STILL TRYING to get rid of that pregnancy weight

I am still trying to get rid of my pregnancy weight! I know everyone says it takes 9 months to put it on and will take 9 months to take it off!! But, after 6 months, I am still trying! I lost 30 lbs within the first two months of having my daughter. I still have 20 more to go. I have been STUCK at this same weight since January. I don't gain, nor do I lose. I KNOW I am not doing enough to lose it - so, I am hoping for a little motivation to get me going!


  • eyeballer
    eyeballer Posts: 50
    I'm in the same boat! My little girl is turing 1 this coming Monday. I really need a swift kick in the a&$ to get motivated to lose another 20 lbs at least.
  • jmmran03
    jmmran03 Posts: 10 Member
    I had my daughter in March 2010 and gained 30 pounds during my pregnancy. As of a few weeks ago I was still only 10 pounds lighter than I was at 9 months pregnant. My goal is to get back to (at least) my pre-pregnancy weight - this is a great place to keep track of what you need to be doing to reach your goals! I've already lost 7 pounds since Valentine's Day by eating small, frequent meals and exercising when I can. Good luck to you!!
  • dsolgot
    dsolgot Posts: 86 Member
    I'd say if your stuck just push yourself harder at workouts. I had my daughter 8 weeks ago and today I am officaly 20lbs under my pre pregnancy weight. I know everyone is diffrent. What I have been doing is tracking every little thing I eat, I drink tons of water, and I workout pretty much everyday at home for at least 20 minutes (doing the 30 day shred) or I go to the gym for an hour or 2. Keep up the work it will pay off!! and good luck!!
  • melissapoulin
    i fell you. i lost 30 within about 6 weeks of having my twins, and only had 15 more to go, now the weight has crept back on and i had 50 to lose, i am now at 40 and stuck in a rut of being too tired all the time to work out. just look at that little one and know that you will need to have the extra energy soon once they are mobile. my twins are 10 months now, and are both mobile and close to walking, i also have a 3 year old to chase after. i find that the energy you get from exercise gives you a little more to get through the day. the more healthy you are, the better you feel, and the better you can enjoy your time with your kids. i guess i should take my own advice, i have been stuck at not losing, but not gaining for about a month now. good luck!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I barely lost any after my daughter. I had my son almost 9 months ago and am doing much better this go around! 30 pounds down and 30 more to go! Good luck!!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    My daughter will turn 2 in May 25th I started my weightloss on the last week of may 2010 right around her 1st birthday. If I can do it you all can do it!!!!!
  • KristyF08
    KristyF08 Posts: 89 Member
    I was where you are. My daughter actually turns 2 next week. I gained 50lbs with her and dropped 30 right away. I breast fed her for 9 months so I used that as my excuse not to lose the weight. I finally started really trying after she turned one and I went throught the summer completely misserable with the way I looked. When she was about 18 months I really started to pushed and actually gave calorie counting a try and so far I am 10lbs UNDER what I was before I got pregnant! Still have 5 more I want to lose but with a little hard work and determination you can shed those pounds! :smile:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I gained 60lbs with all 3 of my pregnancies even though I excercised and really did try.....but I guess I didn't try hard enough! I lost all the pregnancy weight but before I had gotten pregnant I had an injury from running and gained. I'm having a hard time losing that.

    Its not as easy as I think it should be.....