
catysthename Posts: 278 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I've only been on this site for a few days. And until now i didn't think that i could do it. Not enough calories blah blah blah. I've been kind of cheating. Instead of getting the grilled chicken salad, I'd get the hamburger. I wouldn't plan my meals and just hoped that i wouldn't go over my limit. But I'm tired of feeling so gross. I eat so much fast food, i sweat taco bell.
I need some help.
If i were to go to a fast food place, what should i get? If anything?
What are the staples in your fridge/pantry?
I need to take control and do this right....just need a little help. I'm not health savvy.


  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Always get the grilled chicken salads (make sure the toppings aren't mini heart attacks lol). If you're @ a sandwich place, opt for a wrap & skip the mayo.

    I always have apples, eggs, oatmeal (if you're worried about time make quick oats), cinnamon to go ontop of the oatmeal, baby carrots, & frozen fruit & veggies. I also have organic peanut butter and rice cakes and almonds every single day :)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Pre-make your meals when you have time, you'll save hundreds if not thousands a year over fast food. I only spend $125-$150 a month for 2 people on groceries and $40 of that is easily diet pepsi alone (hubby's addiction, not mine and always purchased for $3 a 12-pack or less)

    If you need fast-food like 1-2x a week due to a crazy job do Subway pref turkey, veg or chicken breast b/c they are the lowest in sodium. The bread is full of sodium so you can make it into a salad for like $1 more or make sure you drink A LOT of water that day.

    My staples: chicken breast, bell peppers, brown minute rice, apples, all-bran, yogurt, milk, canned tuna and frozen veggies. I eat all of that everyday, 1300 cals max. Creating a routine for yourself will be the best way to rid your body of junk and keep you on track for calorie counting. Food can be fun but if you need to lose weight, then realign your priorities to eat to live not live to eat.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    the first part of the answer is to take a look at the places you eat the most. at most fast food places there is some kind of chicken option, always better than the burgers. if they have chicken, see if they have grilled chicken. if you get a salad, good for you, but if you get a sandwich go easy on the sauses like mayo or ranch dressing. if you love fries, then just order the small size.

    when i go for lunch at work i usually walk across the street to the mall and get food. tons of fast food temps me every day. you just have to learn what to order from which places. google their nutritional info, that will help.

    i hope this help. just remember, the chicken is always beetter than the beef at fast food joints, and grilled is better than fried. small order of fries and a no calorie drink, unsweet tea or a diet drink. also try putting it into MFP before you go and order it so that you know how many calories it is.
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    I was thinking about starting to make fruit smoothies in the morning with frozen berries and such. Smoothies always get me feeling full. And normally that doesn't happen. lol
  • To be honest it is best if you lose the fast food all together! If you are going to eat it, try to eat it as a reward for having hit a weightloss goal for yourself. Example: I set a goal of 5 lbs in a month, if I reach that goal I will allow myself to have some fast food but I try to get the "healthiest" item. I also opt for eating only half of the meal instead of the whole meal. STAY AWAY FROM THE FRIES, BURGERS, SHAKES AND OTHER FRIED OPTIONS! Instead get grilled meats, no mayo, no bread, salads instead of fries. Also take a day to look up your favorite fast food restaurant online and view their nutritional content. This will educate you on how unhealthy the meals are and allows you to think twice about ordering that burger.

    THINGS TO KEEP IN THE FRIDGE: Whole grains (Bread, pasta, rice, pitas, wraps), non-fat milk, eggs, turkey bacon, boneless skinless chicken breasts, ground turkey, shrimp, lots of fish (salmon, talapia, haddock, and other white fish), plenty of water (also get Crystal light when you find yourself longing for a taste other than water), raw nuts. spinach, lots of vegatables (green beans, brocolli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, carrots..etc..make sure to buy fresh or frozen instead of canned), laughing cow cheese (great with pretzels or whole grain crackers) and greek yogurt.

    Don't be afraid to buy healthy recipe books and experiment, you may be surprised at how delicious these meals can be. Make yourself accountable for what you put in your mouth by documenting everything you eat, no matter how small. MOST IMPORTANTLY BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN DO THIS. NO ONE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU! WHEN YOU CHEAT THE ONLY PERSON WHO LOSES IS YOU! IT IS NOT GOING TO BE EASY BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT!
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