Hi everyone

fishndad Posts: 102 Member
I've been watching & reading for a couple of weeks, using the plan & keeping track of things i've been eating. Its probably the best tracker I've ever tried. My first goal is 30lbs. Already at 19lbs. Feel much, much better. After the first 30, I'll have to reset my goals. Been able to stay in a healthy range with carbs, fats, protein, but not so good with sodium. Trying to eat vey few processed foods & that helps a lot. My blood pressure has dropped at least 10 points, even after exercise. My goal is to get back on my bicycle again this summer, & since I'm reaching senior status, I just want to feel good my last years. Not looking to increase my longevity, but would like to feel good while it lasts. I can't believe how much I was kidding myself when I thought I wasn't doing to bad before I started to count all calories. I must have been eating 5,000 a day at least & would be afraid to know how much sodium I consumed. Everything was fast food & frozen cuz I hate to cook. Enough for now. I'm just glad I found this site. It makes it easier.......Mike


  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    very cool!!! congrats to you!
    i LOVE the way i feel eating healthy now....didn't realize how bad i really felt until i cut out all of the crap i was eating.
    blood pressure going down is awesome too! I was able to get off mine completely after having been on it for at least 10 years!!!
    YEAH US!!
  • nanianela
    nanianela Posts: 16
    Yes ! You should put a day in your old life in here, see what it comes up to ! Congrats on the weight loss ! Here's to more weight loss and a happy healthy life !!!