Atkins for Life Here

LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have tried to post on several threads about my journey with Atkins. All I have encountered is hostility and conflict. I joined this site because I really love the food diary and how easy it is to modify to my specific needs and how great the recipe input is. I am saddened that the forums are not helpful to a wider audience and encouraging to all who are on the path to losing their excess weight as needed and then heading onto good health and fitness. Not everyone is a low fat/calorie follower. I choose to eat low carb under my doctors care. ( I don't eat salads and fruits because I don't like them!) This is what my doctor prescribed for me and I am very discouraged that I am not receiving more words of encouragement and so much almost hateful words! I guess I just won't get involved in any of the forums. Thanks for listening. Hope this helps future newbies.


  • Well, sounds like you/ve been doing well on it. Keep it up!! :)
  • I am interested in learning more about ATIKINS, Dont worry no negativity here
  • ybroussard
    ybroussard Posts: 10 Member
    Dont pay attention to mean people...thats why you have the option to choose who you want as your pal on here =)
    Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I have been noticing the same thing. I think it is because of the average person it is not something that can be maintained for the rest of their life. Once you stop the program you normally gain it all back. What I don't think some people realize that not everyone loses and keeps weight off the same way. I have PCOS so staying carb is a good option for me no matter how many people say I should not. The normal high carb diet just isn't going to hell me at all; studies have show that low carb is actually the key for me. I could never stay as strict as it is required in the first week of Atkins but I do need to cut my carbs back. I did a week to get my carb eating under control and lost 6lbs. Good luck for you and your choice, I wish you luck with losing the weight.
  • if it's working for you and you are being monitored by your doctor then I don't see a problem. I did atkins a few years ago and lost 20+ lbs but gained it all back. I try to do a low carb diet, I'm trying to stay at 100 or under.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    My goal is to continue on my journey into maintenance phase and then find my critical carb limit. I know I can never go back to "normal" eating. My normal is eating low carb. If I eat high carb junk I binge and gain. I am a carb addict. I know it. I am the only one who really matters on this journey. Support me or get out of my way. Nuff said.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    My goal is to continue on my journey into maintenance phase and then find my critical carb limit. I know I can never go back to "normal" eating. My normal is eating low carb. If I eat high carb junk I binge and gain. I am a carb addict. I know it. I am the only one who really matters on this journey. Support me or get out of my way. Nuff said.
    Lajauna, I can totally relate---I am on a special program too that is low carb, and I found out immediately that this is what I need to lose the weight. The weight is falling off me IN fact, I don't even crave that stuff anymore which is amazing. Once I hit my goal, i will slowly add more carbs in like a piece of fruit, or whole grain pasta/beans, but none of that processed crap that I now know I don't need in my life because it was the cause of my obesity to begin with.

    Good luck to you hun---
  • dronette
    dronette Posts: 15
    I'm a strong believer in Atkins!!!! My goal for the past year has been to stick to a low carb, higher protein and fat diet. I do try to eat lots of salads (because I love them).
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    How do yous manage to curb your carb craving? I find once I start eating them I can't stop eating bread, pasta, sweet and much more.
  • How do yous manage to curb your carb craving? I find once I start eating them I can't stop eating bread, pasta, sweet and much more.

    I have the same problem... I try eating a piece of gum or drinking a bottle of water! doesn't always work but it helps
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I have found that I cannot eat one bite of certain high carb foods: any food with wheat, rice, potato, sugars of any kind. I have learned to substitute other low carb versions that satisfy me. I cannot go back to eating those foods if I want to maintain my good health and slimmer body. It is called self-control for a higher and fitness. If an alcoholic can abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages, then I am able to abstain from my addictive trigger foods. It is doable.
  • ybroussard
    ybroussard Posts: 10 Member
    I have been noticing the same thing. I think it is because of the average person it is not something that can be maintained for the rest of their life. Once you stop the program you normally gain it all back. What I don't think some people realize that not everyone loses and keeps weight off the same way. I have PCOS so staying carb is a good option for me no matter how many people say I should not. The normal high carb diet just isn't going to hell me at all; studies have show that low carb is actually the key for me. I could never stay as strict as it is required in the first week of Atkins but I do need to cut my carbs back. I did a week to get my carb eating under control and lost 6lbs. Good luck for you and your choice, I wish you luck with losing the weight.
  • ybroussard
    ybroussard Posts: 10 Member
    My bad I am new...I meant to ask what is PCOS?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It seems some people on here feel that it is their way or no way. And that they are so much better because they are doing it in what the feel is the "right" way.
    try not to let it get to you
    F em
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi there People should not be harsh, and the good Lord calls us not to judge others, but to try to be helpful.

    I personally did Atkins for a little bit. Then I learned a few thinks taking health and nutrition classes in college that made me change my diet. It will work in losing weight. I dropped 20lbs on it. And in the short term it can be okay for a boost, but in the long haul it is really damaging to your body. Organs, muscles, etc. Your brain essentially runs on complex carbs as do your muscles. So just be very cautious okay. I am glad that you are under a doctors care. That is a good thing.

    So I say good luck and God bless in your journey to lose weight. :bigsmile:
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    I say BRAVO for utilizing the plan that is right for you. You are under a doctor's care, and this is what he is prescribing for you. None of us can top that advice! And you are exactly right, addictions in all form, are ceased with support and self-control. Keep up the fight. You win each day you stay in the game.:wink:
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I have never met someone who lost a lot of weight on Atkins and kept it off. I know that there are probably some out there, but it just doesn't seem practical to cut a whole macronutrient out of your diet, which you admit you enjoy, for the rest of your life. I have no doubt that the pounds will come off and you will lose the weight -- just worried about what happens when you get there. I know people on low carb diets can gain pounds simply by eating a few cookies or a couple slices of pizza because of how their body reacts.

    Good luck to you and I hope you do everything right, but please don't get upset when people are trying to look out for you. If they didn't care, they wouldn't speak up and say anything.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Thank you for your concern. I have many friends on another support site who have lost 100+ pounds and have kept it off for years. They are healthy and fit. I have chosen this path because I researched many different diets (WW etc...) and have found with my food addictions and food preferences, low carb eating is going to be my daily way of life. I know that if I give into my cravings and eat the foods that set me on a binge I can gain all my weight back and more. It is a daily choice. I, for now, am choosing to eat a healthy, controlled carb lifestyle.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    The reason people are probably negative to you on here is because atkins is not safe.

    Written by a registered dietician, they have more nutrition training than most doctors.

    Also, most people lose weight by going to atkins because they cut out the cookies and donuts and the junk food. You can get the same results just by cutting that stuff out, and eating healthy, and safely.
  • LizzetteRamirez
    LizzetteRamirez Posts: 26 Member
    Hey keep the good work and dont listen to negative people. Im interested in knowing more about atkins diet.
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