~****HOT FOR SUMMER****~

Today marks 90 days until Memorial day, which is the beginning of bikini season! Let's challenge ourselves for the next 90 days to set some great goals and MAKE them!!

Who's with me!?

What is your goal?
How much would you like to lose?
What is something you can do to reach your goal?


  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28
    I want to make the goal of more exercise, less bad food!!

    Lose 20 pounds!

    Can't wait for that sun to shine so I can get outdoors and workout in it!
  • bigc150
    bigc150 Posts: 13
    Yeah, I'm in to losr 20 lbs, run a 5k well, and to lay off the sweets.
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Today marks 90 days until Memorial day, which is the beginning of bikini season! Let's challenge ourselves for the next 90 days to set some great goals and MAKE them!!

    Who's with me!?

    What is your goal?
    How much would you like to lose?
    What is something you can do to reach your goal?

    I'm in !!!

    My goal is 130 by memorial day!
    35 lbs loss is needed
    Push myself to exercise everyday and make me time!
  • Wolffeathers
    90 days? I'll go at least 25 pounds lost in that time, though NOONE wants to see me in a bikini :P
  • KatieBunnell
    I'm all for it! My goal is to refrain from eating candy and drinking only water every day. Also, eat as healthy as I can and go to the gym every day possible. I will look great at the pool this year!!!
  • Bub3les0
    Bub3les0 Posts: 47
    I'm all for that, I'd like to loose 25 lbs. My goal is to get up before my family to exercise (so not a morning person). I want to run after my boys at the park without taking a whole day to recover from the effort. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in!

    I think 30 pounds is my target for the next 90 days.

    I need to keep on keepin' on to achieve this.

    I think I will pass on the bikini though. :laugh:
  • makeupinmanhatten
    I'd like to drop 20 pounds by then and feel more comfy with me! I will do anything it takes to get there :) fun in the sun! Can't wait !
  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28
    Well, by bikini season, I ment for us girls and obviously the guys are involved cuz they wanna look good for the girls in the hot pink bikinis!! Or, your speedo! ;)

    I am so ready to wear a bikini and my hubby think I'm a hot wife! :)
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I'm in! I would like to lose AT LEAST 20 lbs by then. That would be AWESOME!!

    Although, I will NEVER be in a bikini...I will at least feel more comfortable in a bathing suit.:smile:
  • ItsOn130
    ItsOn130 Posts: 269 Member
    I'm in as well! My goal is to lose 25 lbs by then!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I don't have a specific goal for weight loss, but I am running a 10k on May 7! I'd like to finish, and realistically under 1:15. Just finishing will be huge, but I'm training well, so I'm optimistic!

    I don't like to call food "bad" because food is food, it's the amount and combination you consume that makes you gain or lose weight. You can eat one slice of pizza and a big salad with fat free dressing for a meal, but if you decide to eat the entire large pizza and a gallon of soda.. not such a good choice!

    So my other goal really is to stay under my calorie and sodium goals as often and as consistently as possible! Since I've started tracking, my calories have been good, but I've gone over on sodium a lot! This needs to change if I want to lose consistently.. so I'm working on it!

    Good luck with all the goals... and I'm so ready to be hot this summer! Both the weather and even on the beach!!!! LOL!! :flowerforyou:
  • Wolffeathers
    Guys should NOT wear speedos, I don't care how "hot" the girls think it is....
  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28
    Awesome everyone! Let's do this and enjoy the lives we are blessed with!!

    Good luck to all and keep in mind your goal and dedicate yourselves!!!
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    I am most definately in!
    I could really use the extra motivation and support!

    What is your goal? My goal is to be wearing size 10 clothes, look great in a bikini and be all tonned up (:

    How much would you like to lose? I've lost 10.5 so far, and would like to lose 16 more to bring me to 65kgs

    What is something you can do to reach your goal? cardiooooo
  • kinectamama
    I am definitely in! I definitely want to reach my goal by my daughters first birthday which is mid june, but memorial day will be even better!
    What is your goal? I would like to weigh what I did pre pregnancy.
    How much would you like to lose? 30-35 pounds.
    What is something you can do to reach your goal? Once it's warmer I can finally put my jogging stroller to excellent use. I would also like to stay at this pace, I'm in love with my heart rate monitor and MFP so I think I will be able to stay on track!

    Good luck!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    I'm in!
    Probably no bikinis though ;) but would love to wear shorts and a tank without being self-conscious!
    Goal: 172lbs (down 20lbs)
    Something I can do to reach my goal: Keep moving, and continue logging my calories every day!
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    I don't have a specific goal for weight loss, but I am running a 10k on May 7! I'd like to finish, and realistically under 1:15. Just finishing will be huge, but I'm training well, so I'm optimistic!

    I don't like to call food "bad" because food is food, it's the amount and combination you consume that makes you gain or lose weight. You can eat one slice of pizza and a big salad with fat free dressing for a meal, but if you decide to eat the entire large pizza and a gallon of soda.. not such a good choice!

    So my other goal really is to stay under my calorie and sodium goals as often and as consistently as possible! Since I've started tracking, my calories have been good, but I've gone over on sodium a lot! This needs to change if I want to lose consistently.. so I'm working on it!

    What are you doing to train for the 10K?
    Good luck with all the goals... and I'm so ready to be hot this summer! Both the weather and even on the beach!!!! LOL!! :flowerforyou:
  • emmahyphenleigh
    emmahyphenleigh Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love to join!

    What is your goal?
    140lbs =D able to wear a bikini with confidence, and generally feel slim and healthy =]

    How much would you like to lose?
    I'd like to lose 25lbs by memorial day, which would take me down to 150 (10 away from my final goal!)

    What is something you can do to reach your goal?
    Keep walking to Uni, eat healthily, STAY AWAY FROM BIRTHDAY & EASTER CHOCOLATE!!