Cheat day

What do you think of it? Do you have one? Why or why not? And if yes how often?


  • kate25
    What do you think of it? Do you have one? Why or why not? And if yes how often?
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    No no no no no no. Cheat day=will not lose weight. I usually have 1 meal per week that I indluge more. But even then, I try to keep it in check. Having a cheat day leads to all out binging, and that's not where I want to be. I'd rather have results.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Unfortunately lately I've had cheat weekends. And I have NOT been loosing weght. I haven't gained any, but really aren't loosing what I should. :angry: My advice would be to not plan to cheat...
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I agree with gnicolecan mostly. I know, from past experience, that cheating even ONE day can lead to overeating and binging. I would rather just pick a day where I have a meal that's indulging a bit and call it good AND exercise a bit more than normal on that specific day. I've been fighting this extra weight for so long, no food is worth feeling like crap over, ya know. Good luck and keep us posted with your progress!!!

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  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I don't like to call it a "cheat day" either. Since i'm not really "on a diet"... what am i cheating on?

    If you look at it as a "diet" and "cheating" it will turn into the same ol' vicious cycle. Just my two cents.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    When I tried loosing weight before I did the cheat day thing and well yea I just binged. So instead like once a week or so I just eat a little less so in my calories count I can eat a chocolate bar or something like that. My goal is just not to go over my calorie limit for the day. I think you can have anything you want in moderation however if you are like me that never works either. I just can't stop. I love sweets that is my biggest weakness.
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Saturday is my day,,, as that is usually when most crazy things are happening. I already plan for it and am really careful throughout the week. Even though it's my cheat day, I certainly don't go overboard, but I just allow myself little treats..I don't deny myself anything. I find that I am able to stay on track for the rest of the week much better.
  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    I would not per say have an entire cheat day; however I do feel that it is important and necessary for one's sanity to endulge every once in a while- IN MODERATION

    That means split a sweet treat with a friend or such, or do some extra laps or extra 30 minuts of cardio to incorporate enough room in your calorie budget to sneak in that lil snack you're craving.

    But at the end of the day its up to you and your personality. You know it better than anyone else if you have the will power to eat that one cookie or whatever it is you're wanting....

    And trust me if you over do it...and its been a while your body will let you know it doesn't like it and you will have a horrible belly ache or feel like poo...
  • sebaseth
    sebaseth Posts: 123 Member
    A couple weeks ago I was at a family gathering. They had fried chicken, salad, potato salad, a few other yummy things and brownies. I had it all planned out to take the chicken out of the fried part and eat a salad along with the fresh fruit I brought. Instead I talked myself into having the chicken w/ the skin, a salad, a piece of corn casserole, my fruit, and a brownie. I thought I could handle it. Well my son didn't finish his brownie so I ate it and I had another piece of the corn casserole thing. The next three days I was good but then talked myself into a Big Mac. Then on a different day I would have stopped at Hardees and had a biscuit and gravy if I weren't already late for work......I felt myself about to spin out of control. That night I went for my 3 mile walk and told myself how far I have come and eating the extras are not worth it!!! So, if you do have a "cheat day" make sure you can handle it. I can't right now!!!
  • tjcarle200
    I used to have a cheat day. That is when I looked at this whole shabang as a diet. If you look at it as trying to eat healthier, you can have that ONE piece of Birthday cake at the party.
  • jenninsocal
    No, because it feels so unhealthy, and leads back to my old habits. I do however allow myself to go over a little if I want a treat, or if I am expecting a slice of cake or something high in calories, to work my day around it... and exercise!
  • dschaben
    I followed the Bill Philips Body for life deal once. In eight weeks I excerceised 6 days a week alternating between weights and cardio. I ate 4 to 6 meals a day that included one fist size carb and one fist size protien, with one day where I ate anything I wanted. I lost 30 pounds in eight weeks and actually ended up with a six pack. Not the beer kind either. I had no idea that I even had muscles there. (Beer on Sunday only my free day)

    To answer your questions I would say that it depends on your activity level and how strictly you watch your intake. In our society I don't know how it would be possible to go a week without a free day.

    I would say to plan them in because it is a lot less hard on your psyche to know that the party you just gorged yourself at was ok as long as that is the only one that week.
  • dschaben
    I agree with Mufasa as well. When you do eat healthy and you binge on cr#p for a day, your body will let you know that it is not OK to do that. It is worse than any hang over you have ever had.

    Had to add that. Mufasa brought back some horid Monday morning memories for me.
  • dubess
    I do. Sunday. I don't go overboard (today I'm 50 calories over) and I usually don't exercise on Sunday. My twins run around all week and this is their day for rest too. And yesterday, I mowed my front lawn (1.5 hrs), my neighbor's front lawn (2.0 hrs) and then after a rest, my back yard (1.5 hrs). That's what I usually do on Sat - lawn work, and I never use up my calories.
  • TheHottestMama
    i have a cheat day once a month!
    the 12th of every month!
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I never have a 'Cheat Day', but I do have a 'Cheat Meal' once a week. My trainer says it's good to shock your system so it doesn't get used to the same things all of the time. Even though I do have a cheat meal, I still try not to go overboard with junk. I never do fast food anymore as my body would no longer ba able to handle it. I'll have something like pizza or a good restaurant hamburger with fries. That usually takes away any cravings I may have for junk, and I'm good for another week.
  • nicolet04
    i used to let myself have a cheat day once a week, but then it was be so hard for me to get back to eating healthy the next day. then i tried a cheat meal once a week but i would eat that meal and feel like i ruined the day so i would just eat bad the rest of the day. so i started allowing myself to have a 1/2 cup of sugar free icecream each night, if i do good the whole day. now i dont find myself binge eating and its easier to stay on track cause i dont have to wait so long until i can have something that i really want
  • punka274
    Another vote for a cheat meal...I use to do the cheat day thing but since being on here ive discovered the calories that can add up on that day:noway: :noway: :noway:

    So, to be meal a week that i crave,and I hate to say that its usually fast food of some sorts. And that day is a hard workout day :smile:

    Don't get me wrong...I will indulge once or twice a week in little things like one dark chocolate hershy minitures(42 cals,not bad) or some of those sugarfree fugesicles...delish! they keep me sane!
  • canawoman
    I can't handle a cheat day or meal right now. I think its whatever works for you. If you can handle it and still lose. But I know myself and when I get off track its so hard to get back on so I just can't right now maybe someday.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    It is actually good for you to splurge on extra calories occationally. And yes you may weigh more the very next day, but it's not from adding fat. It's excess water and "waste" in your body that you can get rid of in a day very easily.

    If you eat 1200 calories everyday, your body starts thinking "Hey I need to slow my processing down, and conserve some energy, because we are only going to be getting 1200 calories a day", by adding a cheat or free day, you let your body know that it will be getting more calories occationally and it actually helps to in the long run. And you will be less likely to hit plateaus when you splurge occationally.

    I splurge at least once a week, and I have lost over 32 pounds this year. Averaging right under a pound a week, which is my goal.