


  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    My name's Bronwen. It's weird and uncommon, so i have so many nicknames from over the years!

    My family and friends call me Bron, except my brother calls me Bronwen.
    My mom had a cheesy nickname for each of us when we were little, mine was Bronigan Blue.
    A kid in my 4th grade class called me Bratwurst, but he cracked me up so I didn't care.
    A girl in 7th grade made up a huge nickname for me that's ridiculous because my name reminded her of Braunshweiger. It was Bronjweiger Pork, The Other White Meat (we didn't know how to spell it for real and it stuck).
    My best friend in 7th grade called me Brombalin. She also called me Sheriff Bron after she gave me this fake Sheriff badge.
    A group of my friends also in 7th grade gave each other mean names, mine was Doofus (but it has nothing to do with my name).
    In high school, a friend of mine called me Brony, but then people thought it was funny to call me Brawny, like the paper towel.
    Freshman year of college I got the nickname Princess Bronwen because I wore a tiara on my birthday.
    A couple years ago I worked at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo, and one of my co workers kept forgetting how to pronounce my name and called me Brownie instead.
    Then, one of my friends at the same job said it reminded her of brownie mix, and we both decided Brownie Mix was a pretty cool nickname.

    There's probably more in there, but these are my most memorable :) But I love nicknames, so I hope they keep coming!
  • donbogi67
    donbogi67 Posts: 38 Member
    Bogi - A Phys Ed teacher gave me the nickname - couldn't pronounc my last name.

    Dr. Don - I was told that I'm a good listener....whatever?

    The Don - Favorite Movie is the Godfather

    Godfather - A few peeps here on MFP proclaimed me as the Godfather of MFP - LMAO!!!

    DonnieB - This one has stuck with me since I can remember.

    Donnie Boy - A very dear "real life friend" gave me this one!

    And, the many names my wife calls me that I cannot repeat here!!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Punkin is what my mom used to call me.

    Red. Also a nickname my mom used to call me because of my red hair.

    Stovepipe. That's what my older brother used to call me as a kid because I was skinny.

    Bets. Also a nickname my older brother used to call me sometimes.

    Boots. My former fiance' used to call me that. I don't remember the reason now though. I think it had something to do with a kitten we found under the hood of his car. :huh:

    Mommared. When my daughter was a teenager her friends used to call me that because of my red hair.

    Betty Boots is what my co-workers used to call me when they found out my former fiance' used to call me Boots.

    Betsy Wetsy. My younger sister, Melba calls me that because I call her Mellie Bellie. :laugh:

    Betty Boop is what my older sister's late husband used to call me. Forgot about that.
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    Kit- my name is Krista, my mom always called me it, K..skip the R... I...Skip the S.. T...Skip the A = Kit.
    Keebs- how I use to pronounce my name as a child.. it just stuck
    and the obvious Kris
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    My husband calls me his Crazy Redneck Backwoods Hillbilly Country Girl!

    Yeah I thought nicknames were supposed to be short too! And I really I am NOT a hick people! LOL!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My family calls me Amy Loretta Pitstop. That's what my brother wanted to name me. Luckily only the Amy part stuck.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    My brother & all of his friends call me Yoshi, or Yosh. I have no idea why.

    My dad calls me Petey (combo of peaches & sweety - the nicknames I had as a child)

    My Mom calls me Peter Rabbit - long version of the combination name my dad gave me???

    My friends call me Jesse or J.

    Co-workers & those who didn't grow up with me simply call me by my name - Jessica.

    I despise being called "Jess" ... I hate hate hate it, and again, have no idea why.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My real name is Sharon, most everyone in my family calls me Sha. My sister-in-law calls me Shar, which used to bug me but not anymore. My brother has called me Sha-rock for as long as I can remember. To hear any of them call me Sharon would be extremely weird. My other brother calls me ShaSha in front of his kids, so that's what they call me, Aunt ShaSha. My mom used to call me Shaz, or Shazzy.

    The kitchen guys at work are Mexican all call me "Chinita" or "China" (pronounced "cheena") because of my curly hair. I don't think any one of them know my name, and I answer to it now as if it is my name! A chef I used to work for used to call me Chicharron because of the way that the Mexican kitchen guys pronounce my name, CHA-rone. Every time he'd call me Chicharron, they'd all laugh. One day I was like "What? What are they all laughing at?" Chicharron is fried pork rinds. :indifferent: :laugh:
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    My dad used to call me Pinkydonkers. To this day, I haven't any idea what a pinkydonker is. If anyone knows, I would love to be enlightened. I never thought to ask my dad while he was alive. One of America's greatest unsolved mysteries :tongue:
    My sister's nickname for me I absolutely hate but she still calls me this - Pig F'er (edited for viewing).:huh: My sister is off the reservation, I know. She comes up with the most offensive horrible nicknames for everyone. She calls my mom "The Old Bag" and "Old Goat." And she truly means no offense. :noway: I am amongst crazy people.
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    Dodo (as in dodo bird)--My dad gave me this one i liked the Flintstones as a kid
    SourKraut or Kraut--cause I love homemade sourkraut
    Dough Belly--after friends at school found out about Dodo
    Bucket--Don't ask
    Jamie--family all call me this, real name is James

    Hate being called Jim or Jimmy
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Punkin is what my mom used to call me.

    Red. Also a nickname my mom used to call me because of my red hair.

    Stovepipe. That's what my older brother used to call me as a kid because I was skinny.

    Bets. Also a nickname my older brother used to call me sometimes.

    Boots. My former fiance' used to call me that. I don't remember the reason now though. I think it had something to do with a kitten we found under the hood of his car. :huh:

    Mommared. When my daughter was a teenager her friends used to call me that because of my red hair.

    Betty Boots is what my co-workers used to call me when they found out my former fiance' used to call me Boots.

    Betsy Wetsy. My younger sister, Melba calls me that because I call her Mellie Bellie. :laugh:

    Betty Boop is what my older sister's late husband used to call me. Forgot about that.

    My late boyfriend (my precious George) used to call me the redhead from Missouri or Redheaded Missourian. :laugh: He love me. :bigsmile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    My real name is Daniela

    Dani-is what most people on here and a lot of people in RL call me

    Aleinad- (pronounced 'alien-add' and its my first name spelled backwards) Surprisingly a lot of people through out my life have given me this nick name. I think it sounds weird.....LOL

    Dani girl- I call him Gray or KK :bigsmile:

    Danicracker- I call her Cherrybomb :wink:

    Danimal- I call him Donnie Bear :happy: This one has stuck on this site now and I am referred to as Danimal by a lot of people now. I like it! *rawr*

    Pocket Dani- I call him TK :tongue: This one has seemed to stick too because I am a shorty. I get random friends on here asking me if I want to take a ride in their pocket. LOL ummmm....should I be scared or excited about that?! :huh:

    Junebug- A RL nickname given to me by a friend that met me my Junior year of High School

    The Freak or The Machine- Given to me this past year by multiple RL friends and friends here due to my fitness "addiction". :laugh:
  • jmcniel
    jmcniel Posts: 65
    Jack -When I was in High School in an ethics class, we had a substitute and my area was always getting in trouble, so the sub was going to leave a note for our teacher and we all gave fake names and it just stuck.

    Mac -Offensive line coach used to call me this, which of course is a portion of the original spelling of my last name; McNiel(MacNeil). Yes, I am a drunk.

    Jeffy Dahmer -I picked this up from the movie The Ringer; my wife calls me this to this day.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I only have one, given by my parents "HollyWood"
    Perhaps I am a bit dramatic??? Or the fact that I love shiny things!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Chrissy-by most everyone
    Chris-by those close to me (I prefer over Chrissy)
    Christine - only those I owe money to or get meds from
    Topher- (Like Christopher) when I was young by my step dad
    Lovebug-by my incedible husband
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    We call our daugther punk'n or even punk for short, boo when she was smaller or just Bay
    We call our son Jay Bird (or just bird), Squirt or little man
  • thebomb4
    thebomb4 Posts: 59 Member
    My names Stacey and here are some of the nicknames I have:

    Stace - obvious
    R lass - my sister calls me this, i call her the same :)
    Steve - when I've had a drink steve comes out to play haha
    Cone / coners - I was given this name after finding out my body shape was in fact a cone lol
    Babe / babeh - the boyfriend always calls me this
    the bomb - online buddies :)
    Youngie - surname is Young and a few friends refer to me as Youngie

  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    I was called "Sam" at a bar I worked at years ago...maybe to separate me from another girl the same name?

    "Nigel" by more guys at another job, because my maiden name was Mancil; guess there was a race car driver that name?

    my husband just calls me "C"...he is the only one that can, and my sisters call me "Chris", because until I turned 19, that is what my family called me...until I "grew older & wiser"!! LOL! Now, it is Christine by everyone I meet...

    my husband will also call me "babydoll", but that is about it
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Sweetpea - My parents didn't know if I was going to be a boy or a girl, so before I was born they called me Sweetpea after the baby from Popeye. I still get called Sweetpea sometimes.

    Little Shannon or Shannon II - I have an aunt named Shannon. It's very confusing, since I am also named Shannon. So I was Little Shannon or Shannon II growing up.

    Shannie - This is the name most people from my personal life use when talking to me.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Name is Ashley.

    Aly - Given to me by some friends in high school that got tired of all the Ashley's.

    Lucy - My parents always called me this for some reason. No idea. But I love the name so much we now have a cat named Lucy.

    Mander - My cousin was playing "school" one day and she decided my name was Amanda and it some how ended up with me Mander, my mom, Marta and my aunt Kat-rina.

    and finally!

    Panda: Taken from Mand(a)er and my favorite animals are panda's. My hubby calls me Panda. Yeah, that furry guy up there that I call Jeffy. :D
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