Must Have Grocery Items



  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I've been very happy with my meal planning since I started my diet. I find a few meals I like in low calorie section. The have nice tools to save favorites, plan meals, and build shopping lists.

    Since I'm eating new and exotic stuff, I never feel deprived. Some of the odd ingredients cost a bit more but overall I'm saving money and calories by rarely going to restaurants.
  • MrsChasteen
    MrsChasteen Posts: 48 Member
    -Whole grain cereal
    -Whole grain toast, bagel, or English muffin
    -Make breakfast sandwich with egg white, low-fat cheese, ham/Canadian bacon/or turkey bacon
    -Use healthy condiment like fruit spread and Laughing Cow cheese spread wedges
    -Whole wheat waffles
    -Easy walk out the door fruits such as apple, banana, peach, nectarine, plum, or handful or grapes, strawberries, or blueberries
    -Egg white omelet
    -Glass of milk, 100% juice, or smoothie
    -Box raisins, prunes, or died fruit (careful dried fruit has added sugar)

    -Whole wheat sandwich or wrap with luncheon meat, tuna, or chicken salad(use light mayo or plain yogurt)
    -Grilled cheese or cheese quesadilla with low fat cheese and no butter but one spray of Pam
    -Fresh cut fruit or fruit salad: cantaloupe, honey dew melon, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberry,....
    -Vegetables and dip: Carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom, bell pepper
    -String Cheese or Laughing Cow cheese rounds

    -Lean hamburger or steak
    -Pork loin, roast, or chops
    -Chicken breasts or tenders
    -Fish such as salmon or talapia
    -Whole grain pasta or rice
    -Green Beans
    -Brussel Sprouts
    -Summer squash
    -Yellow squash and zucchini

    -Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables
    -100 calorie snacks and not just the would be surprised how many snacks come in hundred calorie portions: snack cheese, applesauce, jello cups, etc.

    -I allow myself about one to two pieces of candy a day. Try to only buy fun size and small packages. If you have skittles or M&M's limit yourself to a certain number. For a box of chocolates allow one piece. For cakes and piece do like half a slice or less.

    *Try to plan meals the night before or in the morning. Before you go to a restaurant or purchase food investigate the menu or calories. Be sure to always account for drinks (try to make water your main drink) and condiment. Careful with mayo, sauce, gravy, dressing, butters, and oils. Even though it may only be a tsp. or TBLS. these condiments can really pack calories into those spoonfuls.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    bumping to come back. ;-)
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Really wholegrain bread, in which you can see all the tiny grains. And white yogurt (not low fat, normal). And vegetables:)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Pineapple (Ok, I should add here, they are high in sugars {fruit in general}, but the 'good' kind. You still need to be careful to not overdo it, just as with anything)

    Green Beans
    Peppers (these are good with EVERYTHING nom nom nom)
    Baby Spinach (I substitute this for lettuce in everything, Its soo much better for you and tastes the exact same raw as lettuce)

    Turkey (Try to stay away from most deli meat, as it is high in sodium, but if you must, ask for low sodium turkey. Most brands of it can be found in MFP already for calculations).

    Wheat bread (Personally, unless Im adding a Tbsp of peanut butter, for a morning snack, I stick to pita, as it has less calories.)
    Wheat Pasta
    BROWN RICE (I make a huge portion, then spoon out what I need for different meals. It keeps things fast and convenient)
    Oatmeal (Ok, I cant stand oatmeal, but its great for you)

    Special K Cereal
    Skim Milk
    Mozzarella, reduced fat, string cheese
    Yogurt (Greek is the best, but light yo-plaits or fiber enhanced are always tasty too)
    Raw or No Salt Almonds (its key to buy things with less salt if possible)

    Special K Protein Water Mix Packets
    Crystal Light Metabolism+ Green Tea Peach Mango Water Mix Packets

    Personally, I have to have some 'snack' items, otherwise I know I will fall off the band wagon. These are some of the items I chose that help me stay on track in my 1200 calorie diet.

    Special K's new Cracker Chips (110 calories for 30 chips)
    Jell-o Snacks sugar free (60 calories)
    Jell-o Mousse (They are new and wonderful. 60 calories and kick my ice cream and sweets cravings out the door)

    Things to remember....
    Buy things will low or no sodium, if you 'absolutely' must have it, adding a pinch in yourself is better than the crazy amounts they will add for you, but overall, try to kick the salt habit.
    Keep spices around, such as cajun, fresh black pepper, paprika, and rosemary, as these will enhance all your meals without worries of calories or sodium.
    Add 'everything' to your journal, even if you arent happy seeing all the red. It has personally helped me keep myself accountable and on track.
    Don't diet to the point you fall off the wagon. If I want Chipotle, you better believe I will eat it. However, I keep in mind what else Im eating that day, as well as making sure I have ample workout time to burn off those calories.
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    tagging this ffor later!
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
  • healthycat31

    I'm a vegetarian but this is basically what I make sure I have at home.

    Apart from milk, bread, juice, fruit. veg, tofu, houmous, passata or pasta sauces, eggs, & yogurt, everything else, in the list below, is bought less often and sometimes in bulk -

    Semi- skimmed milk
    Low-fat vanilla flavoured yogurt
    Fruit - especially clementines, apples, & bananas
    Spinach leaves, onions, red onions, tomatoes, green & red bell peppers, broccoli, carrots
    potatoes/sweet potatoes, asparagus, closed cap mushrooms, garlic, aubergine, courgette (zucchini), sweetcorn
    Special K cereal
    Whole grains (whole wheat bread/ pita bread, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, oats, whole grain or rye crackers, brown rice)
    Reduced fat houmous
    Passata & pasta sauces
    Beans- red kidney, black beans
    Quorn range products
    Light choices cranberry juice or orange juice
    Reduced salt soy sauce
    Lemon juice
    Herbs, seasoning, & spices, especially dried basil, dried mixed herbs, ground black pepper, ginger, & crushed chilli flakes
    Nuts - almonds, pecans, walnuts
    Seeds - pumpkin, sunflower seeds, flax seeds
    Whole-wheat bread crumbs
    Baking powder
    Self-raising flour
    Corn flour
    Plain flavour
    Butter or margarine
    Cooking oil
    Tabasco & other sauces

    Hope that helps
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    -Whole grain cereal
    -Whole grain toast, bagel, or English muffin
    -Make breakfast sandwich with egg white, low-fat cheese, ham/Canadian bacon/or turkey bacon
    -Use healthy condiment like fruit spread and Laughing Cow cheese spread wedges
    -Whole wheat waffles
    -Easy walk out the door fruits such as apple, banana, peach, nectarine, plum, or handful or grapes, strawberries, or blueberries
    -Egg white omelet
    -Glass of milk, 100% juice, or smoothie
    -Box raisins, prunes, or died fruit (careful dried fruit has added sugar)

    -Whole wheat sandwich or wrap with luncheon meat, tuna, or chicken salad(use light mayo or plain yogurt)
    -Grilled cheese or cheese quesadilla with low fat cheese and no butter but one spray of Pam
    -Fresh cut fruit or fruit salad: cantaloupe, honey dew melon, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberry,....
    -Vegetables and dip: Carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom, bell pepper
    -String Cheese or Laughing Cow cheese rounds

    -Lean hamburger or steak
    -Pork loin, roast, or chops
    -Chicken breasts or tenders
    -Fish such as salmon or talapia
    -Whole grain pasta or rice
    -Green Beans
    -Brussel Sprouts
    -Summer squash
    -Yellow squash and zucchini

    -Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables
    -100 calorie snacks and not just the would be surprised how many snacks come in hundred calorie portions: snack cheese, applesauce, jello cups, etc.

    -I allow myself about one to two pieces of candy a day. Try to only buy fun size and small packages. If you have skittles or M&M's limit yourself to a certain number. For a box of chocolates allow one piece. For cakes and piece do like half a slice or less.

    *Try to plan meals the night before or in the morning. Before you go to a restaurant or purchase food investigate the menu or calories. Be sure to always account for drinks (try to make water your main drink) and condiment. Careful with mayo, sauce, gravy, dressing, butters, and oils. Even though it may only be a tsp. or TBLS. these condiments can really pack calories into those spoonfuls.

    I really like this one thanks. I had a rough day today, but Im pretty sure once Im able to go grocery shopping (hopefully tomorrow) It will be easier to plan my meals ahead of time and it wont seem so stressful.