Who watched Biggest Loser last night? Beware - spoilers?!?!

tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
I am a HUGE fan! I really think some of the people on the red team are selfish. I feel like they should have saved Arthur. His weight loss could definitely help them win weigh-ins.

I was shocked that Kaylee and Moses did not do that well at home. I adore Kaylee, but she cannot win the BL. She does not have enough weight to lose compared to others.

And the black team is now all girls! They are going to have a tough time winning against those big boys every week.

Arthur has been in game mode since he has been there, but he needs/needed to be there. I am glad he is doing well at home, but......


  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    that episode literally made me mad. like, i was yelling at the t.v. ha ha.
    i feel that the red team is to busy "playing the game" and "sticking up for their team" than actually realizing what the Biggest Looser is suppose to be about.
    especially after that plee that Bob made to keep Arthur there, i thought that maybe they would do the right thing.... i would have sent Kaylee home since she only lost one pound in 2 weeks...
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    AGREE'D!!! I was crying when they all went home and saw their family!!
  • MattAxtell
    MattAxtell Posts: 73 Member
    I agree. Kaylee should have stepped up and said she was fine going home. She is like 170 lbs and getting very close to a "normal" weight.

    It made me very upset to see that EVERYONE voted for him.

    I am very happy to see that arthur is doing so good at home!

    At first I did not think that he was really into losing the weight that much, but it seems that Bob lit a spark in him the last few weeks and now he is on cruise control.. he is going to look amazing at the finally
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I agree. I too, wanted Kaylee to go home- she looks great! But Arthur NEEDED to be there.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I know!!! I, too, was shocked that they sent Arthur home. After what Jillian and Bob said I can't believe they didn't keep him. I'm really not impressed w/ the red team and their alliances and lack of caring about Arthur's life. I honestly thought Kaylee should have been going home.

    Yes, I'm not so sure how the black team is going to continue to fair as they move forward being all girls. Although they BROUGHT IT last night!!!!!! I rather secretly hope that the teams get all mixed up again, so that some of the alliances on the red team are broken.

    I was happy to see Arthur is doing so well at home too! Walking to the gym and back and all that working out and doing it with his dad. That was great!!
  • I AGREE! I was even crying, definitely the most emotional episode yet. Everyone is so worried about the "game" instead of the real purpose of the Biggest Loser. Arthur no doubt needs to be there & I can't believe he was sent home, although I am very happy that he is doing so well at home & I hope he continues and wins the at home challenge :)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I gave up on it. I don't really like any of the contestants (this is the first season I've watched any of so I just think it's not my kind of show.) Last week's episode really bothered me though. They just expected the elders to fall on their swords to save their ADULT children. They aren't little kids. They aren't even teenagers still getting used to their developing bodies. They are ADULTS. And yet somehow they were more important than the elders.

    Really two faced of that one chick's mom who made a big point about "won't someone please think of the children" and then sacrificed Arthur as soon as she got a chance (i.e. after she sent his dad packing). She's clearly the alpha there, so the others just fell in line. I can't imagine how they could have the slightest bit of respect for her though now.

    I hope she gets sent home next week and then balloons up to double the weight she started at. I hate hypocrites.
  • I knew they would & as I watched them sit there and vote him off, I was like you A**es >:O( Maybe thats why I root for the black team every week :O) Good to see that Auther is still losing & doing awesome :O)
  • beahawk
    beahawk Posts: 34 Member
    Yeah the girls on the black team are not going to last really long but I know this - if the Red team lose another weigh-in, Kaylee is going home.....
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    grrrr. I really dislike the red team. Even before last night I was rooting for the black team. It may just be because I love Bob and Jillian, but I feel like the red team is always so cocky and then they don't deliver at the weigh-ins. Unfortunately I think the Biggest Loser from this season will be from the red team, the girls on the black team just don't have much further to go. Unless it is Courtney or Jen. That would be sooo great! I just want the winner to come from Bob and Jillian's team!

    And OMG, Arthur looked awesome at home! 300 pounds. Wow. I hope he really does win the at home prize!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I agree Arthur needed to stay longer than some of the others, but bottom line: It's a game, a reality TV show. If it was up to me, lowest percentage would go home every week and there would be no voting, but that's just not how this show works.
  • The red team totally screwed themselves. They could win every weigh in if they kept Arthur. He's bound to have big numbers. Kaylee, Ken, and Moses all blew it at home. The vote should reflect the weakest link.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I think you forget who the wild card is. Bob and Jillian have David slaying Goliath right now. After 2 weeks at home who has their team in position to make this long lasting? I hated they sent Arthur home too but Aeveryone forgets that Arthur dug his own grave and if he would have lost 19 pound with the amount of weight he needs to lose he would have been safe. If he just could have made one more week I think he would have broken down the red team. Good TV I really like it.
  • gingermim
    gingermim Posts: 58 Member
    Frankly I think the red team did the right thing...they are there for weightloss but many of them are there because of they want to win the money. Arthur did not hesitate to throw people under the bus when it was his turn and I think everyone remembered that. And besides we all know that next season or the one after that they will bring Arthur back if need be just like they did with Danny in a previous BL season. Weigh to Goal Arthur you look great keep up your good work at home and do yourself proud.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I agree. Kaylee should have stepped up and said she was fine going home. She is like 170 lbs and getting very close to a "normal" weight.

    It made me very upset to see that EVERYONE voted for him.

    I am very happy to see that arthur is doing so good at home!

    At first I did not think that he was really into losing the weight that much, but it seems that Bob lit a spark in him the last few weeks and now he is on cruise control.. he is going to look amazing at the finally

    This is exactly how I felt about last night too! I thought Bob's little pep talk would have swayed some of them, but nope! When there is $ involved people get crazy!! I really hope Arthur wins the at home prize. He has annoyed me more than once during the season but I am very proud of him and his accomplishments so far! Right now my vote is for Courtney to win it all. I just adore her and her mother!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    I agree with all the comments. I think there was game play all the way around. Arthur really did himself in when switched the father and daughter team over to the red team and openly admitted it was to have a scape goat (the mother and daughter team) so his father wouldn't have to go home. The women on the black team although openly supportive of Arthur, didn't really want him and his dad there. They split them up, having the father go home. So Arthur didn't have an alliance with anyone on either team, as well as being the biggest threat to both teams. I think the black team is hoping that they will split everyone up soon so it won't be just women against the big boys. The red team say they are all about "family". Let's see how far that family goes when they start picking them off one by one. Right now I don't have any favorites. I'm hating them all. LOL
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I know Bob went off in a speech about how the red team shouldn't play the game because this his life but I disagree. Normally I agree that they should let the people who need the help the most stay but this week I agree with the red teams choice. Arthur had established earlier on in the game that he wanted to play the game when he made the choice to swap out two of his team members for two on the red team. There was no reason he had to switch things up when everyone wanted things to stay the same way. He switched things up for his own game play reasons. All of those red team members want longer time on the ranch as well so why should they not play the game for a person who has in past challenges.
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    I totally agree with you! Every time they read a vote for Arthur, I said, "stupid" and got more mad! They are definitely selfish! I think that not only does Kaylee not have that much left to lose, but she could do just fine at home now if she put her mind to it. I was very disappointed by that too. The parents had been so protective of the kids prior to this, I think a couple of the parents should have taken Arthur's best interest into consideration.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I personally didnt care for Arthur, i mean he needed to be there an everything, but i think he could have dug deeper and not have been such a "player" in the begginging when HE FIRST screwed up the teams. i wanted him off immediately, but you can tell he regretted it! i kinda didnt like him, but good for him and his weight loss and better life journey
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