how do I lose 5 pounds a week??



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    The people on biggest loser lose that much because they are morbidly obese. No one of normal weight or normal levels of overweight would lose that much in a week.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    I know it isn't recommended to lose more than 2 pounds a week. I have already changed my eating habits. I just want to know how much I need to workout a day to have a weight loss goal of 5 pounds a week. I know doing the 30-Day Shred isn't enough. I am limited to workout DVDs and jogging in place at home. Any input for me???

    Maybe I should do the 30-Day Shred a few times a day???

    To lose 5 pounds a week you must first reach 500-600 pounds. Then go on a 1,200 calories diet per day and workout 4 hours a day. Then completely dehydrate yourself.

    that could work! haha..
    yea i have to agree with most-- no amount of money is worth the damage you could do to your body. You'd pretty much have to stop eating all together and run all day. fitness shows on TV such as biggest loser are NOT totally true information and are giving people unrealistic expectations. Weight loss should be done slow and steady.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Why not just amputate an arm? You might have less long-term effects that way. :tongue:
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Do your own program and make life-style changes, not just weight changes. Find better food choices you like that work for your family. Start your own contest rules to see who can log their calories for the most days in a row (I am over 50 days so far) or who can stay within "their own" healthy calorie goal the longest. That is WAY harder than just not eating and exercising. Or who can go the longest without eating out. Yea, try that one! If you lose that much weight so fast your body will start aggressively holding on to fat stores and turn more of what you eat into fat. You can't tell your metabolism, "Hey, it was just a contest. You can go back to burning calories at a normal rate now."
  • My fiance is in a biggest loser competition. He loses about 5 pounds a week (he was also 250 when he started), and after 6 weeks he is down almost 35 pounds. He has 4 more weeks to go, and the loss is slowing but still remains steady.

    He eats his calorie goal on here to lose 2 pounds a week. He does 120-150 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. He does NOT eat back any exercise calories. Drink lots of water, eat clean, and get that cardio in.

    Your fiance is doing himself a major disservice. It is VERY unhealthy to lag on exercise calories. In fact, it is rather DANGEROUS. Especially since he is overweight. He needs to be eating those calories. Slower weight loss is better than the impending heart attack that awaits him at a young age from starving his body.

    In all fairness I'm eating 1800+ calories a day of mainly meats, with the addition of vitamins etc. The only impending heart attack I see is from not losing weight and not keeping my heart and body healthy. I don't see the need to be stuffing myself full when I'm not hungry. Having a father who suffers from chronic heart failure and has twice saved his health (and life) doing a very similar kind of workout and diet I'm doing more than surprising and surpassing the expectations of his doctors. You would be surprised what you can handle if you try and don't necessarily follow the crowd.
  • For everyone saying that 5 pounds a day is dangerous, as with anything, one way is not for everybody. I started my weight loss on January 2, 2011. I was 304.8. And just by changing my eating habits, eating correctly, and cutting out sugar, I managed a 5 pound weight loss for 3 weeks straight. My body didn't go into shock. I am not unhealthy. I started adding in exercise and as of today, I am down 39.7 pounds. So thats just a little over 8 weeks...average loss 5 pounds a week. Trust me, I am eating healthy...I may be calorie short on days, but its not crazy short. I think it all depends on the person. I have alot to 5 pounds is not hard for me. I am exercising...I feel great (I'll feel better when I get to 220), and my blood pressure is down.

    Why does everyone automattically assume 5 pounds is the unhealthy number.....
    Has anyone watched Biggest Loser??? They typically lose more than 5 pounds a week (yes I know they are being closely monitored by professionals) but you don't see them dropping dead of heart attacks because they lost 11...yes 11 pounds this week.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    For everyone saying that 5 pounds a day is dangerous, as with anything, one way is not for everybody. I started my weight loss on January 2, 2011. I was 304.8. And just by changing my eating habits, eating correctly, and cutting out sugar, I managed a 5 pound weight loss for 3 weeks straight. My body didn't go into shock. I am not unhealthy. I started adding in exercise and as of today, I am down 39.7 pounds. So thats just a little over 8 weeks...average loss 5 pounds a week. Trust me, I am eating healthy...I may be calorie short on days, but its not crazy short. I think it all depends on the person. I have alot to 5 pounds is not hard for me. I am exercising...I feel great (I'll feel better when I get to 220), and my blood pressure is down.

    Why does everyone automattically assume 5 pounds is the unhealthy number.....
    Has anyone watched Biggest Loser??? They typically lose more than 5 pounds a week (yes I know they are being closely monitored by professionals) but you don't see them dropping dead of heart attacks because they lost 11...yes 11 pounds this week.

    The difference is, You're a guy. Guys are able to lose lots of weight really quickly. Testosterone makes your burn calories faster
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    For everyone saying that 5 pounds a day is dangerous, as with anything, one way is not for everybody. I started my weight loss on January 2, 2011. I was 304.8. And just by changing my eating habits, eating correctly, and cutting out sugar, I managed a 5 pound weight loss for 3 weeks straight. My body didn't go into shock. I am not unhealthy. I started adding in exercise and as of today, I am down 39.7 pounds. So thats just a little over 8 weeks...average loss 5 pounds a week. Trust me, I am eating healthy...I may be calorie short on days, but its not crazy short. I think it all depends on the person. I have alot to 5 pounds is not hard for me. I am exercising...I feel great (I'll feel better when I get to 220), and my blood pressure is down.

    Why does everyone automattically assume 5 pounds is the unhealthy number.....
    Has anyone watched Biggest Loser??? They typically lose more than 5 pounds a week (yes I know they are being closely monitored by professionals) but you don't see them dropping dead of heart attacks because they lost 11...yes 11 pounds this week.

    You were 300 pounds. Angela clearly is not.

    And if you believe everything you see on the Biggest Loser, then you're really, REALLY gullible.

  • You were 300 pounds. Angela clearly is not.

    And if you believe everything you see on the Biggest Loser, then you're really, REALLY gullible.

    Wow...way to turn it into a personal attack. There are numerous shows on tv where people who are overweight lose more than 5 pounds a week (under supervision of professionals). I am not gullible, or stupid, or whatever else you'd like to call me. I am not here to get into a second grade pissing contest with you. All I am saying is that different. What is healthy for you, may not be healthy for me and vice versa. Yes I am a guy, and yes I have alot to lose. But you know nothing about the OP other than what she asked. I'm not saying that 5 pounds a week would be healthy for her, but for everyone to automattically jam down her throat that its dangerous (and the one post about someones fiance setting themselves up for a heart attack) is alittle over the top. My wife is dieting and exercising, and she lost 5 pounds each of her first two weeks. She has now tailed off to 3 pounds a week (she doesnt have that much to lose and her body is adapting...our bodies are amazing machines).
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    That poster did not attack you, they merely stated a simple fact.

    You were 300lb - she is not.

    You are a man - she is not.

    You can't really have a problem with that.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Why not just amputate an arm? You might have less long-term effects that way. :tongue:
    :laugh: Best advice in this thread - DO WHAT IT TAKES TO WIIINNN. Take off a leg even.
  • Check out at home workouts on
    THis is definitly and unhealthy way to lose the weight but I understand what you are saying and trying to do. But remember your health is important!!
    I do at home workouts with a little 17month old in the works great!!

    Good luck but its safer to maybe shoot for 2 pounds a week at the most!!!

  • That poster did not attack you, they merely stated a simple fact.

    You were 300lb - she is not.

    You are a man - she is not.

    You can't really have a problem with that.

    Read what I quoted. I have no problem with them stating that I was 300 pounds (because I was..fact). . The "really, REALLY gullible" part is where I took issue. There was no reason, or justification to throw that comment into the post.

    And as I stated in the beginning- each person is different. That's why I said I knew I had alot to lose so it was easy for me to lose 5 pounds a week. No one here knows the absolute true condition she is in. So maybe 5 pounds is, or is not a realistic healthy weight loss. But for everyone to automattically say "it's unhealthy, your body will get too stressed, you're setting yourself up for a heart attack" is over the top and bad advice. The more appropriate response would have been..."5 pounds a week for most people is too large a weight loss. I would suggest that you consult with your physician and see what a medical professional reccomends". Seeing as how most of us on here don't fall into the "medical professional" category for any one to say definitivley that it is unhealthy is just plain wrong.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    If you lose that much a week you will most likely end up with A LOT of loose flabby skin. That is another plus to losing weight slowly, your skin gets time to adjust.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    That poster did not attack you, they merely stated a simple fact.

    You were 300lb - she is not.

    You are a man - she is not.

    You can't really have a problem with that.

    Read what I quoted. I have no problem with them stating that I was 300 pounds (because I was..fact). . The "really, REALLY gullible" part is where I took issue. There was no reason, or justification to throw that comment into the post.

    And as I stated in the beginning- each person is different. That's why I said I knew I had alot to lose so it was easy for me to lose 5 pounds a week. No one here knows the absolute true condition she is in. So maybe 5 pounds is, or is not a realistic healthy weight loss. But for everyone to automattically say "it's unhealthy, your body will get too stressed, you're setting yourself up for a heart attack" is over the top and bad advice. The more appropriate response would have been..."5 pounds a week for most people is too large a weight loss. I would suggest that you consult with your physician and see what a medical professional reccomends". Seeing as how most of us on here don't fall into the "medical professional" category for any one to say definitivley that it is unhealthy is just plain wrong.

    You based your advice to her ON A TV SHOW that has many many people stating that it's a load of hooey with false weigh-ins, multiple weeks between weigh-ins (despite the show eluding to the fact that it's only been a week), encouraged dehydration before the big finale to make the numbers appear bigger and treating the contestants like they're circus animals because of their weight.

    If you don't want to be called guillible, don't believe everything you see on a tv show.
  • Again??? Seriously??? There needs to be name calling among adults? sad. I am not gullible, stupid or whatever else you'd like to call me. If it makes you feel better a s a human being to name call, that's your choice (and I feel bad for you).

    And as this conversation is completley irrelevant to what the OP asked...I feel no need to continue down this path.

    As I have stated before, each person is different. What is good for one is not good for all. 5 pounds can be it healthy or not? I HAVE NO IDEA....I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!! Talk to a PHYSICIAN that is trained and certified to make that decision for YOU. Not for me, not for the poster that needs to call me gullible, not for anyone else in the entire MFP community. It's what your physicain says is right for you. If your physician tells you its dangerous and you decide to do it anyway...that would be unhealthy and a risk to you. But for anyone here to make that judgement with no medical or physical information is useless to you. Go talk to your Doctor and get a medical opinion.
  • deasourus
    deasourus Posts: 16
    what do you mean the 30 day shred isn't enough! O_O It's done wonders for me. To each his own, but realistically it just isn't healthy to loose that much weight in such a short amount of time. If you do manage this, most likely it will back fire on you and you'll gain weight. If you desire longer term results just do it the healthy way. I doubt your family will judge you if you don't win the contest.
  • Thanks for all the comments. Good, bad and rude. Like I said... I know it's not recommended. I was simply wondering. Hey, maybe I was even secretly hoping for someone to suggest some kind of miracle workout. But we all know it doesn't work that way. I was expecting there to be a few smart *kitten* comments like the arm and leg ones. That's what comes with posting on a message board.

    To those of you that have actually gave me some positive feedback with the pros and cons thanks. And thanks to the few that have left me some informative messages.

    I will just continue what I am doing already, increase my workout sessions. Eat what I should be eating. And hope for the best results. FYI- I have made this a lifestyle change already. This isn't a short term thing. The money is definitely giving me motivation since I am currently laid off, in debt and just want some cash.

    Wish me luck!
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    1 lb = 3500 calories
    5lbs = 17500 calories

    **1500 - 2000 calories per lb of muscle
    **0 calories in a lb of water

    Below is a response I read elsewhere when someone asked how to lose 10lbs/wk:

    "Most people who lose like 10 pounds in one week are mostly losing water and muscle. It is very difficult to lose 5 pounds of fat in one week. Your body would need to burn off 17500 more calories that you eat. That would literally mean you would not have to eat at all. But if you wanted to lose 10 pounds of water and would only need to burn off about 7500 more calories than you eat (assuming 5 pounds muscle, 5 pounds water) which is possible. Granted you will gain the weight right back...but most people who lose 10 pounds in one week do gain the weight right back."
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    I believe it's understood also that ppl who lose weight gradually are more apt to keep the weight off.
    I also know that it gets harder to lose weight - meaning the weight comes off slower - as your weight lessens.

    I think that's the miscommunication listed in posts above (or not).

    Anyways....If it's really a concern, I would consult with a Physician and see what they say.

    I doubt they say to shoot for 5lbs. Now if that's how your body reacts sometimes , then thats how your body reacts.

    And scene.
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