Knee pain

capnananda Posts: 29 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been having some uncomfortableness in my right knee for a little while but today I had to stop a work out because it's getting more uncomfortable. Anyone else have an issue with this? Do I really need to go to the doctor?


  • 4727
    4727 Posts: 1
    It really depends on your history. I suffer from knee pain also but I have patellar tendonitis in both knees, have had arthroscopic surgery 3 times on the right and had my ACL, MCL and meniscus torn in my left. If you haven't had any injuries like those you may "just" have a case of tendonitis developing. The quality and location of the pain can be a major indicator too. Burning, tearing (hope not), sharp, dull, etc. That should be noted and reported to your doc. Bottom line, however, is that you won't ever know for sure without going to a doc and getting it looked at. He or she may just tell you to take it easy for a bit to see if the pain goes away or they may order an x-ray right away. If the pain persists you may be looking at an MRI for a more definitive answer.
  • jacj46
    jacj46 Posts: 46
    could be rainy weather ... several things ... try stretching a little before you start ... I have had both knees replaced & you don't want to go there ... good luck
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    I have been having some pain in right knee. I thought it was because of my size and the different workouts that I have been doing.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Gettng fitted at a store that specializes in running shoes has helped my cranky knee. I'd say knee pain has been reduced 85% or more by the new shoes and orthotics. I can't recommend it enough. I am also using Elations glucosamine/chondroitin liquid supplement.

    edited for spelling
  • jackienicole72
    jackienicole72 Posts: 6 Member
    Same type of thing but with my left knee after doing a move one day with my trainer. I mentioned that it bothered my knee, so she stopped it right away, and it really hurt at work the next day every time i had to "crouch". I continued on the tread for about a month and last week the pain was at the point where it was bugging me at night when i go to bed. Trip to doc' and she thinks I "pinched something" after "looking" at my knee. My trainer is now recommending i go see a physio for an assessment to prevent further aggravation.... so no more treadmill for now
  • a_rodgers
    a_rodgers Posts: 30
    I understand about knee pain. I have cerebral palsy had surgrey on my achilles tendon. I wore a brace on my leg for 17 years I never got physical therapy on my ankle. I can't move my ankle. The pain in my ankle is going to my knees then when I get older it will go to my hip then my lower back. I have to live with it. My knees hurt when weather changes.
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    Like 4727 said there are alot of things it could be. Going to the doc early is best. If you let it go you could cause more damage. I've been having right knee pain a lot lately when I have my knee bent. My PCP originally tried antiinflamatories but when that didn't work I was sent to an Orthopedic doc who did X-rays and found I have Chondro Malacia ( also known as runners knee...funny to me b/c I have never been a runner :ohwell: ) The Ortho sent me to a Physical Therapist who found that the muscles in my legs are uneven, in my right leg my hamstrings are tight and my Quads are weak, compaired to the left. Some is due to bad habits (like sitting with my legs folded under me) and some is due to me not working out evenly. I teach swim lessons and swim alongside my kids doing "side stroke" b/c its the easiest way to watch my kids sometimes, but I always swim one way which caused some muscles to be used a lot more than others. Now the physical therapist is helping me "even things out".
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