Does running burn that awful belly fat?

I am on week three of couch to 5k and I was wondering... will running help me burn belly fat? Does anyone have experience with this? I know that you can not spot reduce but it seems that something has to give.... I have lost some already and the belly is looking better. Is there anything else I can do?


  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    BUMP!:drinker: :smokin:
  • kellybelly113
    kellybelly113 Posts: 60 Member
    I'd like to know too. I've heard that running is the best way though, but I'm no expert.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Look up HIIT training on google and read what they have to say about it. If you incorporate sprints into your running you might get the results your looking for. I personally think it helps alot.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Any cardiovascular activity will burn all around body fat. As it's been discussed ad nauseum, you can't spot burn fat. I agree with polo that HIIT routines definitely increase calorie burns.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Also strength/weight training is good - the more and/or larger muscles burn more fat just by living. IT also helps you feel sleeker and more fit. Mixing it up is very good!
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    Running in general helps you lose weight from all over. Do some ab/core work to strengthen your stomach and it will "appear" thinner that way. Be patient with it and keep up the running.... its the fastest way to gain fitness and lose weight in my opinion. Be careful not to do too much too soon, though!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I've come to understand (no expert here) that you can't target specific fat. Cardio (running) burns fat but you can't tell it where to burn it from.

    Forgive me if I've misspoken but that again is my understanding.
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    I have felt my tummy tighten after some C25K sessions on the treadmill, with a good incline. But I would like to know if this is just psychological or the real stuff.
  • bfrice1
    bfrice1 Posts: 62
    You have to do cardio to burn fat everywhere on your body, so the answer is YES, running does burn belly fat, however, be warned, belly fat is the HARDEST to get rid of, so don't expect instant results - it will go down gradually.

    Meanwhile, do some kind of core training (crunches, pilates, etc) to strengthen up your belly muscles, it'll be nice and flat once the fat is gone (it will also strengthen a lot of other areas in your body, adding to overall improved strength and fitness).
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    I will have to try that!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I don't know about running, but walking seems to have done very well for me. I chose walking partly based on info like this:

    My waist was 40"+ when I started this back in April 2008.

    My waist is now 26.5" =)
  • evaggelia67
    I've noticed that consuming half the carbs in addition to working out helps get rid of the belly fat .
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    I have felt my tummy tighten after some C25K sessions on the treadmill, with a good incline. But I would like to know if this is just psychological or the real stuff.

    I agree that I my abs feel SO much tighter after c25k on an incline. I walk away feeling much stronger but that feeling sort of fades. lol It must be working. i guess I just need to be more patient :)
  • kalebsmama07
    it worked mostly for me i would do the treadmill for 30 mins then elyptical for 30 mins n then 100 sits ups on the ball...then weight training for an hour....i noticed my stomach first place that went besides my love handels...and eatting rite...
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    u bet my old fat belly it does, even mommy tummy...:bigsmile:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Any cardiovascular activity will burn all around body fat. As it's been discussed ad nauseum, you can't spot burn fat. I agree with polo that HIIT routines definitely increase calorie burns.

    ^^ This.

    I've been running for the past year or so (off and on... more "on" than off over the last few months). It definitely is a great way to burn calories and lose fat. I'm shrinking all over - face, stomach, hips, etc. That said, some people don't enjoy running - so make sure you find a good cardio/calorie-burning exercise you enjoy. I like running but other people prefer HIIT or elliptical or swimming... you get my drift. The key is finding something you can stick with consistently to get the fat coming off.

    I agree with the recommendation that you should work on strength training in addition to your cardio. The idea is that you want to work to tone/strengthen your muscles while you're working on losing fat - that way you won't end up being "skinny-fat" (skinny but not really fit). I know I want muscles to show as my fat continues to go away!! :drinker:
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    u bet my old fat belly it does, even mommy tummy...:bigsmile:

    So funny! :)
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    What Polo said. That and patience.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Sure will!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm not sure about belly fat specifically, but nothing has helped me burn more fat all over than running. Welcome to the runner's club! :)