14lbs down!

hollyd1986 Posts: 39 Member
Hi there everyone!

Just want to say what a great site, I dont post much on the forum but I do read alot of the threads and find them all very interesting!

I started MFP on or around 6th January, and weighed 167.4lbs (11stone 13lbs and 4ounces).
My goal was originally 11 stone, but I started to loose weight and to be honest I havnt found it hard. The first week wasnt easy, I was ALWAYS hungry, and was drinking 2cans of diet pepsi a day which I didnt know at the time but was making me hungry much more than I was....I have since stopped that and dont get hungry as much!

I started using an exercise bike in addition to riding my horse, I have been under my calories 99.9% of the days I have been on here and I am so happy that I have lost 14lbs!!!! I NEVER thought I would be able to loose a whole stone.....I have now set my new goal to 10stone and 10lbs and if I can reach that easily within a couple of weeks I will reduce the goal again to 10stone 7lbs. I would be chuffed to get to this and would be happy with being this weight.

I still eat choc every now and then but cant have much!! I have fast food (mcdonalds) at weekends and love it, I couldnt do it without having ''bad'' food, I still eat bread, porridge, meats etc, I dont eat vegetables and I dont kill my self exercising, so for those of you thinking you have to eat greens and veg to loose weight, im walking proof that you dont! :D

Here are 2 photos, the grey top one I was approx 12stone (possibly a few lbs more)

The red top was taken at 11stone and 1lb

This morning I weight 10stone and 13lbs!! I was so happy to see the scales drop that barrier to 10, out of 11!! Just hope I can keep it there :)

Thanks for reading!!



  • hollyd1986
    hollyd1986 Posts: 39 Member
    How do I make my photos visible!? Thanks
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Congratulations !!!! You look fantastic....
  • purplespeckle
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    Great work!! Keep setting new and exciting goals for yourself!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Hi there everyone!

    Just want to say what a great site, I dont post much on the forum but I do read alot of the threads and find them all very interesting!

    I started MFP on or around 6th January, and weighed 167.4lbs (11stone 13lbs and 4ounces).
    My goal was originally 11 stone, but I started to loose weight and to be honest I havnt found it hard. The first week wasnt easy, I was ALWAYS hungry, and was drinking 2cans of diet pepsi a day which I didnt know at the time but was making me hungry much more than I was....I have since stopped that and dont get hungry as much!

    I started using an exercise bike in addition to riding my horse, I have been under my calories 99.9% of the days I have been on here and I am so happy that I have lost 14lbs!!!! I NEVER thought I would be able to loose a whole stone.....I have now set my new goal to 10stone and 10lbs and if I can reach that easily within a couple of weeks I will reduce the goal again to 10stone 7lbs. I would be chuffed to get to this and would be happy with being this weight.

    I still eat choc every now and then but cant have much!! I have fast food (mcdonalds) at weekends and love it, I couldnt do it without having ''bad'' food, I still eat bread, porridge, meats etc, I dont eat vegetables and I dont kill my self exercising, so for those of you thinking you have to eat greens and veg to loose weight, im walking proof that you dont! :D

    Here are 2 photos, the grey top one I was approx 12stone (possibly a few lbs more)

    The red top was taken at 11stone and 1lb

    This morning I weight 10stone and 13lbs!! I was so happy to see the scales drop that barrier to 10, out of 11!! Just hope I can keep it there :)

    Thanks for reading!!



  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    you look amazing :D<3
  • Cosmomouse
    Cosmomouse Posts: 2 Member
    Go Holly! You look great :D
  • hollyd1986
    hollyd1986 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks guys! x
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