Going over on carbs

Ugh! It seems like I am going over on my carbs nearly everyday. It's crazy how many carbs are in fruits and veggies. Any ideas/suggestions on lower carb fruits and/or veggies?


  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    Any way you can show your diary so I can take a look. I may be able to help you out as I have been there before too. :)
  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    If its all the good carbs then stick with what your doing. You need carbs and if its coming from fruits and veggies then your on the right track! I eat over 200 carbs a day and its all from whole grains and fruit and im losing weight. Today I have had 280 and again all from the good foods and im losing weight still :) I think your fine :)
  • cniven
    cniven Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with RHerrin you need your healthy good carbs!! Its how you fuel your body with energy for your workout :)

    Stay away from the pasta's and breads (They are my secret addiction), and you'll be fine!! :D
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Carrots are low calorie, filling and high in vitamins.

    If you eat salads, watch out for the salad dressings. I go dressing-free now and just top my salad with grilled chicken, diced tomatoes, and onions.

    If you tend to eat a lot of bread, think about switching over to a lighter version. My favorite is schwebels lite wheat bread for 35 calories a slice. Available at Walmart!

    If you eat cereal, try looking for a lower calorie, reduced sugar or higher fiber brand. My favorite is Fiber One Original. Cheerios are good and low in calories too.

    Instead of drinking juice, eat fruit. Fruit takes longer to eat, is more filling, and has no added sugars.

    If you drink milk, try replacing your milk with almond breeze original, which is low carb and only has 45 calories per cup.

    Replace some of your high carb sides like breads and pastas with lower calorie vegetables like steamed broccoli, cauliflower, green beans or spinach.

    If your snacks mostly consist of fruits or veggies, try eating instead, a pack of 100 calorie almonds or a pack of tuna with a few stalks of celery or a large carrot.

    I hope I helped!
  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    hehe I do have pasta once a week but I limit it to a cup to cup and half. As long as it is carbs from fruits and whole grains, then no worries :) Balance it out with lots of fiber :)