Not Seeing Results...HELP

having a hard time losing pounds...ive been staying within my calorie intake and working out 4 days a week. but no pounds seem to be coming off. people say i look slimmer. what is going on? any advice? im going on week two and seeing no results =/


  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    i feel the same... i know i dont eat the best things which is probably why the scale isnt moving but people that dont even know im trying to lose weight are saying that my waist looks smaller and that my face is looking slimmer. I am curious about this as well. Some people say you should measure yourself and focus on the inches rather than the scale but I have yet to buy a measuring tape.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Results are not only in the scale numbers. Your probably losing inches and cant see it cos ur looking out for scale numbers. Muscle may way more than fat, but it also occupies less space. Well done. If people can see it, then u r losing inches for sure
  • trecha
    trecha Posts: 23 Member
    have you done any measurements ? hips? waist? if you are looking slimmer than you are toning up your body, so then there isnt always a change in the numbers on the scale.
  • modifyinglife
    your losing fat while gaining muscle. take pics and measurements instead of having to rely only on the scale for numbers
  • momma85
    momma85 Posts: 17
    i don't know... i had that same problem for a while too.... then i said eff it and went off my regular 'diet' for a few days and the weight started coming off a little more again... try switching it up a little... some people suggested that to me and it seemed to help..
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Numbers on the scale become meaningless after a while. The main point behind weight loss is usually for "fat loss," which people tend to overlook and associate "weight" with "fat." Unless your goal is to lose plain old weight, with disregard for physique and muscle deterioration, then yes, I can see how the numbers would matter. Burn through muscle stores along with the fat stores by doing straight cardio with no rest days, and do not do strength training if you just want numbers to go down.

    Obviously, I'm not giving serious advice, but again, if people are telling you that you looks slimmer, and if you notice your clothes fitting better, and you feel better overall, then what difference does a plateau or weight loss stall make? My default answer is always patience. Your body is recovering and readjusting to its new weight. Let it. It will lose weight again when it's ready. Until that time comes, enjoy the new body and healthier lifestyle in the time being. Stress does hinder weight loss due to increased production of cortisol, which counteracts any stress the body perceives, which includes physical activity.

    So, chill, relax, and take your time and stick with your plan. Or change it around. You decide.
  • LaKisha1232
    thanks for the advice and motivation guys. I am going to get a measuring tape like today or tomorrow and start keeping measurments instead of looking at the numbers!!!!
  • starzman2003
    It will happen from time to time. I had about 3 major plateaus where nothing happened. The scale would go flat or even +1 me! When it comes to food, a friend who has a body builder father told me to eat bad for one day when you hit a plateau. Eat something you normally would not. Then get right back on your routine. The reason is your body will think that you are starving and try to shut down. By adding more calories, You force the body to burn the extra and That gets the metabolism right back up. Also, if you get the chance, if your part of a gym, have them do a body fat test. When I started, I was almost 40%! When I hit my plateaus I had them measure it and it was way down! 21% today! Muscle truly does build and keeps those pounds on! Once I hit my goal the scale went far far away! Hang in there! Don't let the scale dictate how you and others are seeing the weight go away.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Im in the same boat. Someone else suggested doing a fast day. Or try some zig zagging. My trainer has me on a work out zig zag this week so I am hoping this will make a difference.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I havnt loss anything for a while as well, the day I weight in and found out that I was up a pound I got discourage and so I thought about measurements. My hubby measures me and sure enough I loss a total of 5 1/2 inches in one month.