HCG and the 500 calorie a day diet.



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I am by no means a fan of HCG...you're paying thru the nose to starve yourself thin but if you go back to bad eating habits you will put the weight back on no matter how you lose it. There are people on here that lost all their weight doing it the "healthy" way but put it all back on.

    I have known someone on HCG and the cambridge diet keep the weight off because they followed the reintroduction of food phase properly and then followed that with a healthy eating plan but they are the exception rather than the rule...and I believe this is purely because if you lose it fast you have little time or inclination to learn moderation etc.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I read an article a few months ago about the fact that the HCG hormone is only active when injected, the drops are bascially just pointless if it is not active. What causes the weight loss is the 500 calories a day! If I were only eating 500 calories a day not taking anything I am sure I could drop weight quick too.

    I apologize if I offend anyone by my comments about this. I just have a very strong personal opinion about this particular subject.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    I apologize if I offend anyone by my comments about this. I just have a very strong personal opinion about this particular subject.

    Everyone should have a strong opinion about hcg.And I don't think anyone can really be offended by what you have to say. You've read about the diet and formulated an opinion.

    Likewise, I hope people will realize that my opinions about hcg are based entirely on facts I have learned about it and from actually doing the diet myself. There have actually been a few people on MFP who have gotten rather angry with me because I give them the advice to not do the diet and to stick with a healthy plan and make goals that are reasonable. One person told me that I was simply fat and would always be fat so I shouldn't talk. I found it rather humorous.
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    "Ok so research proved that HCG doesn't work and the biggest, most public promoter of HCG diets has been charged with fraud by the FTC. So why do so many people STILL pursue this fad? I don't know, but one reason may be because medical doctors are promoting it, and you tend to trust medical doctors. Some MD's have built a thriving business around this.

    This is an example that (A) medical doctors are not always right and (B) some doctors will shill or promote bogus "weight loss cures" for money.

    Below you will see a list of all the pertinent studies about HCG.... and the virtually unanimous conclusion is that HCG is baloney.

    Word to the wise: Stay away from this stuff and from the people who promote it. "

    Quote from previous article cited by MSF74.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I did it and lost 15 pounds in 23 days, of that 15 I gained 7 back. I still was thrilled. But in retrospect, I truly believe weight loss has to be a lifestyle change forever. Not just some program to do every now and then.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    If anyone is interested in some further reading this is a position statement from The American Society of Bariatric Physicians on the HCG diet:

    http://www.asbp.org/resources/uploads/files/HCG Position Statement.pdf

    Which states:

    "Numerous clinical trials have shown HCG to be ineffectual in producing weight loss. HCG injections can induce a slight increase in muscle mass in androgen-deficient males. The diet used in the Simeons method provides a lower protein intake than is advisable in view of current knowledge and practice. There are few medical literature reports favorable to the Simeons
    method; the overwhelming majority of medical reports are critical of it. Physicians employing either the HCG or the diet recommended by Simeons may expose themselves to criticism from other physicians, from insurers, or from government bodies"

    Ultimately people are free to do what they wish and as they wish with their own bodies. I think sadly the profit motive and good health advice do not go hand and hand. The best anyone can do is present the relevant information for debate and hope in that way people can make informed decisions over what is best for them balancing the benefits and drawbacks of any approach.
  • boognish1972
    boognish1972 Posts: 83 Member
    Well, starvation is certainly one way to lose weight fast. I prefer to do it through exercise and healthy diet choices personally, but if they want to starve themselves, I guess it's up to them. But you can't live forever on a 500 calorie diet, so what happens when they go back to eating the same crappy food that made them fat in the first place? This diet is the poster child for the "Yo-Yo Effect".

    I have a friend who swears by the Cabbage Soup diet, and uses it to lose weight whenever he starts packing it on. It works well for him, but in the end he always puts that weight back on.
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I searched the posts for this info because I have 2friends who have started this diet. I voiced my concern because I feel they are starving themselves and not going about weight loss in a healthy way!! I've been working at my weight loss for 2+ years and have lost 20 of my 30. It's slow but it's staying off!!!
    Glad to have found this post, it validates my suspicions!!!!
  • AlexandraLove
    If I was eating 500 calories really filling foods, then I could maybe pull it off... but I can barely handle 1200 with all the filling foods in the world.

    The only time I was on 500 and it worked... I had the flu, was too sick to go out to shop, and only had cheerios, OJ, and a very low appetite to work with. Lost 5 pounds that week (quite a pleasant surprise when I got on the scale, actually...).
  • fricksmom
    fricksmom Posts: 3
    Okay, I'll let you throw stones at me. I'm on my second 30-day round of HCG and love this protocol. Thus far, I've lost 30 pounds.

    First, I am under the care of my physician with weekly weigh in's, food diary reviews, health checks, as well as mental health checks. And, I am doing the injection method. You can only do the low calorie (500 calories) protocol for 30 days, then 3 weeks at 1500 calories, during which you consume no processed sugars or alcohol, and slowly bring back carbs watching your body's reaction and you begin exercising daily. After the 3 weeks of maintenance, if you want to do another round of HCG protocol, you can only do so after waiting an additional 3 weeks, so there is a 6-week lapse in-between rounds. Additionally, my physician will only allow 4 total rounds of HCG per patient.

    During my first 6 weeks after completing my first round of HCG, I continued to lose weight and inches. By keeping a food and weight journal the entire time (a requirement in the program) and after having learned portion control during the 500 calorie protocol, I had learned what were good foods and what foods I needed to stay away from.

    During all stages of HCG I have not been hungry and my energy level has been through the roof. Other changes: no more hot flashes, no indigestion (had severe indigestion that couldn't even be control with prescription meds), I truly think better and am less stressed--which means I'm more productive in my career, and my blood pressure decreased to 120/60. It was so high before the regimen, that I was being monitored with the next step being prescribed medication to bring it down.

    The protocol during the low calorie is very strict:

    (a) Fruit choices --- grapefruit, strawberries, oranges, apples.

    (b) Protein allowed includes chicken breast, seafood (dolphin, shrimp, lobster, tilapia, flounder, grouper, crab, halibut, sole, Chilean sea bass, snapper, sole, catfish), beef (lean cuts--sirloin, 94-97% fat free hamburger, buffalo, veal).

    (c) Veggies: cabbage, radishes, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, swiss chard, beet greens, romaine, fennel, asparagus, chicory and celery.

    Organic produce and meat are highly recommended. No oils, sprays, butter allowed in cooking, and vegetables cannot be mixed during a meal, meaning some meals you will eat 2 cups of fresh asparagus with your 3.5 ounces of fish or chicken.

    The protocol also calls for no oils in products used on the skin, which means your deodorant, shampoos/conditioners, make-up, etc. Before the HCG protocol, I had severely dry skin and had to use a prescribed cortisone cream to battle eczema on my hands and legs. When I heard no oils/creams, I was concerned; however organic aloe vera and other types of more natural products can be used. Following the protocol and using these alternative products has resulted in my eczema going away. For me that is huge as I have battled eczema since before I was a teenager.

    Some posters in this thread stated you put your life on hold when doing this diet. I not only ate out, went to parties and concerts, I traveled internationally while on the low calorie portion of the diet. I simply ordered smartly and controlled my portions, and enjoyed sparkling water or ice tea in substitution of "adult libations." Restaurants will oblige when you ask for the use of no oils or butters and you can find organic fruits and veggies most places.

    Is this diet for everyone? No. Are there dangers associated with it? Everyone is different and if doing the diet unsupervised or for longer than 30 days, I'm sure there could be negative consequences. Will I gain the weight back? I am determined not to and have learned the importance of portion control and exercise. If I went back to my old patterns, I'm sure the weight would come back.

    I begin maintenance again next weekend. I'm looking forward to mixed salads, doubling my protein, adding back in good carbs, resuming my exercise regimen, and being able to lather up with my preferred shampoo and conditioner.

    A third (and possibly a fourth) 30-day round of HCG is in my future, as I do have over 30 more pounds to lose.

    For me, this protocol has been life changing. I am 50 years of age, have tried diet and exercise regimens in the past, but none of those have taught me what I have learned on this protocol.

    I'm not here to convert or convince anyone that HCG is the way to go. I simply wish to educate others of the protocol (not more than 30 days) that there are many options out there, and each of us needs to make the best informed decision we can. HCG IS NOT for everyone, but at this time in my life and based upon the advice of my physician, it is a good one for me.
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I don't think either of my friends are working with a doctor. They are using the drops. I would feel better if they were working with a medical professional!