March madness challenge(instructions...share your interest)



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have one week of the EA active nine week programme left, after I am going to concentrate on just cardio for a few weeks, see if that improves my stalled weight :)
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I am drinking all of my water everyday and my goal is to have cardio everyday, that does not always say i am going to log, my cardio this morning was great but I am also spring cleaning so the extra cardio there will most definitely help, and hopefully it is nice enough this Saturday for a family bike ride!
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    Oh and yeah on Tuesdays I will post March Madness End of Week # check in, thread!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hope I'm not too late!! It's the 2nd. :happy: I saw 'March Madness" and after being married to a basketball player for 5 years, the Topic Headline caught my attention!!

    My current BMI is 24.9!!

    I work out 6 days a week. Or at least that's my schedule when I don't let life get in the way. Still working to get back on track after a 5 month hiatus from my first attempt at weight loss with MFP. So I'd love to join and check in with you all on your journeys!!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    :happy: I know it's the 2nd, but I hope it's not too late. I promise I haven't gained or lost anything in the past 24 hours - lol. My current BMI is 26.3. I've just started back to the gym and try to put in at least an hour 3 - 4 days a week. I work full time and rarely get up from my desk, so I really hope the treadmill can come to my rescue and help me take off these pounds. Winning isn't my goal, lowering my BMI to a Normal level is what I'm after.
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    I love a challenge! My current BMI is 26.0.

    Lets do this!
  • Ninerz113
    Ninerz113 Posts: 32 Member
    count me in (even though I'm a day late)! My current BMI is 22.5
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I'm in.. My BMI as of Sunday (That's my weigh in days) is 32.0.

    Question, how will a winner be declared?
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    On the next Thread I will post begining BMI's you job will be to fill in current, the winner will be the person who BMI has decreased the most...not weight lost!

    Today I am putting in an extra 30 in cardio and abs!~
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    On the next Thread I will post begining BMI's you job will be to fill in current, the winner will be the person who BMI has decreased the most...not weight lost!

    Today I am putting in an extra 30 in cardio and abs!~
    That's cool. I probably won't win, but this seems to be more challenging than losing 5 lbs a month.
  • roma2011
    roma2011 Posts: 33 Member
    Great idea, count me in. My BMI is 25.7, would love to change to 5 to a smaller number!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Switching up to an evening workout this routine. I was so exhausted yesterday that I fell asleep with the kids at like 830. Hubby said you need to give yourself some more ZZZ's and then hit it hard tonight. So I'm going to listen to him. Thank goodness he's soo supportive because my hitting the gym after work means he'll be wrangling the children until I get home!! :-)
  • Switching up to an evening workout this routine. I was so exhausted yesterday that I fell asleep with the kids at like 830. Hubby said you need to give yourself some more ZZZ's and then hit it hard tonight. So I'm going to listen to him. Thank goodness he's soo supportive because my hitting the gym after work means he'll be wrangling the children until I get home!! :-)

    Mamareese, yes your hubby is right! If you can try a 30 min cardio in the moring when you wake up and then have some whole grains for breakfast. The complex carbs start to break down in three to four hours to give you energy right before a fruit snack or a light lunch. Also by having the complex carbs in the morning it gives your body time to burn it off before it can convert to fat. Then After work get in another workout with a mix of cardio and lite weights!

    Thats Awesome that your hubby is so supportive, it really helps a lot!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks great advice!! I'll keep that in mind because I'm always going back and forth about what to grab for breakfast after a work out. I'm not a big fan of early evening work outs. it's busy at the gym at that time and I prefer the quiet of 5am. But sometimes switching it up helps too.

    Hope everone's weekend is going well! :-)
  • KandiLicious
    KandiLicious Posts: 210 Member
    Today's BMI is 26.2...down 0.6 since last week!!!! Yay!!!
  • pclaxon
    pclaxon Posts: 3
    3/1 31.7
    3/8 31.2
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Week 1: 24.9
    Week 2: 24.6

    not much..but a little budge!!
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I posted a check in Thread March madness Week 1 check in( so this thread doesn't get oo long). Great job everyone, please post your results on the other thread!
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
This discussion has been closed.