Just not losing anymore

Hi all,

I've definitely done a lot of yo-yo dieting in my lifetime. Over the past few years I've gained a lot and lost a lot. Recently (since New Year's) I have gotten back on track, mostly stayed under my calorie goals, and exercised (though only once or twice a week). Since NY I lost about five pounds, but for the last three weeks I haven't lost any. In fact, I gained a pound. I'm so frustrated because I have totally been good, and sometimes even felt deprived. I'm only 30, so my metabolism shouldn't be completely shot. What should I do??? Will more vigorous and frequent exercise help? I'm so depressed because I gave myself a goal and I can't meet it. I see other people trying to lose weight and easily succeeding. Help!



  • lshart
    lshart Posts: 5
    I think exercise is key. I was only able to maintain my weight with 2-3 days of exercise per week - once I started this myfitnesspal I began exercising 6-7 days per week and have consistently been losing weight every week.
  • Little_Lisa_Ann
    I'm having the same problem. I'm almost always under my calorie goal, and I workout at least 3 days a week..yet after the first few weeks I stopped losing and I've been stuck around the same weight for weeks now..it always seems to move up and down between the same few pounds and it's getting frustrating..
  • aschrader7
    Yes I definetely suggest you exercise more. Eating right just isn't enough if you want to see a big difference. Exercise 4-5 times a week while drinking a lot of water, you should start seeing that weight go! Good luck!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    maybe you aren't eating enough. It isn't good to always be under your calorie goal - body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows.:smile:
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    Well I feel my answer is qualified because there is a lot of info I don't know.

    1. Food. You can be under your calories, but if you're eating a lot of processed foods, diet sodas, cereals, etc. it might be messing with your metabolism again. My advice is to eat the most clean, whole foods you can get your hands on (i.e. the stuff that was on the Earth 200 years ago! Fruit, veggies lean proteins, whole grains)

    2. Exercise. BELIEVE me I've tried to work this part of the equation, but finally learned my lesson: you really have to workout 4-6 days a week to get that scale to MOVE!

    3. The scale isn't everything. Your body is made up of fat AND muscle. When you're exercising and watching your cals, you're replacing fat with muscle and guess which weighs more? Muscle! I think anyone starting a regime is probably going to see more movement with a tape measure in the first month or so than on the scale.

    4. Journal journal journal. There are times when I THINK I'm sticking to my cals, etc. but I'm not writing everything down. It's when you log every last thing you put in your mouth that you're truly accountable and really know if you're sticking to your goals.

    Good luck!
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    I agree with what folks are saying here. You can't really effectively loose weight with just diet or just exercise modification. You need to modify both. Hard lesson I had to learn! Much time spent banging my head against a wall saying, "So much time on the tread mill, what the hell?!".
  • gradmonkey
    gradmonkey Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for the helpful advice and encouragement. Many of my friends are losing weight without exercise. Last year I did a weight loss plan at a clinic and the weight came off so fast without any exercise. It was a high protein diet and with these nutrient supplements that were mostly soy protein. I am trying to have a high protein diet now but it's just not working the same way. It's not that I'm trying to get out of exercise, but my schedule right now doesn't allow for a lot of time. At most, I have 30-45 minutes to exercise, 4 days a week. That clinic was way too expensive. I spent over $1,000 and ended up gaining all the weight back when I quit.
  • Greell
    Greell Posts: 1
    That kind of thing is part of the problem. Remember that there are no shortcuts to weight loss!

    Don't be discouraged that you aren't losing what you expect to each week, especially if you exercise.

    The human body will fluctuate up and down, and sometimes you'll lose a pound, sometimes you'll gain a pound, this is due to various things like what you're eating, when you're eating, if you're gaining muscle mass, and (as silly as it sounds) what you're wearing.

    Weigh yourself the same time, every time, and wear the same, or similar things.

    For instance, I wear my boxers only, and I weigh myself in every morning at around 8am, and if I weigh in at night (for a different perspective) i strip down to boxers and weigh in again.

    Don't be a slave to the scale! I weight lift a lot so my weight can fluctuate a lot, but 200lbs of muscle, looks a lot better than 200lbs of fat. If you exercise(and I mean more than just cardio, things that build muscle) a good amount while you diet, your weight loss won't be seeing huge numbers, because the fat you lose, is replaced by muscle.

    Remember also that 1lb of muscle burns an extra 100 calories a day, and obviously helps tone up for a slimmer appearance.

    Also, if your diet is to consume, say, 1500 calories a day, don't eat 700 calories a day (over exaggerated number I know)...your body will assume you're starving, and start storing fat, making it harder and hard to burn off....eat close to your goal, but not over. Stay away from processed foods too...if it's man made....don't eat it, or cut back a LOT....stick to good ol fruits, veggies, and lean meats.

    Ultimately, everyone has to find their own routine that works best for them, but hopefully some of this may help.
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I have just had a quick peak at your diary and it looks like a few dinners etc (at least over the last week) have titles such as 'generic...' or 'homemade...', I would try and individually add all your ingredients together on your diary instead of picking a generic or homemade recipe off the MFP menu, what someone else does for homemade or generic might be significantly more or less calories than your method of cooking. So your diary could be either way under and you should be eating more, or over and you should be trying to findf ways of cutting out unneccessary calories where you can. Just another thought in addition to those above :) ! Hope this helps and next week you'll find a loss on the scales :happy:
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Hey Gradmonkey :)
    Maybe you're plateauing, maybe there is something more you can do ...
    Love to see what you need to lose and how you are travelling - maybe we can help motivate you!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like :)
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    I would try listing every thing you eat, weighing everything, just to make sure you are eating enough or not too much. You do not seem to be drinking any water either.

    The body does not lose weight to order - sadly - sometimes you can lose nothing for a couple of weeks and then start losing again.

    Good Luck
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    4. Journal journal journal. There are times when I THINK I'm sticking to my cals, etc. but I'm not writing everything down. It's when you log every last thing you put in your mouth that you're truly accountable and really know if you're sticking to your goals.

    This is soooo true, im astonished by the amount of calories in things, I Downloaded the app and now I enter my food before I've eaten it just to see how much is in it, then I can adjust accordingly.

    Also if its not shifting then some thing may need to change: Drink more water or more probably exercise, If that's a problem time wise then think about hiit training in the time you do have. And stick with it. it'll come off at somepoint.