not losing

Hi I am pretty new to this site. I have been on for 25 days now. I lost five lbs the first week and nothing since. I am always a few hundred under calories and i exercise about 5 days a week. Not sure why I am not losing. any idea? I have over 80 lbs I need to lose so it isn't those last 10 lbs I can't seem to lose. Any help would be greatly appreciated. have a great day.



  • WomanPower79
    Hello... it could be several things. maybe you arent EATING ENOUGH... whats your water intake? should be atleast half your weight, are you 'going' on the regular? what ARE you eating? need more information to help. :happy:

    ~biggestloser79 :flowerforyou:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you definitely want to make sure you are eating enough calories--plus a calorie is not just a calorie, make sure your calories are nutritious, a balance of carbs and protein and not just full of carbs alone. Eat lots of veggies and stay away from processed carbs, all the while trying to get in your minimum caloric need.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    you definitely want to make sure you are eating enough calories--plus a calorie is not just a calorie, make sure your calories are nutritious, a balance of carbs and protein and not just full of carbs alone. Eat lots of veggies and stay away from processed carbs, all the while trying to get in your minimum caloric need.

    This is great advice... you might also want to track your salt intake... good luck!
  • peterc9
    peterc9 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, hang in there. It does work, but it is slow... I'm a novice to this as well, but I'm sure the other post about not eating enough and drinking plenty of water is right.
    I've been doing this for 4 months or so and I'm trying not to watch the scales too much - instead I want to re-calibrate my eating and exercise habits long term. One thing I know I can give myself is time... its like a balloon going out real slow... but going in the right direction.
    Sooner or later your clothes will start feeling like they've stretched... then it will be easy to keep going!
  • AussieFirebird
    AussieFirebird Posts: 76 Member
    Have a look at posts by Banks (they would have been bumped A LOT) regarding weight loss and calorie intake. They really helped me when I started. I think you can find these under this section (General Diet and Weight Loss Help). If I can find a link I will send it to you. These guys really know what they are talking about.

    Best of luck to you :-)
  • princesschikee
    We need a lot more info about your eating and work out habits before we can make any suggestions.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Nobody's water intake should be half their weight - that would be difficult to achieve and very dangerous!!!
  • AussieFirebird
    AussieFirebird Posts: 76 Member
    And another. These provide you with very real, useful advice and are always kept at the top of the page for everyone to access. I hope they can assist you some :-)

    Best Wishes
  • MissMe2morrow
    I see some excellent advice and thought I'd chime in one piece of info I've seen from others: take measurements in addition to tracking your weight. You may not see a huge difference on the scale but if you're putting on muscle and losing fat, your measurements should show it. Stick with it!
  • helthymom6
    Thanks to all. i guess I'll try eating more. Right now I do about 2 miles on the Leslie Sanson Walk yourself thin dvd. I am eating about 1300- 1400 calories a day without adding back my exercise calories. I have well over 80 lbs to lose so I thought I would be able to lose steadily. I have been stuck for the last 2 weeks at the same weight. I had dropped 5 lbs in the first week and a half. and after that nothing. I sometimes find it hard to eat back my calories if I am eating food that is good for me. If I put in treats it isn't so hard to come up with my calories. I guess I'll just keep going and hope that It wil eventually come off.

    Thank you for all the encouragment!
  • roma2011
    roma2011 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm exactly the same as you. I had a big drop in weight for the first week or two (about 6lbs) and then plateaued, so it was obviously mostly water weight that I lost. I'm now on a strict enough 1500 kcal per day with 3 very intensive spin circuit workouts per week. I'm in week 3 at the moment and while I feel fitter my weight has more or less stayed the same (as have my measurements) and some days I'm up weight. This has been especially in the last week or so because my very low fat diet resulted in (TMI alert!) constipation. Thankfully Milk of Magnesia came to the rescue on that front!

    The tips I have picked up on here (that haven't worked for me) are:-
    -keep on exercising, at least 3 hours per week
    -vary your diet, it's very easy to end up eating the same food at the same time every day when dieting, our bodies need a variety
    -drink plenty of water
    -cut out/down caffeine intake
    - have one day per week where you can eat whatever you want. Apparently this gives your metabolism a bit of a boost.
    - stay over 1200 cals per day, even when exercise cals are counted.
    - lots of veg.
    - fruit contains natural sugars so not too much of that. A banana is = two portions of fruit.
    - if you struggle to meet the 1200 cals try adding healthy-fats like avocado to sandwiches and salads, or have a handful of nuts. 1oz avocado = 50 cals.
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
  • princesschikee
    I'm a big advocate in eating 5 small meals a day with each one containing complex carbs, protein, and fat. Eating every 3 hours keeps your body energized and boosts your metabolism.
    Cardio 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes each session is good. Weight lifting 3-4 days a week is a must if you want to burn fat. Lean muscle mass burns fat. Without weight lifting and eating clean you will wind up losing muscle and hold on to fat.
    Eating clean is very important when working on achieving a slimmer waist.
    I hope this helps.
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    As ridiculous at it sounds, you need to be at or slightly above your calories, not really under - from what I understand. Try adding a few extra healhty calories to your daily intake. Your body is probably just surprised at all your recent activity and hasn't adjusted yet.....keep up the great work! Stay strong and dedicated!