Doing it alone

deeltwins Posts: 16
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all,

My name is Lisa and I am really overweight. I weighed 333 lbs when I began my weight loss journey. Since Summer of 2010 I have lost 46 lbs. I know that is not a lot in a such a long period of time, but I am trying to do this alone. I work full time, getting my Master degree, and I have 3 children. I am also an emotional eater. Some days I have no problems sticking to my calories, other days it is extremely hard. I currently weigh 287 lbs. I am hoping I can get some support to help me on my long journey.


  • NOT A LOT??????????? Are you crazy????? That is amazing!!!!! You need to celebrate your success rather than not thinking it's good enough!!!! that is an inspiration to me!!!!! Let it inspire yourself. You know it can be done, you can do it.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Well your not alone here!! we can support each other, I know what its like being a mom going to school working=STRESS and WEIGHT add me as a friend if you like :happy:
  • meanebaby
    meanebaby Posts: 22 Member
    You are not alone, not as long as you are here. You've done great work so far!!
  • padbh
    padbh Posts: 40
    lisa you are doing great! remember, it a journey!
  • tx2va2005
    tx2va2005 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, that actually is a great achievement, you should be proud! I understand what you are going through, it helps to have someone on your side. You can add me as a friend and we can do this together if you would like.:flowerforyou:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    You're most definitely not alone here! I'll send you a Friend request now for some extra support!
  • Hi Lisa - I am new today to MFP and let me send my congrats to you on your weight loss to date! Great job and never think that it is not a lot and amount is! Keep up the great job and it seems like there are a ton of supportive people on this site so you are not doing it alone! I know now I am not!!:happy:
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Welcome, you are no longer doing this alone! ;) congrats on the FANTASTIC loss so far, that's an amazing amount! You should be veryproud! Happy to be a friend to help when the going gets tough!
  • :happy: way to go keep it up i am a emotional eater too i think food is my friend but it isnt but wow you inspire me
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Welcome Lisa... great job so far!

    This place is awesome and full of support I'm sure you'll find.

  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I agree with Jessie! 46 lbs is an amazing accomplishment!!!! Don't sell yourself short!

    I've lost 56 lbs, and I still have 74 to go to get to my goal, but GUESS WHAT? I focus on what I have lost rather than the daunting task ahead of me. We all struggle. Just remember that you're human,and slip-ups happen. As long as you love yourself and get back on the wagon, you WILL get there!

    Congrats on the -46!
  • marshalemar
    marshalemar Posts: 106
    Hello, I have felt alone through my weight journey as well. I completely gave up on the idea of losing weight and then decided that it was time to get serious - I believe I can do it and I am determined to do so! I work full-time, we own a business and have 5 kids so we stay pretty busy. Finding this program is wonderful becasue I can actually track what I eat and do - it will help keep me on path. On top of it all, I have cronic knee and ankle issues so my exercise ability is limited and I have been on medicine that has hurt me in the area of weight. You don't have to do it alone, we can support each other through this program. Let's do it together - we can share successess and stories of setbacks right here! You can do it, you have come this far, don't give up now!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Not a lot?? Look at it as losing over 13% of your body weight
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    You are never alone on here. Friends on this site have been awsome on my journey and I always plan to do the same. Add me if you want my support. Good luck and keep up the fight.
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    Lisa you r doing GREAT!!! Welcome and feel free to add me I would love to help support you on weight loss journey!!:bigsmile:
  • solitare
    solitare Posts: 5
    Congrats on your weight loss! Dont be so hard on yourself that is a huge accomplishment...Good Luck
  • clsxplor
    clsxplor Posts: 15 Member

    For each of us losing weight is a journey, and even though you don't have a buddy close by, you are definitely not alone. Your accomplishment of losing 46 pounds without outside support speaks greatly of your determination. Keep it up! This site will give you as much support as you want to take from it. I have found it extremely helpful just logging what I eat, tracking my progress, and reading posts from others traveling the same road. When I get frustrated or want to backslide, I log on and read some of the success stories. Slow weight loss is better for your health, and tends to be more permanent than the quick, starvation diets - it's more about healthy living.

    Good luck on your quest, and welcome to the club!
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    NOT A LOT??????????? Are you crazy????? That is amazing!!!!! You need to celebrate your success rather than not thinking it's good enough!!!! that is an inspiration to me!!!!! Let it inspire yourself. You know it can be done, you can do it.

    :drinker: Well said Jess

    You are doing fantastic Lisa!!!!
  • ropedancer
    ropedancer Posts: 115
    First off, congrats on your progress! 46 pounds is nothing to scoff at. It's great that you've been sticking to things, even when you've had your off days.

    Secondly, best of luck on achieving you masters. My situation is much different (I do not have children), but I took classes towards my MLIS while working full time as well. It isn't how I ended that journey (I eventually quit my job and went to school full time), but it can be a tricky juggling act.

    Hope you don't mind if I friend request you. Our weight loss journeys may be a little different, but I'd love to provide you with some support.
  • maglinda22
    maglinda22 Posts: 1 Member
    First off... I have to to say congrats!!!! I have 1 child and it's hard let alone three and going to school for you masters... so kudos to you!... It is difficult when you have to get up and cook meals in the morning for everyone and then yourself... 9 well at least I know for me)... you say that it's not alot??? that is a great weight loss... keep up the good work!

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