Super Summertime!



  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Stephanie ... Glad you're feeling better! Way to get out and move even though sickness makes you just want to relax!!

    Lorraine ... Wow with all the traveling!! That's amazing :). May I ask why you are so fortunate to travel so frequently?! And nice workout!

    And congrats to everyone with the great water drinking :)
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    I know! I dont usually travel that much but it just worked out that way for the last month or so! Had a girly weekend in London (Im from Ireland so it was literally just a hop on the plane for me!) then two weeks later I surprised my boyfriend with a trip to Paris and Disneyland for his 25th birthday (I know, Im great! hahaha) and last weekend I was in Galway in the west of Ireland for a friends birthday weekend! So as you could tell Ive been treating myself to lovely (BAD) food on each of those weekends so I found it impossible to get my weightloss kick started.
    But now all the travelling is over (because I've spent all my money! haha) so this has got my full attention for the next few months!

    Today the weather was really nice here (we had such an horrific winter with snow and ice) and it really made me feel like the summer was coming!! And I got sooo excited! Ive never gotten excited about the summer before! I guess its because I know this one is going to be a good one :)
  • chelsea32291
    Hope everyone has had a great day! Finally got my 8+ cups of water drank. Felt like I'd never get there, haha.
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Hit my water goal today! It's only 7 here so I haven't gotten my workout in yet, but I plan to once I put my 2 year old to bed. Hope everyone else had a good first day!
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Yay!! Got my 64 oz of water in ... And a light workout ... Not gonna count it as one of our 7 workouts cuz it was only walking and I like to work up a good sweat. I know I will be over in cals by the time I finish supper as my cupboard is devoid of food and we are getting Subway. But I'm gonna do a huge burn tomorrow and go to the store for fruit and veggies just to hold me over till this weekend! :).
  • RebeccaM2386
    Good morning ladies. I had a ok day yesterday got all my water in but only did a lite exercise. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. We can do this.:happy:
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Good morning gorgeous ladies!! I am up at 645 on my day off ... Again!! I could just lay here and try to sleep more but thinking I will go work it out at the gym. I'm thinking some elliptical, maybe some walking and maybe swim a cowpoke laps ... Of course followed by a nice soak in the hot tub! Hoping to get at least half of my water in for the day too!

    Blessings to you and let's WORK IT!! :)
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Feeling even better this morning...thank God for antibiotics and cold medicine. Maybe I'll finally get rid of this nasty sinus infection and be able to breathe. Skipped the DP again this morning...went straight for water (after coffee of course).

    @BFab24 - I don't think my body would allow me to work out at 6:45 - good for you! And the hot tub sounds AWESOME!

    @RebeccaM - any exercise is good least you're not sitting arounding watching TV!

    Have a great day everybody!
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Uber sad right now...

    Went to the gym this morning...yes MORNING!...which I never do...I am an afternoon/evening girl. Did over an hour of cardio as well as about 20 minutes of weight training. When I stepped on the scale, I was up 3 pounds! Right back at the weight I started this whole journey at.

    Needless to say I feel like I'm failing. I didn't expect much, but to be up 3 instead of down even .5...really made me want to quit.

    Obviously I'm not going to. It's just a hard morning, and then the scale...well, gonna drink my water and see how the rest of the week goes.

    Hope everyone else has a fabulous day!

    Stephanie - so glad you may be on the downward slide of being sick...and congrats on the water :)
  • chelsea32291
    Uber sad right now...

    Went to the gym this morning...yes MORNING!...which I never do...I am an afternoon/evening girl. Did over an hour of cardio as well as about 20 minutes of weight training. When I stepped on the scale, I was up 3 pounds! Right back at the weight I started this whole journey at.

    Needless to say I feel like I'm failing. I didn't expect much, but to be up 3 instead of down even .5...really made me want to quit.

    Obviously I'm not going to. It's just a hard morning, and then the scale...well, gonna drink my water and see how the rest of the week goes.

    Hope everyone else has a fabulous day!

    Stephanie - so glad you may be on the downward slide of being sick...and congrats on the water :)

    Don't get discouraged! Your body is probably just retaining water. Drink that water and it should be back to normal in no time, because there's no way you ate 10500 extra calories to gain 3lbs of fat. You're doing great, keep it up! :) I wish I had your motivation to go to the gym early in the morning. I'm lucky to get myself out of bed and ready for class by 8 as it is. Haha,

    Hope everyone has had a wonderful morning so far!!
    @slaos07 - glad you're starting to feel better! :)
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm sad I missed the opportunity to join this group but your motivation and enthusiasm sounds amazing! Good luck to all of you and maybe I can join your next small group challenge!!
  • RebeccaM2386
    Good Morning Ladies. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Got my 30 minutes in last night and all my water yay.
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Good morning!

    Yesterday is gone ... Time to focus on today. We CAN do it. I'm talking more to myself than anyone else! :-P

    Let's get it ... 64 oz of water and 30 mins of some serious working out!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Morning Ladies! I got my 30 minutes and water yesterday. I still feel like yesterday was a bad day for some reason. Probably the chik-fil-a I had for dinner. Oh's a new day!

    I'm thinking of buying either Dance Central or Zumba for my XBox Kinect today...anybody had any experience with either? I want to mix up my elliptical a little.

    Have a great day everbody - bottoms up! (that just doesn't sound right when referring to water)
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Bottoms upmisnwhat we are doing ,.. Love it!

    I have neither of those games yet but plan on getting Zumba once I'm in my new place this weekend. Only because I LOVE Zumba! Haha. I will probably end up getting both though as dancing is a passion of mine. And if I can do it and lose weight ... Bring it on!

    Sorry that probably wasn't very helpful :- P
  • chelsea32291
    Good morning everyone!

    My cousin has zumba for the kinect and it's so much fun! I would buy it if I had a kinect. :-p
    Got my 8 cups of water and 30+ minutes of exercise yesterday!
    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry forgot to post in the thread the last couple of days...

    Well I think Im doing ok so far, Drinking 70oz of water everyday(well apart from today...only got half way!) Exercise is going great, managed to get some done everyday and Im surprised by the big burns I seem to be getting...although not complaining! And Im under my calories every day so on paper it all sounds amazing! But I weigh in tomorrow morning....eeek! I have a habit of weighing every morning cos Im so nosey! And Tuesday I was down a 1lb from Monday...then Wednesday I was up a 1lb from Tuesday...AAARGRGGGH! so I didnt weigh this morning cos I didnt want to depress myself! ha So Im kinda nervous about tomorrow morn...I know if Im up that it HAS to be water weight cos Im doing everything by the book...but I'll still be annoyed that the numbers arent going down so I feel your pain Britnee! SCALES SUCK!!

    ANYHOOO.... all you guys seem to be doing really well! I think this bunch of ladies definitely got Summer fever cos ye're all working really hard for those bikini bod's! :)

    Stephanie so glad to hear you're feeling better...nothing worse than being sick, especially when you're trying your best to be healthy!!

    Hope you all had a great day today and keep up the awesome work! x
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Tomorrow morning is my official weigh in too. I'm feeling pretty good, but I, like you, jump on the scale EVERY morning. I was up a little this morning from yesterday, but I had chik fil a for dinner last night - mmm...salty waffle fries. So I've been good today and I'm hoping to be down another 2 lbs tomorrow. If I can do 2 lbs a week from now until my vacation in July, I will be at my goal weight by the time we leave. "Crosses fingers"

    Hope our scales are nice to us tomorrow morning!
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    For those of you that did your weigh Ins today, I hope the scales were friendly!

    Happy Friday ladies! Anyone got major plans?

    I am actually moving tomorrow!! The distance isn't significant, just about 7 miles from where I live now. The significance is I am moving in with my boyfriend of 2 years! My first time living with a significant other ... Pretty huge step for me. I'm a mixture of excitement, nervousness, dread, hope ... All of it. I HATE change so I cry anytime I have moved or left roommates or whatever so this weekend will probably be hugely emotional. BUT with all that I will finally, after 3 years, have a kitchen!! People might wonder why my journal seems like it's a lot of quick food and eating out ... It's that I haven't had more than a microwave and small toaster oven forever. So I'm STOKED to be able to cook!

    I'll be packing, cleaning, and moving boxes all weekend so that will be the majority of my work out! Trying to get my 64 oz of water in ... Only halfway there for today but I'll get it.

    I pray your weekend is beautiful and relaxing and happy!!
  • RebeccaM2386
    Good luck with the move that is so exciting. As for me I have been off the last 2 days and have been so lazy. Tonight i am cleaning the house we are trying to rent out one of our rooms to get caught up on bills as my boyfriend was out of work for 3 months. I will also be doing a exercie dvd, not sure whats for dinner yet will go to the store shortly. I will hopefully get my water in today.