I love beer!

jennymaree05 Posts: 25
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok...I love beer and I know that this is a main reason for my weight gain. My question is, if with my workouts I am say 300 calories below 1200 here and there throughout the week, can I 'save' those calories for the beer I will inevitably drink over the weekend?


  • Ditto!!
  • Estesr
    Estesr Posts: 1
    GREAT question - I'd like to hear the answer too!
  • Xave1911
    Xave1911 Posts: 5
    Probably not the wisest thing to go under 1200 and save for the week...you'll end up feeling like crap.
    I would drink in moderation just to avoid those huge calories..and there is always bud select 55! Its not the best, but I've learned to like it :)
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    You can be the guy in the commercials on the exercise bike at the bar. LOL!!! :laugh:
  • jillinthbox
    jillinthbox Posts: 18 Member
    I think that it's reasonable to save those calories for indulging, however saving 3 days worth of 300 calories and then drinking 900 calories worth of beer on Saturday night, probably won't show you the best results.

    Having a light beer (Mich. Ultra makes pomegranate and citrus flavored) or even having one darker beer during the week is going to maintain a better balance than carb-sugar overload on the weekend.
  • Well I loved beer once myself ;} I cant drink it anymore after my surgery which sucks but there are more important things in life. The last weigh loss journey I had I lost over 100 pounds before I gained it all back ;{ But I did drink beer then and still lost weight. Protein in a can as I used to call it lol... 12 oz curls
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    No, it is very difficult to get the required nutrition on less than 1200 cals, and if beer helps make up the 1200 you are probably lacking in other areas. Alcohol is empty calories, and also make it harder to burn fat. If you had a diet of 2000 cals you could get away with having a couple of drinks but not on a 1200 cal diet.
  • Try Guiness Stout the bottle only has 125 calories. You can look up other beers online but many of them have the nutritional contents on them.
  • Meggers1022
    Meggers1022 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm on the same boat! I loveeee the dark beers! :-/
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    As you can see from my profile pic, I love beer too!

    From what I've heard, weight loss is a day to day adventure and "saving" calories for a week doesn't really work. I know for myself that it doesn't work, and I end up staying bloated for a few days after overendulging. Why not calculate a beer or two into each day?
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Um, really. You wouldn't be asking this if you didn't already know the answer. LOL But I'll answer you.
    No you can't.
    With any alcohol it's not just an issue of calories. Alcohol acutally slows down your metablolism for some time after you drink it so it may only be 300 calories in but what you burn is also reduced. Does this make sense?
    Also eating under 1200 calories is not healthy. You are not getting the nutrients that you require. You will go into starvation mode and start storing fat. We can call you a chipmunk...yeah...that's it.

    Hope this helps, not trying to be snooty. (Is that even a word?)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I like hard liquor.
  • I wish it worked that way! I love beer. I love big heavy malty beers. But no, you can't save calories. You need to get 1200 calories a day or it's unsafe for you. Just drink it in moderation and really enjoy it when you do. I personally don't like beers like Bud Select or Michelob Ultra, so I'd rather save the calories for something big and delicious like a Guinness which has surprisingly few calories.
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    I feel the same way about margaritas. From my experience (note: everyone is different and results vary), I have been able to still have them once or twice a week as long as I keep my calories and exercise in check. It's not about depriving yourself, it's about moderation. I have managed to lose weight every week and still enjoy my drinks.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    My calorie intake is 1200 calories. I exercise EVERY day. I binge drink on michelob ultra once a week. I lose weight every week (There was an exception of a 2 week span where I stayed the same weight, but I know it was a plateau because once I increased my calories and took a day off of working out, I lost weight). I've been on here since Dec 5th and lost 20 pounds. Would I have maybe lost more if I didn't drink once a week? Maybe, however I'm happy and I haven't once had a gain. I say, do what works for you and it doesn't hurt to exercise a little harder the next day. Cheers!
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    It's a hard one. I love wine ( and vodka and Bacardi and tequila) and yes you can make room for it if you can control it. I can't unfortunately and one drink leads to all manner of calorific disasters when my will power has gone out of the window. I think as you progress on this journey, you get the point where you really start to realise how hungry you are going to be if you use calories for alcohol. I find it really hard to stick to healthy eating with a hangover too
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Besides drinking one of the beers already listed as being lower in calories, I don't think that there are many good options for beer. Beer tends to be a calorie packed drink and it's easy to drink your calories for the day in a sitting (at least I used to be able to LOL).

    Also when your body is metabolising alcohol it's not really metabolizing anything else until it's done.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Do you plan on drinking every weekend? If so, I don't see this being a good idea.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Do you plan on drinking every weekend? If so, I don't see this being a good idea.

    PGS = Party Girl Syndrome
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    I love red wine and i always go under my 1200 a day so i can enjoy a few glasses. So long as you are not starving yourself of course,

    I would say if people treat themselves to the odd biscuit or cake or have a bad day then why can't you do the same for drink. What i would recomrmend though is drinking plenty of water the next day and exercise like hell - just keep moving. LOL
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