it true that you need more calories during TOM??



  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I crave red meat and chocolate...I hadn't heard about needing more calories though during it.

    I tend to crave red meat too...I want meat so badly I feel like a cavewoman...i'd tear it off the bone with my teeth. When I crave beef, black pudding and cabbage I KNOW i'm low in iron

    I thought I was the only person that did that...I do tend to indulge on lot sof red meat during that time and its like torture waiting on it to cook lol. I probably do have an iron deficiency I did during both my pregnancies
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    A few days before I'm really hungry, but once it hits, I hardly eat at all. Weird lol.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    When I was younger and the Rage was All Fat Free diets, my TOM went form 5-7 days, to 3 days max. I don't think you need more calories, i'm pregnant and it says i need 300 more a day and at that rate I'm piling on the weight. So I wouldn't change my calorie target during TOM.

    I would however decrease my sodium intake.
    I agree, I'm not sure more cals are needed during my period but I do think we definitely burn more during that time. Not an excuse to overeat but curse that chocolate and salt craving!:grumble: Red meat cravings I'll take! :laugh: I have yet to ever binge on red meat but that first bite when I crave it feels like my first bite of food in decades because it's exactly what my body needs at that moment.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I doubt it is in any way close to significant.

    Personally, my cravings can be neatly matched up with minerals we women are typically deficient in: red meat - iron; fromage frais/yogurt - calcium; chocolate - magnesium. I found that supplementing can reduce cravings.
    Thank you for this info!!:drinker: :happy:

    Can't wait to try out a 'piece' of magnesium next time around, because that chocolate is wicked addicting and likes to bring along it's friend Mr. Salt to the party:smokin: :grumble:

    Trouble Makers!!::devil:

    Though dark cacao 80% - 95% chocolate around has helped me out A LOT, saved my life many a time! I've never been a dark chocolate girl so one small square melting on my tongue and I'm in Heaven!:love: Compare that to a bag of Hershey's Kisses being ripped into by a crazed hormonal woman, those kisses have no chance. mahahhaha! Yeaa some of you Girls know what I mean!:wink::explode: :laugh:
  • Kelly2251
    Kelly2251 Posts: 14
    Well ladies, here goes my first TOM since I joined MFP :( GRRRR

  • PhantomMermaid
    PhantomMermaid Posts: 4 Member
    I personally believe that our bodies know what they need. When you are deficient in something, you might catch yourself craving it. When you are dehydrated, you might crave water. Likewise, I believe if my body is genuinely hungry it means that I need food. Sometimes I get cravings during my period, but usually, it's not that I crave anything in particular- I simply feel very hungry. I believe I need more calories during my period. If I didn't, I don't think that I would feel so hungry so often during that part of my cycle. I eat more during my period and as long as I don't eat until I am past full, I don't feel guilty because I believe my body needs the food. I have had more than one of my female friends tell me they feel starved during their period, and so do I. There must be something to it. I realize scientific answers are important, but there is something to be said for instinct, intuition and common sense.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I don't know how much it is but I used to have a higher metabolism at that time. I would just eat slightly more than usual and did most of my losing during my TOM.
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