Getting too much protein

All my daily reports are indicating that I'm getting too much protein. I'm thinking it's the snack food that is killing me (yogurt, string cheese, etc.). My daily total calories are coming in fine with leftover calories in the carb department, but I'm kind of lost when it comes to adding more carbs to reduce my protein. I need things that are easy and can be eaten at my desk. Anyone have any suggestions? Should I not be too concerned about this in general?


  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    ive never heard too much protein being bad..

    I am suppose to get in 64 grams of protein a day / per on Surgeon..
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    The standard settings are a bit low. You can change them in the advanced settings. Maybe I could use some tips from you friend, I'm always on the low end!

    It's under the "my home">>goals>>change>>custom goals>>protein %. I know that I changed mine a while ago so I can't remember what it's set at but I do know I increased it to 35% from what it was.

    I looked up what the guided goals have it set at and the thread I found says 15% protein, which to me is very low! So if you have it set at that I wouldn't worry if you go over!
  • crossarmant
    crossarmant Posts: 26 Member
    I posted this in a different thread, but this seems to be a common issue with some people.

    It's not a terrible issue to go over from time to time, but excessive protein consumption over time can lead to calcium depletion from the bones, over stressing the kidneys, osteoporosis, increased risk of diabetes, and kidney stones. Just try to eat a balanced diet with fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes, and a variety of other whole foods. As a reference, the World Health Organization suggests 10% of your daily calories come from protein. Research suggests actual damage to your body over the long term with more than 30% protein in your diet. Atkins and all these Zone diets have really led to a slew of misinformation on nutrition within the non-scientific public. Here are a few helpful links and sources for my information:
  • baffled_blonde
    If I change my settings to 20%, I have protein calories leftover so I guess I wont worry about this too much. Just something to monitor.

    I agree though that all the fad diets have really messed up the conception of what is generally precieved as a healthy diet.
  • baffled_blonde
    Try freezing plain yogurt in ice cube trays and mixing the cubes with a juice/water mix in the blender. This is what I do for breakfast most mornings, but it also makes a good snack. You can add in a couple frozen strawberries, part of a banana or other fruit to give it some variation. Or use different types of juice.