HCG Diet



  • CLBeans
    CLBeans Posts: 4
    I'm actually not trying to judge anyone. What a person chooses to do with their own body is none of my business. If a particular diet plan works for someone, or they enjoy it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
    But I'm seeing a lot of pseudo-science in this thread by people that haven't done thorough research, and that bothers me a lot.
    I'm not saying it doesn't work for some people, I'm saying its not some magical end-all to obesity, as some of you seem to infer.
  • vroyyoung
    vroyyoung Posts: 33
    I've heard mixed reviews of this diet, but the one thing to keep in mind is that after to speaking to both my doctor and nutritionist they both agreed that it is impossible to get your body's required nutrients on 500 calories. Just be safe and speak to your doctor about possible supplements to insure that you are giving your body the vitamins and minerals that it needs to function properly whether it be with food or with supplements. Best of luck with any program that you choose to follow!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member

    You sent a peer review from a naturopathic medical doctor, and you want to cite pseudo science? I have done the proper research, and alot of it. I think the bottom line here is that HCG has not been shown to cause any side effects, the weight loss is clearly fat with minimal muscle atrophy, and if after the weight loss you gain it back...well thats on you. Another pseudo-science is Psychology, especially MD's of Psychology, and millions of Americans are now on anti-depresants, obesity is linked to depression. Let me list some side effects of a popularly prescribed anti-depressant:

    Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:

    very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, fast or uneven heartbeats, tremors, overactive reflexes;

    nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, feeling unsteady, loss of coordination; or

    headache, trouble concentrating, memory problems, weakness, confusion, hallucinations, fainting, seizure, shallow breathing or breathing that stops.

    Less serious Zoloft side effects may include:

    drowsiness, dizziness, tired feeling;

    mild nausea, stomach pain, upset stomach, constipation;

    dry mouth;

    changes in appetite or weight;

    sleep problems (insomnia); or

    decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.

    This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

    Now the side effects for HCG:

    •The significant side effects of HCG injections for weight loss include depression, swollen or sore breasts, headaches, and edema, which is retention of fluid.

    I think I will take my chances with the HCG thank you very much.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?
  • CLBeans
    CLBeans Posts: 4
    Yes, a person with a medical doctorate, who specializes in naturopathic medicine. Who is referencing published medical journal articles by a slew of different researchers. Also note, and NMD isn't the same as a naturopath; they are a doctor who went through medical school.
    Also, I don't see what anti-depressants are totally unrelated as to whether or not HCG diet is good for you.
    I'm NOT tell you to stop it, you don't seem to get that. If you like it, DO IT.
    But some people have posted asking about the diet itself. Just because you're a proponent of it, doesn't necessarily mean its the best option for everyone. Theres a pro side and a con side to nearly everything, its only fair that curious posters don't get a one-sided view of it, right ? :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm actually not trying to judge anyone. What a person chooses to do with their own body is none of my business. If a particular diet plan works for someone, or they enjoy it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
    But I'm seeing a lot of pseudo-science in this thread by people that haven't done thorough research, and that bothers me a lot.
    I'm not saying it doesn't work for some people, I'm saying its not some magical end-all to obesity, as some of you seem to infer.

    If you want to call it a pseudo-science, call it what you will. Dr Simeons was way beyond his time with his impeccable research. I can say you obviously have not read the protocol manuscript as it definitely comes across in the post.

    I had done my research prior to starting it. When my Doctor asked me if I wanted to try it out, she made me read the manuscript and understand the plan before she would even right the script.

    I understand the science behind it and I am living proof that it works and works damn well.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?

    The majority of us that are doing the HCG plan are also exercising. I am deeply offended that you would out right call anyone lazy without knowing that person.

    I believe that the opposite is true. I know I am anything but lazy. I am running 3 businesses, going to school for 2 different degree programs and was working full time and taking care of my household and still found time to work out, cook from scratch meals and walk my dogs on a regular basis.

    The only thing that is different now is that I am laid off and looking for a job.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?

    I maintained my exercise regime that I had from prior to beginning. The diet allows for exercise if you were doing it prior. It also encourages you to up your calories (I take my extra from protein mainly) to adjust for the calories lost and the hunger that comes with exercising. Additionally, I wholly agree that the long lasting cure for obesity is (at its basic elements) eating right and exercising. I've been doing that since Jan 1 and haven't lost a pound (though the lifestyle change I've learned from that discipline is invaluable).

    I began this protocol so that I could jumpstart some weight loss (get some confidence, too) and after 3 weeks, I'll resume my normal eating right and exercising. The benefit I'll have received from completing this diet (aside from pounds and inches lost) will be that I'll notice and regulate my portion sizes more, I'll be able to more readily determine within myself if I'm eating because I'm hungry or just in the habit of eating and I'll be in the habit of drinking all the water I need in a day. These are good habits I'll have gleaned from my HCG diet (well, they're good habits I had gleaned after my first round and continue to use).

    That's just how I've noticed it affects me. This diet hasn't, in any way to be seen yet, diminished my energy or my stamina, which I know is another common side effect of the diet.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm NOT tell you to stop it, you don't seem to get that. If you like it, DO IT.
    But some people have posted asking about the diet itself. Just because you're a proponent of it, doesn't necessarily mean its the best option for everyone. Theres a pro side and a con side to nearly everything, its only fair that curious posters don't get a one-sided view of it, right ? :)

    Absolutely Beans.

    Proponents of HCG are clearly in a minority on this site and we are often flat out criticized and belittled because those who haven't tried it, and don't understand it, think they know what's best for everyone. We can be a little sensitive to people's remarks. When someone asks about the diet, you're going to get 5 really extreme negative remarks for every 1 person who's bold enough to post their experience with it (which is what the OP would be looking for in the first place - trying to find out experiences, not opinions). In those instances, I feel the responses should be from people who have tried it and either succeeded or failed and can say whether it worked for them or not.

    When I post a question on the forum, say, for example, for a Heart Rate Monitor. I'm looking for people who own a HRM, use a HRM and can tell me their experiences with it so I can use that information to make my decision about a HRM. I don't necessarily need to hear from people who don't use one but still have a strong opinion one way or another about whether a HRM helps or hurts somebody's workout results.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?

    It is synthesized. Also you are incorrect, Obesity is not simply caused by over eating and not exercising, it is medically diagnosed illness that can be linked to differences between normal weight people and obese people in the Hypothalamus and pituatary glands. HCG helps to equalize those glands. Thoughs who are obese are more proned to weight gain, and have a systematically more difficult time staying within a healthy weight range. This is why a family can have two children who are served the same food every night, eat the same amount, play the same amount, and one child gains weight while the other stays slim. Do you really think that everyone had the same tendencies to lose, gain, or maintain the same amount? Have you ever met a samoan?
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?

    The majority of us that are doing the HCG plan are also exercising. I am deeply offended that you would out right call anyone lazy without knowing that person.

    I believe that the opposite is true. I know I am anything but lazy. I am running 3 businesses, going to school for 2 different degree programs and was working full time and taking care of my household and still found time to work out, cook from scratch meals and walk my dogs on a regular basis.

    The only thing that is different now is that I am laid off and looking for a job.

    Well I didn`t exactly call anybody lazy, and I didn`t make the generalization that all HGC dieters are lazy, so please don`t be deeply offended, it was not my intention. I said it is catered to lazy people, which I still think it is.

    We know exercise and proper eating will make you lose weight. HGC takes the weight off instantly, without exercise, then you just need to maintain it with proper eating. So you get the results without the effort. I`m not calling anyone lazy, but that truly is amazing. I remain skeptical tho. Where does this hormone come from?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Yes, a person with a medical doctorate, who specializes in naturopathic medicine. Who is referencing published medical journal articles by a slew of different researchers. Also note, and NMD isn't the same as a naturopath; they are a doctor who went through medical school.
    Also, I don't see what anti-depressants are totally unrelated as to whether or not HCG diet is good for you.
    I'm NOT tell you to stop it, you don't seem to get that. If you like it, DO IT.
    But some people have posted asking about the diet itself. Just because you're a proponent of it, doesn't necessarily mean its the best option for everyone. Theres a pro side and a con side to nearly everything, its only fair that curious posters don't get a one-sided view of it, right ? :)

    Really? you dont see what I am getting at with the Antidepressants we have Medical Doctors (who have in my experiences simply guessed at problems until they got it right. I was misdiagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis at the age of 27, told I would never be able to be as active as I once was and that I would have to live with a pain forever and eventually get surgery and fused cervical vertebraes by the age of 40...Imagine what that does to the Psyche...but thanks to my distrust for Medical Doctors I went and got several more opinions, went through physical therapy and accupuncture on my own dime...and now remarkably Im fine...hmmmm. MD= $$$$$...and what reputable MD would spend all of those years at Medical School to specialize in Naturopathy...come on) that are prescribing medicines with some very serious side effects that treat a symptom instead of treating the under lying condition. The guy who did the initial research on HCG seemed to be a MD, doesnt seem like his opinion and research is given much credit...not to mention all the foreign MD's that apparently believe in the treatment...oh yeah and the MD's at the prescribing clincs..yeah believe it or not they are MD's.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?

    It is synthesized. Also you are incorrect, Obesity is not simply caused by over eating and not exercising, it is medically diagnosed illness that can be linked to differences between normal weight people and obese people in the Hypothalamus and pituatary glands. HCG helps to equalize those glands. Thoughs who are obese are more proned to weight gain, and have a systematically more difficult time staying within a healthy weight range. This is why a family can have two children who are served the same food every night, eat the same amount, play the same amount, and one child gains weight while the other stays slim. Do you really think that everyone had the same tendencies to lose, gain, or maintain the same amount? Have you ever met a samoan?

    I didn`t say obesity is caused by over eating and not exercising. I said obesity can be cured by eatign properly and exercising.

    i know there are different body types that ahve different metabolisyms. something abouth eso, endo and enthomorphs (something like that). I think everybody has a friend that can eat all they want and doesn`t gain a pound, they have hyperactive metabolism.

    Some people are predisposed to puttin gon weight, and some others are predisposed to be obeese. I agree with you on all of that.

    But to lable every obese person as predisposed to obesity or has a slow metabolism is ignoring the problem. The problem is obviously poor nutrition and not enough exercise. So even if I didn`t state it in my first post I will now, the majority of obese people only have themselves to blame (or their parents), but a small portion of obeese people are simple predisposed to be big.

    I`m not sure why we are debating this?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    The hormone is natuarlly produced by a pregnant women within the Placenta, the hormone allows the body to release stores of fat that would have otherwise gone untouched in order to provide nutrients to the fetus, hence the reason it is a fallacy that Women NEED to eat more when pregnant, the body does that for you. The hormone has been synthesized for multiple uses to include approved uses as a testosterone booster in men, often prescribed to men on TRT in order to counter act testicular atrophy (much more safely then clomid), it has been shown in clincical trials to boost the testerone production by as much as 130% with significant residual effects post cycle completion (this is at doeses far greater than prescribed for weight loss). In women it has been used to increase fertility ( I think). Since the late 50's Dr. Simeon, and his followers have advocated the use of HCG to treat obseity, his reasearch was originally conducted on young under developed boys in India that were not developing appropriately (lack of testicular development, developing man boobs, and general chubbyness). With the succesful treatment of these boys the research was expanded to weight loss for the obese, with obesity being an under lying condition not a result of over eating. Kevin Trudeau (Who is a fraudulent scum bag) developed a BS over the counter HCG and sold it in magazines and on TV, but was later sued by the Federal Government for basically false advertising. Alot of the anamosity around the drug exists, I believe, because of Trudeau's involvement.
    This is the first time I hear of HGC and it seems to spark quite some heated debates. I like it already.

    So this hormone, it simple melts your fat for 30 days. Pretty amazing. There is already a cure for obesisty, its called eating right and exercising. This HGC diet seems to cut out the need for exercise and is just hormone plus eating right to lose weight. Perfectly catered to lazy people.

    The only issue I have with stuff like this is how natural it is. Do they sinthesize it or etract it from pregnant people?

    The majority of us that are doing the HCG plan are also exercising. I am deeply offended that you would out right call anyone lazy without knowing that person.

    I believe that the opposite is true. I know I am anything but lazy. I am running 3 businesses, going to school for 2 different degree programs and was working full time and taking care of my household and still found time to work out, cook from scratch meals and walk my dogs on a regular basis.

    The only thing that is different now is that I am laid off and looking for a job.

    Well I didn`t exactly call anybody lazy, and I didn`t make the generalization that all HGC dieters are lazy, so please don`t be deeply offended, it was not my intention. I said it is catered to lazy people, which I still think it is.

    We know exercise and proper eating will make you lose weight. HGC takes the weight off instantly, without exercise, then you just need to maintain it with proper eating. So you get the results without the effort. I`m not calling anyone lazy, but that truly is amazing. I remain skeptical tho. Where does this hormone come from?
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    Someone menitoned a homeopathic solution of HCG.

    Homeopathy is completely bunk. I hope that isn`t really part of the process?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Well I dont know if I would go as far as to say that homeopathy is complete bunk, at one point in time Accupuncture and accupressure were both considered homeopathic, and both have been accepted into modern medical science. I think there is some real use to homeopathic remedies, but they have been marketed and abused by corrupt corrporations that simply sell lies. There are homeopathic solutions of HCG out there, however their effectiveness has been debated for quite some time between HCG users. Some Homeopathic HCG mixtures are improperly marketed (Kevin Trudeaus variety) and have absolutely no HCG in them, some others have actual HCG but are diluted at an amount of 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, 60x; which is just a fancy way to say that a bunch of dilutions of HCG were mixed together in some liquid B12. These treatments have been shown to work similarily, but again not to the effects of actual HCG.

    Someone menitoned a homeopathic solution of HCG.

    Homeopathy is completely bunk. I hope that isn`t really part of the process?
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Ok, I just wanted to chime in here. I don't want to offend anyone, but there were a few things said that kinda bothered me.

    First, I've never heard of you fat cells storing vitamins along with the fat. I think that is a bit of misinfirmation being handed around. If anyone can find anything to substantiate this I'd be very interested.

    Second, while the offer to produce peer reviewed studies supporting HGC's roll in the diet non have been. After looking for myself I found one that claimed a statistically significant difference in weight loss, body composition of weight loss, and fewer feelung of hunger when compaired to a placebo group. The base group was 600 or so people and they were split into 3 groups - 2 on different dosages of HGC and one on sugar pills. All groups followed the same diet. At the end of the 5 week study those on HGC lost a "statistically significant" .02 kilograms more than placebo, and a "statistically significant" .0005% more body fat. Personally I take from this study that "statistically significant" means "actually irrelevant." If anyone can offer a different study with better results, please do.

    And lastly there may be no side effects from the HGC itself, but there are common and frequent side effects that are often severe, of a 500 calorie a day diet and lack of nutrition. Including hair loss, and organ failure, the later leading to death.

    In severely obese people 500 calorie a day diets are sometimes prescribed because the risks of being so over weight out way the risks of the diet. These people are monitored closely and given vitamin, mineral, and proteib supplements to further decrease their risks. If you are not severely obese and under a doctors care, please consider a safer approach to your weight loss.
  • Hoosier16
    Hoosier16 Posts: 6 Member
    Phase 2 is the 500 calorie portion you are doing right now............

    Phase 3 is eating anything you want, no sugar, no starch.........

    Phase 4, slowly re-introduce sugar and starch in very small quantities.

    The good news is, when you get to Phase 4, your body will be used to clean eating and you won't want processed foods any longer!!!
    This looks remarkably similar to a low carb diet (like Atkins) without the hormone shot. Are you basically cutting carbs in the diet?
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    Is anyone doing the HCG now?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Ok, I just wanted to chime in here. I don't want to offend anyone, but there were a few things said that kinda bothered me.

    First, I've never heard of you fat cells storing vitamins along with the fat. I think that is a bit of misinfirmation being handed around. If anyone can find anything to substantiate this I'd be very interested.

    Second, while the offer to produce peer reviewed studies supporting HGC's roll in the diet non have been. After looking for myself I found one that claimed a statistically significant difference in weight loss, body composition of weight loss, and fewer feelung of hunger when compaired to a placebo group. The base group was 600 or so people and they were split into 3 groups - 2 on different dosages of HGC and one on sugar pills. All groups followed the same diet. At the end of the 5 week study those on HGC lost a "statistically significant" .02 kilograms more than placebo, and a "statistically significant" .0005% more body fat. Personally I take from this study that "statistically significant" means "actually irrelevant." If anyone can offer a different study with better results, please do.

    And lastly there may be no side effects from the HGC itself, but there are common and frequent side effects that are often severe, of a 500 calorie a day diet and lack of nutrition. Including hair loss, and organ failure, the later leading to death.

    In severely obese people 500 calorie a day diets are sometimes prescribed because the risks of being so over weight out way the risks of the diet. These people are monitored closely and given vitamin, mineral, and proteib supplements to further decrease their risks. If you are not severely obese and under a doctors care, please consider a safer approach to your weight loss.

    Statistically significant, by definition, means exactly that...it made a difference. Where did you get the study from? Where was it conducted? Was muscle mass loss determined as well? What were the results of that particular bit of information? This is the point that so many have a hard time comprehending: You are not reducing your body to 500 calories a day; the calories are being released into the blood stream through the metabolization of fat caused by the hormone. Thats why so many of these clinicals are nonsense, because while the results may of been comparable weight loss wise the amount of muscle atrophy in each study would have been significantly different.