he's dealing with some other issues. In addition, if anyone read my post last parents don't have a lot of money and asking them to help pay for two weddings in a year would really put them in a tight spot. That conversation happened months ago, and as far as we knew, that was the plan for my brother and his fiancee, to wait until 2012.

    Now, I know I'm not in charge and no one has to ask my permission for anything....BUT I got on facebook today (FB drama, yay!!) and saw that my brother's fiance Nicki had posted that she was so excited to get married on Nov. 11th. I called my brother immediately and asked him about it. He said that they had decided to get married this year instead of next, something that they had decided almost a week ago. I asked him why no one called me and he said "Well... I didn't figure you'd care if we pushed it up a I figured someone else would have told you by now." Did he really think that my opinions would change within 4 months time? Um, no! And now my parents are committed to helping plan and pay for two weddings this year. Mine in October and my brother's in November. And WHY did no one call me? It's tough being 2 hours away from my family, and I deal with feeling left out on a regular basis and now to add this.

    My Dad said that I have no right to feel upset because my brother isn't doing this out of spite... No, he's right. It's not out of spite...It's out of complete disregard for my fiance and I's feelings. No one called us because no one wanted to hear how we felt about the situation.

    In the end, I know that our day will still be special....but I can't help but feel like my brother (who always gets whatever he wants, etc...) is stealing some of our thunder.
  • @wannabrn10: I give you props for juggling everything: attending college, planning a wedding, and being so motivational on our 'brides on a mission' board. In college it was hard enough for me to work part time and do homework and find time for my social life, let alone eat healthy. Because w/ eating healthy comes meal planning/food prep and fresh produce, which would typically go bad since I felt I was always on the run. And beyond all this I didn't have time to exercise (so at least I signed up for some HP classes to get a half hour in twice a week....) Anyways, I'm proud of you and your hard work! And all of us on here are very grateful for your enthusiasm, trust me... in the back of my mind I'm thinking about how I need to check in w/ all the mfp brides.. and it matters! We will miss you when your MIA for a bit, but good luck w/ school/tests/everything! You'll do great! And we'll be happy to hear from you when we can!!! :-) Thanks for your inspirational posts always!!!

    This is so sweet of you! Thank you so much. I do have to say I have it a little easy. I still live with my mom right now and she is a godsend. She said that as long as a pass college and she gets her monies worth she will help me in anyway she can. She is a registered dietition so there is always something healthy to eat. She cuts up veggies every sunday nights and keeps them in a huge container in the fridge for me to snack on all week. I am not spoiled (well maybe a little!) but for me to not have to worry about the whole food thing is amazing. She wants me to be healthy so bad and is willing to help me get there any way she can.

    Life does get hard sometimes. We all know that too well. It is about how you handle things. I used to be such a negative person. I always thought about how bad it was and never saw any good. My whole outlook on life has changed over the past year or so. It takes hard work to be the person you really want to be, but we will all get there in time.
  • So...had a kind of emotional set back today....

    My "youngest" brother (he's the younger of my two older brothers)...Has been engaged since September or so of last year. He had originally asked my fiance and I how we felt if he and his fiancee got married the same year as us. We talked about it in length....He does not have a whole lot of money and he's dealing with some other issues. In addition, if anyone read my post last parents don't have a lot of money and asking them to help pay for two weddings in a year would really put them in a tight spot. That conversation happened months ago, and as far as we knew, that was the plan for my brother and his fiancee, to wait until 2012.

    Now, I know I'm not in charge and no one has to ask my permission for anything....BUT I got on facebook today (FB drama, yay!!) and saw that my brother's fiance Nicki had posted that she was so excited to get married on Nov. 11th. I called my brother immediately and asked him about it. He said that they had decided to get married this year instead of next, something that they had decided almost a week ago. I asked him why no one called me and he said "Well... I didn't figure you'd care if we pushed it up a I figured someone else would have told you by now." Did he really think that my opinions would change within 4 months time? Um, no! And now my parents are committed to helping plan and pay for two weddings this year. Mine in October and my brother's in November. And WHY did no one call me? It's tough being 2 hours away from my family, and I deal with feeling left out on a regular basis and now to add this.

    My Dad said that I have no right to feel upset because my brother isn't doing this out of spite... No, he's right. It's not out of spite...It's out of complete disregard for my fiance and I's feelings. No one called us because no one wanted to hear how we felt about the situation.

    In the end, I know that our day will still be special....but I can't help but feel like my brother (who always gets whatever he wants, etc...) is stealing some of our thunder.

    I am sorry for your situation! FB drama is always causing a stir! I hope that everything in the end will work out and everyone can enjoy each others weddings.
  • I just took a quick look at everyone. Keep up the good work!! :happy: For those of you stuck like me (again)....we will lose weight! lol Every little bit counts, no matter when we lose it. I will check back in during later in the week!

    Oh, and I am excited that I passed my last ever medical math test today! Well, I guess I will have to take one when I get a job as a nurse but it is my last one ever for nursing school!!!! :bigsmile:
  • So...had a kind of emotional set back today....

    My "youngest" brother (he's the younger of my two older brothers)...Has been engaged since September or so of last year. He had originally asked my fiance and I how we felt if he and his fiancee got married the same year as us. We talked about it in length....He does not have a whole lot of money and he's dealing with some other issues. In addition, if anyone read my post last parents don't have a lot of money and asking them to help pay for two weddings in a year would really put them in a tight spot. That conversation happened months ago, and as far as we knew, that was the plan for my brother and his fiancee, to wait until 2012.

    Now, I know I'm not in charge and no one has to ask my permission for anything....BUT I got on facebook today (FB drama, yay!!) and saw that my brother's fiance Nicki had posted that she was so excited to get married on Nov. 11th. I called my brother immediately and asked him about it. He said that they had decided to get married this year instead of next, something that they had decided almost a week ago. I asked him why no one called me and he said "Well... I didn't figure you'd care if we pushed it up a I figured someone else would have told you by now." Did he really think that my opinions would change within 4 months time? Um, no! And now my parents are committed to helping plan and pay for two weddings this year. Mine in October and my brother's in November. And WHY did no one call me? It's tough being 2 hours away from my family, and I deal with feeling left out on a regular basis and now to add this.

    My Dad said that I have no right to feel upset because my brother isn't doing this out of spite... No, he's right. It's not out of spite...It's out of complete disregard for my fiance and I's feelings. No one called us because no one wanted to hear how we felt about the situation.

    In the end, I know that our day will still be special....but I can't help but feel like my brother (who always gets whatever he wants, etc...) is stealing some of our thunder.

    i know how u feel my finaces family everything and i mean everything is a race to the finish with them....and or competiton with everything they do ...n my finace ....ex: one buys a new vehicle they or my finace wants or buys a new vehicle...bigger n better....grrr...makes me mad but u get the family n his cousins and one of thier girlfirends in particular are ethier A: jealous of me B:acting imature just to aggravate me cause we dont like each other...C:does what ever to be a *****...well this girlfriend of the cousin found out im gettin married this year and is now harping on her bf (cousin) to get married and get her and engaement ring...n bragging about how thier gona have this 20,000 dollar wedding...she drives me bonkers...i think it just bothers her that ive been in the family almost 10 yrs where as shes only been here 3 yrs n she feels competition ....idk really but what ever it is ...its not my fault...for the way she feels...we just dont care for each not spending more than like 1500 on my wedding to me how much on our wedding didnt matter to me...being married at the end of the day matter doing my wedding at a local lake for anyway...this girlfriend of the cousin just doing this to piss me off...when none of this is i do feel ur pain....who knows if the cousin n his gf will get married but i refuse to let her reuion what i have created for my self this year as far as gettin married....this is what im dealing with....booo...i stay away from this gf shes just drama filled in our family....
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Gained .4 :explode:
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I only had 1/2 day of work on Monday so got in some good QT with my fiance
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Gaining weight! I know it's not much but I am pretty frustrated.
    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: 6 on each side
    5. Any wedding news updates: Not that I can think of. My friend contacted me about planning a shower! Which is nice because my MOH hasn't mentioned it...
    6. What is your go to healthy snack: Fruit and yogurt, cucumbers and tomatoes, almonds and dried cranberries
    7. What time of day do you work out: Anywhere from right after work to sometime later in the evening. I wish I could get up in the morning and get it done.
    8. Weekly wrap up: I am kind of frustrated because I have lost .6 in the past 2 weeks (counting my gain this week) I have still been doing really well. The only change I have made is I am finally exercising regularly. I do not measure myself...maybe I should do that too...*sigh*
  • i didnt weigh in when i checked in before and im weighed in today...142.6 lbs i gained 2 lbs...but i ate real bad last weekend causing this....ive worked out hard since then and not much budged except .2 came off....hopeing i ccan get under 140 by end of april...
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    This totally sucks! What is it about weddings that brings out the monster in people? You totally have the right to be upset. I have a somewhat similar story of someone just being inconsiderate. When I called one of my now bridesmaids to tell her that I was engaged she did the usual "Awww... how did he ask?" and then all of a sudden says "Just so you know I claim October 2011". Uh excuse me? I was SHOCKED. She wasn't even engaged yet. We were already planning on getting married in October, so we didn't really let it hold us back, but it did cause a lot of emotional distress on my part. The story goes on, but I will keep it short. We are now both getting married in October and are on friendly terms, but whenever I think about her lack of tact response I just get angry. All I know is my wedding is going to be amazing and better than hers. hehe! ;)
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