New Challenge - 1st of the month!



  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    Here's another good one... I love quotes!

    Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives.
    Viktor Frankl
  • Wannalose60
    Wannalose60 Posts: 24 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am in!

    My challenge is no alcohol and sticking to the prescribed calorie count!
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    ... and here's a good one for our not so great days...

    Unknown Author
    You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    I'd like to join in.

    Starting weight March 1st 203 pounds
    Goal weight April 1st 199 pounds.

    I'm shooting for a one pound a week. I'm also joining a 3500 calorie burn a week challenge.
    I'm really excited about getting under 200 pounds again.

    Great to see all of your threads about your exercise programs. I have been doing Slim in 6 but I have a copy of P90 I'm going to check out.

    Best to you all.
    Check you at the weigh in March 8th.
  • syed19812008
    my height is 6.1 or 185cm.
    i'm doing a 1 hour cardio (walking) daily and recording full details including GPS, steps, heart beat, speed/hr, total distance,etcc through my galaxy s.
    my real reason for dieting and losing weight is to beat pre-diabetes and make my heart stronger and of course to live a long healthy life.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Sorry I'm late checking in

    SW - 191lb
    GW - 183lb
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    I am going out tonight with some mates to an evening with Lee Sharpe (ex Man Utd Footballer)

    Really don't want to spoil my good week TOO MUCH and affect my weight loss too much but it going to be hard to stick to my 1360 Calories with the large amount of cals in beer.
    Drinking your calories really makes life hard.

    I am trying not to get too stressed about it, and just go out and have a good time. Its not like I do it all the time.

    Everyone deserves a break and a relaxed evening at some time. RIGHT???
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    What do you guys and girls do to help you through these over target days.?
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Wow. I am up like 4 pounds from last week. I am not sure what that's about except maybe TOM, too much salt, or not eating enough. I noticed I was losing when I was keeping my net around 1700 (despite what MFP told me). Maybe I should eat more for the next few days and see what happens.
  • stackey01
    stackey01 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    My name is Stacey and I have joined MFP for two reasons my wedding in November and I was recently diagnosed with Polycystic ovarys (PCO). Which means once I have lost the weight I have to keep it off so I don't suffer the annoying symptoms of PCO. I won't bore you with the details if you are interested you can google it.

    My excercise varies each week but I generally do the following:

    Monday - 1 hour of Netball
    Tuesday - 40 Minutes Netball - 45 Minutes walking
    Wednesday 40 Minutes Netball - 50 Minutes walking
    Thursday I rest, I might go for a walk at lunch time
    Friday - Saturday I am rather lazy, I do try and go for a brisk walk.

    As for eating as long as it is me cooking and not the other half I am pretty good - he loves eating high crab, high fat meals. I have trouble turning down the food as he makes a huge effort to cook and doesn't realise the calories involved even though he does try.

    Good luck everyone!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    I am going out tonight with some mates to an evening with Lee Sharpe (ex Man Utd Footballer)

    Really don't want to spoil my good week TOO MUCH and affect my weight loss too much but it going to be hard to stick to my 1360 Calories with the large amount of cals in beer.
    Drinking your calories really makes life hard.

    I am trying not to get too stressed about it, and just go out and have a good time. Its not like I do it all the time.

    Everyone deserves a break and a relaxed evening at some time. RIGHT???

    Hey dont get stressed about this!! It something u really wanna do and its not an everyday thuing! so I say go for it but maybe have a beer then a glass of water then a beer - that way you are slowing down the drinking?? just a wee suggestion! :)
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys, hope your all well.

    The food side of things is going great with me, my birthday yesterday, my partner wanted to treat me to takeaway but i stood firm, im far to involved in this now! However the excercise is dying down. I work 8 - 6 and when i get home cook dinner, tidy round, sort my son for bed etc, i have no motivation at all! i really enjoyed it too start with but im finding the lower amount of cals im eating is making me a little lethargic, i walk whenever i can and hoovering and tidying round keeps me active but ive dont no actual excercise as such for over a week! im worried this is going to stop the weight loss after doing so well at the start!

    Good luck everyone! xx
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi ebveryone,

    Yesterday I started day 1 of 30 Day shred.... and it wasn't too bad. I thought it was going to be hard going after reading all the comments on MFP.

    I also ran for 20 minutes on the treadmill, because I didn't feel as if I had done a proper workout.
    I'm wondering if I should alternate between the treadmill and one of the Turbo Fire sessions with the shred.

    What do you think?
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I have been sick and not be as active on the topics as I like. I am now back . :)

    My fav motivational quote is

    Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. - David Ogilvy
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    OK so I can't actually list mine on a day to day basis as the days my husband has off are 2 different ones every week. One of them mainly being a Thursday so I do buggy fitness which is an hour of powerwalking (we do about 4.4miles) with exercise stints twice throughout (100 squats altogether, 100 lunges on each leg altogether and every other week we do arm exercises with resistance bands).

    On his other day off I try and go out for my own powerwalk whilst the children are resting for 40 - 60 minutes.

    I rest on a Sunday as my husband is home every Sunday evening and Im busy with the kids during the day so have no time then to exercise.

    The other 4 days a week I do Zumba at home with my dvd (60 minutes of Zumba power) followed by some toning exercises on my bottom, thighs, arms and tummy - nothing too heavy as I don't want to bulk up just tone up. I tried some new tummy exercises on Tuesday night and today I feel like I have been kicked in the ribs. Asked the fitness instructor at buggy fitness this morning about it and she said its a good thing as it means Ive done them right and its working :) yippee :)

    Well done everyone we all seem to be doing a great job. Im weighing in on Monday so Im hoping for a weight loss as I didnt lose any (didnt gain either) last week depsite all my hard work!!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi ebveryone,

    Yesterday I started day 1 of 30 Day shred.... and it wasn't too bad. I thought it was going to be hard going after reading all the comments on MFP.

    I also ran for 20 minutes on the treadmill, because I didn't feel as if I had done a proper workout.
    I'm wondering if I should alternate between the treadmill and one of the Turbo Fire sessions with the shred.

    What do you think?

    How is Turbo Fire? I wanted to buy it, but couldn't convince myself to do so. It looks like so much fun!!
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    Wow! I basically live in jeans (or equally comfortable attire) and the baggier the better! Well, yesterday I had to put up a pair that is WAY to big for me to keep wearing... falling down right after I put them on! And the ones I am wearing today are too big as well. I don't. Even have any belts because I never needed them. I am so excited! And I should be able to walk again tomorrow! I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a pair of jeans that were so obviously too big to wear. :)
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Hellooo fellow challengers.
    Day one of the challenge went well for me except this past weekend, on a drunken adventure in dt Toronto i twisted my ankel! Sooo my workouts havnt been as intense as they usually are. i still went to the gym tuesday and wednesday but ill be taken a day off tonight.
    My first thought when i fell was crap! the challenge! but im glad ive been ok enough to at least do a little working out and deff been watching what i eat pretty good.

    Good luck everyone!

    "Fitness for life, one day at a time"- apparently the quote Kelly Osborne uses to motivate her in her weight loss journey. So true! its the way its got to be.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    ok ladies and gents,
    I'm having a hard time and need some help/advice!
    I've been sick for 3 or 4 days now, and due to that I have just had no appetite and no energy, although I did keep trying to work out. I went to the doctor yesterday and turns out I have a sinus infection, double ear infections, and the beginnings of strep, yay lol! But that's not the problem totally... From being sick I just have no appetite, I guess because my body is in total loverload trying to fight off the infections... Last night I started feeling better and got hungry, but it was LATE, so I didn't eat, I drank a big glass of ice water instead, just to put something in my stomach to make the growling stop. I thought since I was hungry last night, I would be hungry this morning, but nope! I could not eat this morning, nothing looked good, I couldn't even convince myself to drink a special k protein shake, and I really love those things! When I made my daughters lunch (leftover pizza hut pasta from my neighbor who has been babying my kids and I while I'm sick lol) I decided I HAVE to eat something, so I made myself a plate as well, and I had to really force myself to eat it all. I had 1 cup of pasta and half a bread stick... less then 200 calories so far for the day and it's 1:15.
    I'm a nurse and I know well enough that if I'm not eating right, I'm actually going to lose less weight, and I also know that if I'm getting less then 500 calories in me each day, I definitely shouldn't be trying to work out because that's bad for my body.
    What I don't know is how I can get this back in order, how the heck do I get my appetite back under control so I can eat and exercise like I want to? HELP!