Everyone on here seems to work out ALOT !!!



  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member

    Only started doing workouts this week. And I'm not going to the gym - there's far too many posts on here with people looking and laughing at folk in the gym, so no way am I putting myself in a gym to looked at, laughed about and posted about on a forum!!

    I do Wii My Fitness Coach workouts in my living room. No one but my 3 month old to look at and laugh at me. This forum has turned me off going to the leisure centre completely!!

    There is a thread with others making fun of people going to the gym because they're overweight? Really?? That is cruel.

    *edit to add* I don't care what others think of me. I go to the gym and I also work out at home. But still.......that is just mucked up! I think it's great when I see overweight people exercising!
    I've seen a whole heap of posts from people who make fun of people at the pool/gym for a variety of reasons, whether it be how they work out, what they are wearing, even some crap about their underwear. It's most bizarre.
  • GetFitWithDe
    I work out Daily b/c my sister is a Personal/Athletic Trainer that has her own business and runs a FitBody Bootcamp in the DC area! SO she would have my butt if I did not workout with her daily.
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member

    Only started doing workouts this week. And I'm not going to the gym - there's far too many posts on here with people looking and laughing at folk in the gym, so no way am I putting myself in a gym to looked at, laughed about and posted about on a forum!!

    I do Wii My Fitness Coach workouts in my living room. No one but my 3 month old to look at and laugh at me. This forum has turned me off going to the leisure centre completely!!

    There is a thread with others making fun of people going to the gym because they're overweight? Really?? That is cruel.

    *edit to add* I don't care what others think of me. I go to the gym and I also work out at home. But still.......that is just mucked up! I think it's great when I see overweight people exercising!
    I've seen a whole heap of posts from people who make fun of people at the pool/gym for a variety of reasons, whether it be how they work out, what they are wearing, even some crap about their underwear. It's most bizarre.

    Oh, gotcha! I haven't seen that thread. I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable. I guess in my own head, I know that I am there for me and myself only. I do not have the energy to care what others think of me. However, not everyone is like that. It's an unfortunate thing! Good luck with your home exercises though! You can achieve the same results within the comfort of your own home. There are plenty of programs that will get you on track! Hang in there!! :flowerforyou:

    PS: I'm starting Power 90 as soon as it gets here! I just ordered it last weekend!! YAY
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I sure am not a workout addict!
    I would never get up early in the morning ( in the middle of the night <ugh>) to get some exercise done! I'm not working out every day nor am I wanting to do it in near future!
    I got a gym membership for 3 months as a christmas gift, so I "had to" get started. So since the beginning of the year, I try to go there 3 times a week, plus one time swimming per week. In the membership gift were included 3 half hours with a personal trainer and I liked him enough to continue training with him. So every fortnight I have a one hour training with him, and in between 2 training sessions I get a programm to follow "on demand". If I decide to workout every day, he sends programms for every day... same if I decide to only workout once that week, he only sends one programm. It's up to me and I'm not gonna workout every day.
  • JudoJones
    JudoJones Posts: 54
    i'm a gym rat, working out has never been a problem to me. Although my 'diet' has been a struggle and something i'm working hard at now. Anyway, someone mentioned not wanting to workout in a gym due to people making fun of them. GYms are meant for people who want to work, what ever that level is and it's pretty easy to tell who's 'working'. Working hard may only be walking on the treadmill but if that's pushing for you, you will be given much respect. Those on the other hand who show up to hangout/lounge will be viewed in a very different light.

    I remember this one guy, very overweight, started coming to the gym where i trained. He came everyday and even got a personel trainer. After his workouts he'd shower and wait in the lobby for his friend to finish up and fall asleep in the chair. I never actually talked to him, but i had huge respect for drive and dedication.
  • TimarieS
    TimarieS Posts: 49 Member
    I'm not a work out addict, but I make sure I find the time... My husband works afternoons, right now he works 4pm (has to leave @ 3) to 4 am, so he gets home at 5, which gives me 45 mins to go to the gym before i have to get our daughter up for school, i've started doing cardio during this time, then if my son goes down for a nap good i go back and do strength training from 12 - 1(while hubby sleeps too) before i have to go pick up my daughter from school... i also try to get out and walk with my kids, even if it is around a store for 30 mins (they get less bored), i dance with my 2 year old, and i do at home work outs if i can't make it to the gym... its not that we are addicted, and you won't ever find the time, you have to make the time!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Addicts(I wish) I have a 9 year old son, so I have to work out in the evenings after 9pm, I am able to go 5-6 times a week. You know when you really want something you make time for it, and I have heard people say your body gets use to working out and when you don't go you can feel it. So don't compare yourself to everyone, for some people 3 times a week is all they have and that is fine.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Don't feel bad, I work out less than you do :) I cannot wait for these snowbanks to melt though so I can SAFELY start my walking again. Looking to do the couch to 5k program...eeeek! lol
  • feathers1981
    feathers1981 Posts: 69 Member
    Iam only on 1200 cal a day and so I work out so that I can eat! I work out 6 days a week. I do cardio all 6 days and stregthening 5 days. I get before 6 to go 3 times a week, once on a lunch time so only once after work and once on a weekend. I find that if I get up really early and go before work it puts me in a better frame of mind for the day and means I will go as opposed to feeling tired after working and wating to veg out. I am addicted to both exercise and being able to eat!! :laugh:
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73

    Only started doing workouts this week. And I'm not going to the gym - there's far too many posts on here with people looking and laughing at folk in the gym, so no way am I putting myself in a gym to looked at, laughed about and posted about on a forum!!

    I do Wii My Fitness Coach workouts in my living room. No one but my 3 month old to look at and laugh at me. This forum has turned me off going to the leisure centre completely!!

    Don't mind the people who are going to laugh-some people are ALWAYS going to laugh at you for something. Once I realized that, life got SO much better (and, incidentally, I learned it by having to explain it to my then 6-year-old, freckled, red-headed daughter. Kids will always find something to mock - too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, red hair and freckles, wrong skin color, wrong pants, wrong backpack, wrong hobbies....). I've been laughed at for being the older woman in a classroom full of 18-year-olds while I got my degree in science from a prestigious university (you'd think that kids who were mocked as being geeks their whole life would understand that mockery isn't nice, but some of them are slow learners). I can cope with being laughed at for daring to appear at the gym in actual need of their services. I pop in my earbuds, and if there's mockery going around me, I can't hear it over the sweet sounds of science lectures (I'm improving body and mind at the same time!) But so far, it's never happened. I'm an almost-40-year-old woman who needs to lose about 100 lb. The ONE time anyone talked to me or about me in my presence at the gym, it was to compliment my W00t shirt, and have a nice conversation! But I'm NOT going to be afraid of looking like a fool - we foolish folk often have a lot more going on upstairs than those that live by horse sense alone.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I don't work out at all. I walk briskly for exercise and it saves me a $50/month membership fee (that's the going rate around me).
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    Im very much an exercise addict!! should have been my username instead of exercise geek haha!!
    I love going to the gym, i make it part of my day, im a full time nursing student and i am on placement 2 long days a week, I work weekends, but I manage to squeeze in at least an hour at the gym, or go for a run, or play football :):) xxxx
  • sincitylulu
    I don't exercise as much as some. I only go to the gym 3x wk and lift weights at home. Diet is the key to weightloss
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    3 times a week PLUS 40" walking a day is wonderful. I'd actually consider this 7 days a week. For some more accurate caloric and weight-loss goals, you might consider incorporating this into your profile settings.

    Welcome aboard!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member

    Only started doing workouts this week. And I'm not going to the gym - there's far too many posts on here with people looking and laughing at folk in the gym, so no way am I putting myself in a gym to looked at, laughed about and posted about on a forum!!

    I do Wii My Fitness Coach workouts in my living room. No one but my 3 month old to look at and laugh at me. This forum has turned me off going to the leisure centre completely!!

    I am not a public type/gym joiner either! No, I prefer to work out in my pj's in the morning to my exercise videos 5 days a week. I try to find ones that are 20 - 30 minutes long for strength training and then the rest is either walking the dog once or twice a day - good for both of us, or bike rides on the weekend with the hubby and dog and not video exercising those days. My approach is to come up with a realistic exercise and eating plan that I could follow the rest of my life. I know I am not going to be dropping 30 pounds by June 1 and I have no deadline as these are lifestyle changes. I am aiming for 1 pound a week. I already know that I can't maintain a crazy exercise schedule and if I did start one I would be disappointed in the results if I quit or couldn't keep the schedule going, so I decided to do what works for me. You'll come up with some healthy options for yourself. There are plenty out there!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I am an exercise addict. I workout an hour and a half to two hours in the morning around 4:30am and about an hour to an hour and a half after work. If i don't I feel like i cant eat for the day.
  • pasturecove
    I never thought I would workout a lot, but once I got started I loved the way it made me feel so I just kept doing it. If you keep up with your walking, you might just be able to advance to jogging or cycling and burn more calories in less time. I give fitnessa minimum of an hour of my day, 6 days per week. As a full time employee, student, and mom this means that I also ONLY give 1 hour max to the TV. There are days that my 1 hour of TV is shared with 1 hour on the treadmill that sits in front of the TV. Fitness has become a priority to me, not an addiction. I can't keep up with all the reality TV discussions with my friends, but I'll take that loss and parlay it into a smaller jean size.

    Also - I've NEVER made fun of anyone at the gym other than the obvious gym rats who are roided out and look like something from a Disney movie. Everyone else just gets a mental pat on the back from me for just showing up and doing something. It beats an evening (or morning) on the couch!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member

    Only started doing workouts this week. And I'm not going to the gym - there's far too many posts on here with people looking and laughing at folk in the gym, so no way am I putting myself in a gym to looked at, laughed about and posted about on a forum!!

    I do Wii My Fitness Coach workouts in my living room. No one but my 3 month old to look at and laugh at me. This forum has turned me off going to the leisure centre completely!!
    just a quick note, not all of us spend time in that type of thread, most of us on here aren't the type to make fun of others it simply can look bad when someone starts a thread like that and make it appear we all feel that way. I DON'T! I go to the gym and I do my workouts and if I notice others I think "WOW, how awesome is THAT they they are here at 5am getting in some pool time or walking the track or whatever the case may be. I *really* dislike that type thread, it simply doesn't represent 99% of the rest of us MFP members!:heart: It's a black mark and it can be ugly, please believe me not all of us feel that way, I'm sharing this with you but hope others read it and truly understand the majority of us really do care about others and simply want to get healthier in mind body and spirit on here.:wink:

    Please understand we aren't all out there with gym memberships laughing at others. Sometimes I wonder if those commenting in that type of thread simply feel insecure so they feel the need to poke fun at others to cover how they truly feel. I don't name people at the gym by what workout clothes they wear, or how they run on the treadmill, if I did how on earth would I ever get my own work done.:noway:

    I'm so sorry it's effected you negatively to see people post in those threads and others also effected by it that are now fearing the gym. I go to the gym and I love seeing others workout, I can say I've never seen a person that I would even think of making fun of, and I have myself, never been made fun of but only encouraged and befriended. I've found people are always willing to help those that truly want to learn and work hard, perhaps it's the attitude we go in with?

    Perhaps you and I and others not using that type of thread to vent are simply people that have better things to do with our time than spend it cutting down others in hurtful ways.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    I wish you well in your workouts at home as home workouts can be a lot of fun too:wink::drinker:

    AMEN! Well Put. Gee, maybe it is me, but I thought everyone here had weight issues at one time or another and everyone started a t square one. I guess not. Maybe those people were either born perfect and superior to the rest of us poor slobs or they must really feel insecure and need an ego boos by putting others down and telling everyone how great they are. If they have to tell everyone how great they are it must not be too obvious to begin with. Id say anyone who makes an honest effort to better them selves or get healthier gets a gold star, becaue it ain't easy! The first step is the hardest, for sure!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I made a quantum shift in my priorities and have gone to the gym treadmill for 38 of the last 40 days. It is not a mega-gym meet-market and there are usually a other fitness-challenged folks like me among the clientele. The 1 legged fellow on the treadmill and elliptical is very inspiring.

    I started SO slow but my stamina has at least quadrupled from the first day. The equipment is far more expensive than I could afford at home. I've got my 3.2mph and 45minute 2.2mile routine down and raise the incline to make it harder as I get stronger. I can leave home and return in an hour. That's an hour I'm not watching TV wishing I could have a snack. That's now 800 bonus calories that I can eat if I want without guilt. Truth is by eating healthy and the bonus calories from exercising I can't eat all the net calories. One bad day I had a sonic hot dog and a whataburger and only went over 200 cals.

    I'm happy with my new habit and my wife is happy that I'm committed this time and very supportive. Sometimes she joins me at the gym and sometimes she doesn't.

    I think the work out habit is what is going to make me successful this time. The alternative will be a lap band and that freaks me out.
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    I made a quantum shift in my priorities and have gone to the gym treadmill for 38 of the last 40 days. It is not a mega-gym meet-market and there are usually a other fitness-challenged folks like me among the clientele. The 1 legged fellow on the treadmill and elliptical is very inspiring.

    I started SO slow but my stamina has at least quadrupled from the first day. ...

    Way to go! I know that one thing very encouraging to me in my early phases of running is how I seem to keep breaking my best mile pace almost every time. I think I have a long time of this, too, as my gradually decreasing weight also means I'm propelling less weight with my efforts.

    Keep it up!