Is anyone on the Paleo Diet?



  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm mostly eating a whole foods diet now, but would really like to refocus on even cleaner eating. I'm going to try primal because paleo is just a little too limited for me. I won't be following it strictly because I have to have some processed things. It's too inconvenient to not eat bread and to limit healthy grains, but I am going a little more restrictive until I reach maintenance. I will be limiting dairy, but I will still drink skim milk and eat Greek yogurt.

    The hardest part of this for me will be lowering my carbs a bit. I won't be really restrictive on this either because I have intense workouts and need the carbs to make it through.

    I started today, so we'll see how it works. :)
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    I know a little bit about it, and it basically sounds like super-restricted vegan to me. And, as we all know, plenty of people are quite healthy on a vegan diet/living the vegan lifestyle, but many aren't as well. If you're going to on any restrictive diet, you need to supplement those things you're not getting "naturally" anymore (and by that, I mean through previous eating habits) with other foods or supplements.

    The problem with the Paleo diet is, I don't see any way to get certain nutrients in adequate amounts, like calcium and B12, as well as Omega 3 and 6, unless you're eating butt tons of oily fish, which isn't good because they're both fatty and, depending on the source, can contain a lot of mercury.

    My concern is that, like vegetarians and vegans, a lot of people will eliminate foods without replacing what they offer. I'm a vegetarian, and have had to be VERY conscious about getting enough iron, B12, and Omegas in my diet to replace the meat and fish I'm not eating. I choose soymilk because it has adequate amounts of B12 and calcium, I eat low fat cheeses for protein and calcium, and I buy products supplemented with Omegas and DHA, and also add flaxseed to things like breads and oatmeals.

    And, there is such a thing as "not enough carbs" and "not enough of the right kind of carbs". Absolutely. And not eating breads and grains can be a cause of that.
  • I am on the Paleo diet - have lost 10 pounds since July 16th. It's amazing!! I have never lasted 2 weeks on such a restrictive diet before and I can see myself going a lot further with this way of eating. The only downfall is you gain weight immediately when you cheat. I have had 2 cheat meals since starting this diet and both caused me to gain a pound back.

    I really recommend this diet though. I am losing weight quickly and feel super energetic. Just make sure you supplement with calcium.

    No it didn't. 1lb of fat = 3500 calories. You didn't consume that in a cheat meal. It was probably water weight.
  • What's funny is that Jack LaLanne came out with paleo/primal long before any of these guys. His famous quotes are "If man made it, don't eat it." and "If it tastes good, spit it out."

    Jack's the man baby!
  • Hi all,

    I'm new here but just wanted to give a little input. It seems that around here a restricted calorie diet is the thing, but I am definitely more into this style of Paleo eating. Personally, sugar cravings are curbed, severe hunger diminishes, and it overall just appeals to my historical/scientific approach. I think that low-carb/paleo/primal/ketogenic scale has been around awhile, but it is just repackaged and labeled with the rise and tide of dietary fads. However, I think it is safe to say that there is sufficient scientific literature supporting this way of eating, as well as common sense if you think historically about what we ate as pre-industrialized humans. If you want to look more into this, consider the following resources. I encourage everyone to do their own research, consider every approach with a critical eye, but DO NOT believe something just because it has been reiterated and perpetuated by mainstream media or some TV doctor.

    Clear your mind of everything that you have been told and consider all angles with an open mind.

    Jimmy Moore of the Livin the vida low carb podcast has some great interviews with people making strides in the low-carb world. The interviews are well structured, informative, and introduce many topics that you probably haven't considered as factors or results of diet. However, he also interviews people with exact opposite views and allows them to give their opinion as well. is a great resource for Primal people. This is kind of like the Paleo diet, but I think that Mark's approach is slightly more relaxed than the Paleo diet, even though the principles are very similar.

    The Paleo Solution is a book by Robb Wolf, and he also hosts a podcast with Andy Deas from his Crossfit gym. Robb really dives into some higher-end stuff that can be somewhat complicated for the diet beginner, but it really gets your mind going. He talks of things like fatty acid balance, supplements, and other more advanced topics like dairy (yes or no?) and gives convincing information in a very easygoing, question and answer type format.

    Finally, if you are really interested in where your food comes from, I encourage you to see documentaries such as Food, Inc, King Corn, and others concerning the industrialization of farming and how politics, government intervention, subsidies, and genetically engineered foods and hormonally enhanced foods are produced. They will open your eyes and likely encourage you to reconsider many of the foods we consider staples in the standard American diet.

    Hopefully these resources are a good start!
  • Hi there!

    I am new on this website too...and started Paleo over a week ago. I read the books and did the research. I am doing it for two reasons, one, I have been wanting to get rid of dairy, grains and sugar from my diet for overall health reasons and secondly to lose weight.

    So far I am very pleased with the diet. It is simple, straightforward and I don't have to count calories...I have had a few headaches, probably from sugar withdrawal, but other than that feel good with lost of energy.

    How long have you been doing the diet and can you let me know how it worked for you? In 8 days I have lost 5 pounds so far, which to me seems pretty good.
  • Nice perspectives.would live to hear your progress with paleo. I recently quit glutenous grains, and most seeds. I love the sated feeling from fats and have kept dairy. Feels houd this far and my p90x workouts are fairing well. Having a hard time adjusting to the reduced calories too. My wife is wheat sensitive, and probably the fittest and healthiest she's been. Even after 4 kids :)
  • I shifted from a typical low-fat / calorie-restrictive diet to a paleo/primal diet about 2 months ago. I was never able to stay on a calorie restricted diet for too long, mainly b/c I had to always count calories and always felt hungry towards the end of the day.

    I like the primal diet so far. I feel full throughout the day (even though the calorie intake is similar) and I get to eat more foods that I enjoy. My results have been similar to a low calorie diet, but I feel less likely to binge on "off-diet" foods while I'm on the primal diet.

    Anyone have a favorite paleo recipe they want to share? Most of my meals consist of baking/roasting some protein with vegetables, but I could always use more variety in my meal rotation.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Thanks guys, yea this diet might be a little too strict for me which will lead me to binge which I need to prevent from doing ..:smile:

    No, it won't..............It is the closest thing to curing binges. I was a binge eater. Bulimic.

    Between Atkins and the Primal Blue Print, it helped me get rid of cravings which led to binging and purging.

    I am following the Dr. Oz principles of YOU ON A DIET and found that by eliminating white flour (pasta & rice) and switching to whole grain versions instead and eliminating sugars, my cravings for junk food also went away within a week or two. I try to eat as little of processed food as I can, but both the Primal blue and Paleo look much too stringent for me. I am happy with the Dr. Oz diet. I can easily say no to pizza, donuts, etc. I'd love to have them, but choose not to.
  • laurabct
    laurabct Posts: 1
    I've been eating Paleo(ish) for past 2 1/2 months for a fitness contest I am in. It does take awhile to adjust to, but I do feel better and my GERD is gone!

    I think the hardest part was cutting out sugar. I didn't realize that my body craved sugar so much until I actively cut it out. I still drink a daily soy latte, but that's my only cheat.

    I have lost a significant amount of weight from making this nutritional change.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Thanks guys, yea this diet might be a little too strict for me which will lead me to binge which I need to prevent from doing ..:smile:

    No, it won't..............It is the closest thing to curing binges. I was a binge eater. Bulimic.

    Between Atkins and the Primal Blue Print, it helped me get rid of cravings which led to binging and purging.

    I am following the Dr. Oz principles of YOU ON A DIET and found that by eliminating white flour (pasta & rice) and switching to whole grain versions instead and eliminating sugars, my cravings for junk food also went away within a week or two. I try to eat as little of processed food as I can, but both the Primal blue and Paleo look much too stringent for me. I am happy with the Dr. Oz diet. I can easily say no to pizza, donuts, etc. I'd love to have them, but choose not to.

    Those so-called "whole" grain versions of bread and pasta are not truly whole grains. There is little "whole" grain.

    The more I have been researching the easier it is to give up grains and dairy especially. Are you aware that grains and legumes prevent calcium from being absorped in the gut during the digestion process?
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