Doing it alone



  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I agree with the others, you can see you are NOT alone here!! And I applaud you for all of your hard work, and doing it this far on your own, I'm also an emotional eater, and that is the biggest battle I have to fight every day!! Keep up all of your hard work, and feel free to add me too! :flowerforyou:
  • Congrats on losing 46bls that's AWESOME!

    You sound like one busy momma! I've turned into an emotional eater since having children. I realized my why.... I can't just take off for a walk when I am having a rough day or go for a bike ride to blow off steam. As a mom of young kids it's just easier to eat when you are stressed or hurting IDK I used to not be able to eat when I was upset but now it's the first thing I want to do.

    So anyway my point is you aren't alone!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    props my lady!!!! You are never alone here!!! We will always have your back and catch you if you fall....and kick your *kitten* back into gear!!!:flowerforyou:
  • gooteek
    gooteek Posts: 64
    I think you are doing incredible with all the stressors! To lose that much and still keep everyone else's lives in order. Heck, just raising 3 kids is a monumental task! Keep up the good work, it seems to be working for you. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing, so take pride in what you are accomplishing each day! KUDOS!!!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    NOPE! You are NOT doing it alone! You have all of us! We can do it together! I'll send a friend request. I weigh close to the same thing as you. I started at 270 and am down to 253.
  • vroyyoung
    vroyyoung Posts: 33
    45 pounds is awesome. Keep up the great work. Make sure you don't beat yourself up on days where you're eating isn't perfect, weight loss is a long road, but one worth working at. I am also a stress eater, who also snacks when I get bored. I'm doing weight loss hypnosis and finding that my stress eating and other snacking is greatly reduced with this tool. Best wishes!
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    You can do it. I also work full time, go to school full time, and have 3 children. Be proud of what you have accomplished! Besides slow and steady wins the race!
  • thehealthylife
    thehealthylife Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats on how much you have already done and good luck on your MFP journey! Sending you a friend add, since we are close to the same point on our weight loss journey. P.s. I am also an emotional eater.
  • well done! I think that many of us are emotional eaters, and holy buckets (he he he) does that make it tougher but i think we are stronger than that. Together we can change and together we can complete this journey. Keep on goin you are doin GREAT!
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    Congats on those 46lbs. Celebrate it cause you could of gained and you lost that's amazing. Feel free to add me
  • deeltwins
    deeltwins Posts: 16
    Hey Laura,

    That is amazing. This is a great inspiration to me that you are in the same situation as me and you have accomplished so much. This shows me that raising three children, working full time, and going to school full time will not stop me from completing my journey. Thanks!
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Thats a fantastic amount you have lost so far! Be proud! I wish you all the best of luck using MFP, it really is a great place to try and lose weight, such lovely people here :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    NOT A LOT??????????? Are you crazy????? That is amazing!!!!! You need to celebrate your success rather than not thinking it's good enough!!!! that is an inspiration to me!!!!! Let it inspire yourself. You know it can be done, you can do it.

    this was my exact first thought on reading your post! dont sell yourself short :)
  • Hello Lisa,

    I would love to be some support for you on your journey. You and I don't have just 10 to 20 pounds to lose, but together in support we can do this. I believe this time will be the time for me. I hope we can be there to cheer each other on, and listen. Good luck on your journey to the new you! You can do this, I believe in you!
  • itsjustme77
    itsjustme77 Posts: 102
    You're doing great! keep it up!
  • Kasey_Ford
    Kasey_Ford Posts: 38 Member
    Treat yourself to a shopping spree, ma'am, cuz you have lost almost 50lbs!!! We all can use your success to help us! Congratulations!!! Shout it out how much you've lost!!! Keep up the great work, and congrats also on being disciplined enough to handle school and children and work... You're motivation to us all!
  • Hi Lisa

    Don't you dare down play losing 46lbs that is an AWESOME accomplishment. I am new to this also and I have 80 lbs to get to my goal just think you are half way to my goal. I am learning to just to set small REASONABLE goals for myself. I am currently working on getting my first 10lbs off. Remember you are never alone ask GOD to help carry you and give you the strength when you are feeling weak, defeated, sad, happy or just feel like giving up.
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    46 lbs is alot.. GREAT JOB. All weight loss takes time and you shouldn't worry about how long it took, think about the positive... You've lost!!! Sounds like your doing an amazing job with life, I'm sure your kids are going to be so proud of you. What a great role model. Keep up the great work and totally use this board for assistance. It's a great place to meet friends thoughout your weight loss journey.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    46 pounds is a lot of weight! and to do that in less than a year, that's amazing!
    I wanna lose 40 atm (depending on how i feel after losing those 40, i might go for more) and I'm expecting it could take a year!
    (but that's just me)

    Good luck!
    Add me if you want :)
  • Jilli2010
    Jilli2010 Posts: 28
    You have done great so far, and you will continue to succeed.... Would love to support you on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend. We are in this together. Jill
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