losing weight lowering self esteem

i have dropped off 40lbs...which is amazing and i'm happy with the weight loss...BUT...

my self esteem is actually lower now than it ever was, i feel so flabby and gross...i know that enough toning will sort that out, but my breasts have shrunk to nothing, and gona all 'saggy'...so i hate them SO much.

i know being fatter isn't healthier, but i actually felt better about myself then

am i the only one to feel like this??


  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Are you doing any strength training? Adding a couple of pounds of muscle will help reduce the sagging and loose skin.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    congratulations on your weight loss!!! there are exercises to tone up your body and your boobies too! I do the jillian michaels No More Trouble Zones, and i can feel it all over my body. And i feel soreness on my chest. If you dont like jillian, do a searchon amazon for other dvd workouts. You can read the reviews before you buy it. I hope that was alittle helpful. You should be very proud for all the weight you have lost.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yes, agreed with above... start lifting the HEAVY weights if you haven't started already!
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Using 5 lb weights in each hand (lighter or higher is fine too) and spreading out your arms then bringing them together helps with gaining muscle around your breast area. Also, take the weights in each hand, put them together and bring them over our head and point down your back. Do these as often as you can and it will strenghthen not only your muscle around your breasts but your arms as well. Keep your core sucke in and breathe out as you lift the weights. This will also help strengthen your mid section.
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    i am just starting my weight loss lifestyle but that is one of my biggest fears. i am happy the way i am. i have never been rejected because of my size. i fear being saggy or looking older as i get "fit"
  • Cazador64
    Cazador64 Posts: 23
    Its part of getting into shape start some strength training 8-)

    I am a guy so i personally do not have this issue but i know people who have
    well two people my wife and sister inlaw

    My sister inlaw got a breast lift and we are currently saving to get my wifes done.
    It just simply tightens up the skin and lifts them up.

    Now thats the quick and pricey way of course but my sister inlaw says she hasn't felt better about her self.
    If this is not the route for you then like i said i suggest some strength training
    should help out some
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
    Trust me I know just how you feel! I have weighed over a hundred pounds more than I do right now and have been pregnant 4 times. Some peoples skin is more forgiving than others. I have made peace with several of my jiggly parts by filling them in with as much muscle as possible. I am still extremely self conscious about my upper arms and the lower part of my tummy. I'm not giving up though, gonna keep up my diet and exercise and get into the most fabulous shape I can! :wink: Don't give up, think of the weight you lost as the hard part and now you just need a "tune up" Lol :bigsmile:
  • usmcgirl84
    Definitely add a great strength training regimen to your workout. And Clarins has a cellulite cream that is amazing. Avon does too!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i currently only do very basic weight training, 30day shred etc but am due to start p90x within a few weeks

    am not sure anything can really help with my boobs though, as i grew up chunky, dropped 50lbs, they looked flat and 'empty' then, gained it back with having 2children, lost it and now they're even 'emptier' than before :(

    am willing to try doing more chest exercises though!
  • usmcgirl84
    Avon has a bust sculpt cream that is amazing. That and chest exercises should work. :)
  • jillMoose
    jillMoose Posts: 45 Member
    regarding the boob issues -- i would invest in a good push-up water bra and strut your stuff ;) no one has to know what lies beneath....