I'm putting weight on :(

I first started this diet and was on 1200 cals and I was losing weight at about 1lb a week. Then I changed it to lose 1/2 per week and my calories jumped up to over 1600 cals.

Since then I stopped losing weight and also now i think i am gaining, i am so bloated.

But i am wondering if its my own fault, because although i have kept in my calorie ranges etc i have become obsessed with eating beef flavour seabrook crips (grab bag!) only one a day but its still in my cal/sat fat/sugar/carb range so i am wondering is this to blame

I also bought a treadmill but i am only managing to do 10 mins brisk walk on it a day.



  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Cut out all sodium except for what is naturally occurring in unprocessed foods and see what happens!!
  • sarah_bid
    sarah_bid Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'd stick to 1400 cals a day and see how that goes, at least it's more than 1200 were on 1200 cals you can't snack at all and 1400 you may still be able to fit in your crisps x
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    how long have you been walking? i bought a treadmill recently and its slightly on an incline so where i would usually walk for 40 mins i start to struggle after 10 at a brisk pace. I thought i was getting bigger and my clothes felt a little tight but its just muscle building up, my boyfriend said it looks like iv lost 2 inches from my legs since iv used my treadmill and i dont use it that often.

    Keep your calories no lower than 1200 and with your walking you will see the difference, and it will stick. But im sure someone will notice and point it out to you before you see any difference. good luck
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    If u'r putting weight on it means u'r consuming more calories than u'r burning, simple as that.
    So either cut down or get a move on! :)
  • lolw811
    lolw811 Posts: 27 Member
    I have had my treadmill for about two weeks, i normally go out walking with the dog and the boyfriend but i wanted the treadmill to start jogging and i just can not do it. I struggle even just walking...i am so unhealthy.

    Does help when you have big boobs giving you black eyes either. total nightmare when I run.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    I would go with the 1400 cal and try that. As far as the treadmil, I know that they are all different, but set yourself small goals, ie 10 min and then gradually build up. Also, start slow at a comfortable pace, I have asthma so when I started my goal was 5 min at 2.5 - 3 mph, gradually I built up. I hope this helps, Best of Luck to you, Lynn
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    If u'r putting weight on it means u'r consuming more calories than u'r burning, simple as that.
    So either cut down or get a move on! :)

    Actually, that's if she's putting FAT on. It hasn't been determined yet if it's fat or just one of the many things that cause weight fluctuations in all of us. If you're eating a bag of chips a day, your sodium is likely high. Try to get it lower and if it's that, then you'll lose the water weight that you're storing. Do you find that your muscles hurt after a workout? If so, then it could be water that your muscles are holding on to to relieve some of the pain (I don't understand the process, but I know if I work muscles I'm not used to working and they're sore for a couple of days, my weight increases slightly). Is it near your TOM? That causes weight fluctuations too. As does not drinking enough water. Try those things at your current calorie consumption and see if it clears up. If not, then you might be overestimating your calorie burn on your machines (although I doubt it would be enough to cause weight gain that quickly).
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am really staggered that a relatively lean and young woman like yourself (you're 26?) is not fit enough to do more than 10 mins walking??

    I think this has to be a serious reality check for you. You clearly need to work out more.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I am really staggered that a relatively lean and young woman like yourself (you're 26?) is not fit enough to do more than 10 mins walking??

    I think this has to be a serious reality check for you. You clearly need to work out more.

    I agree! I'm pushing 40 and started at 202 lbs at 5ft 2in!!! If I can do it, YOU can do it. Stop saying you can't and start saying you can!! Because, YOU CAN!!!! How bad do you want to change? maybe not bad enough? Set a goal..... and then go get it!!!!
  • vertor81
    vertor81 Posts: 17
    I was just wondering why noone thought that she might have some health problems causing her problems to walk over 10 min?
    Heart problems can cause similar reaction. I would consult a doctor first before going on setting a target in your training and overdoing it.

    Sorry for my bad english but I`m not native ;)
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    I have had my treadmill for about two weeks, i normally go out walking with the dog and the boyfriend but i wanted the treadmill to start jogging and i just can not do it. I struggle even just walking...i am so unhealthy.

    Does help when you have big boobs giving you black eyes either. total nightmare when I run.

    I advise a sports bra! also it doesnt mean your unhealty, it just means you need to build up your stamina. iv only had mine less than a month and i cant run outside, mainy because of being self concious but i started doing brisk walking then running when the adverts were on the tele. at first i couldnt even make it through one advert but you build it up gradually. Now i just brisk walk and can go up to 40 mins if i have some good music in my ear to listen to. Just keep going!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am really staggered that a relatively lean and young woman like yourself (you're 26?) is not fit enough to do more than 10 mins walking??

    I think this has to be a serious reality check for you. You clearly need to work out more.

    I agree also.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Invest in a good sports bra. I am a G cup and a sports bra is a must for pretty much all exercise. My fave for jogging is Freya underwired. It starts at a D cup and goes up to H. No movement and has not losened with wear. Not very pretty bra but does the job.

    I also like Max Sports Bra. It goes from D to HH and looks good. The bra has become looser with time however still a good fit. No longer my running bra though.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I was just wondering why noone thought that she might have some health problems causing her problems to walk over 10 min?
    Heart problems can cause similar reaction. I would consult a doctor first before going on setting a target in your training and overdoing it.

    My heart problems were discovered when I tried to get fit. I was 21 and couldn't jog. Kept trying it thinking I could push through and ended up in hospital. I had just assumed I was unfit.

    Getting fit was an extremely long process for me because of that.

    It would be a very good idea to get checked out.
  • lolw811
    lolw811 Posts: 27 Member
    Now I am just scared I am going to die if i go on the treadmill and that i have a health issue.
  • ChristineMiller2
    Have you had a physical recently, just to make sure you are healthy? When you say you can't do more than 10 minutes on the treadmill, is it because you are bored? Out of breath....to what extent? Maybe slow the treadmill down, just take it slow.

    Also, if I may ask.....is it possible you just don't have the weight to lose? Your picture appears you are slim, I don't see excess weight in your face and arms. Be careful not to be trying to lose weight thats not there.

    Working out is important for your health and bones, keep it up but try not to focus on weight so much :)
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Well I say try a little bit everyday to see what your body can handle...add an extra minute a day untill you reach 15 mins. Listen to some music while you walk so you will not focus on the time you have been walking or look at a magazine. That is what I do. Then you will know you can handle more..slowly but surely. You can do anything you put your mind too just believe in yourself. Take care and good luck!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Now I am just scared I am going to die if i go on the treadmill and that i have a health issue.

    To be honest I believe that everyone should visit the doctors before embarking on a fitness routine. Its important to make sure you are healthy.
  • lolw811
    lolw811 Posts: 27 Member
    I do have alot of weight to lose of my stomach and thighs, no weight goes on my arms and shoulders for some reason, but i carry alot of fat on my stomach and thighs.

    If i walk for 10 mins on the treadmill at a speed of 5mph it nearly kills me and yet i can go for a brisk walk for 1hr with my dog and manage fine.

    So i am thinking maybe its a psychological things and i convince myself I can't do it. I have actually just got on the treadmll earlier to see if i can do longer on a lower speed, and did 15mins at the speed of 4mph and managed fine but got bored.

  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Now I am just scared I am going to die if i go on the treadmill and that i have a health issue.

    To be honest I believe that everyone should visit the doctors before embarking on a fitness routine. Its important to make sure you are healthy.

    Being able to walk for 10 minutes is not "Embarking on a fitness routine" that's normal life requirement!!

    If I were 26, not obese and could literally not walk for 10 minutes I would certainly have some sort of check up with my doctor.
    At least to determine what is cause and what is effect! While disease can cause lack of fitness, lack of fitness can also cause disease.