Starting January 2011



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I had my weigh-in earlier this evening, and I've lost 2 lbs.

    I'm happy... since I did go out on Saturday and have a few vodkas & diet coke - plus a big roast dinner yesterday.....!
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I had my weigh-in earlier this evening, and I've lost 2 lbs.

    I'm happy... since I did go out on Saturday and have a few vodkas & diet coke - plus a big roast dinner yesterday.....!

    Well done on your 2lb loss :)
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi all, well I weighed myself today and I've lost a whopping 6 pounds! But my official weigh day is Sunday, so this may change. Also, I had take out yesterday, have girls night out tonight and a birthday drinks Saturday. Urgh! So I'm hoping I can still hang on to that official big loss on Sunday!

    @Myschell welcome to the thread and congratulations on your loss so far!! :o)

    @Madmaz99 Great news on your loss, you're really doing well! 

    Have a great weekend all, I'll give an update on Sunday. Wish me luck :os
  • JanKoster
    JanKoster Posts: 7 Member
    I started on january 13th. At first I was not so convinced about the help I would find with MFP. In less than 2 months I am completely excited. MFP makes me understand what I'm doing and supports me to hold on. I find it rather easy to reach for my goals now. I can recommend the help of MFP to anyone out there who is in doubt!
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    Hi all, well I weighed myself today and I've lost a whopping 6 pounds! But my official weigh day is Sunday, so this may change. Also, I had take out yesterday, have girls night out tonight and a birthday drinks Saturday. Urgh! So I'm hoping I can still hang on to that official big loss on Sunday!

    @Myschell welcome to the thread and congratulations on your loss so far!! :o)

    @Madmaz99 Great news on your loss, you're really doing well! 

    Have a great weekend all, I'll give an update on Sunday. Wish me luck :os

    Autumn - 6 pounds, great. I hope you maintain that for your weigh in on Sunday. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Enjoy your festivities with your friend, sounds like great fun. I am happy to hear everyone is doing well too. I had my weekly weigh in today, and was down another 1.5 pounds, so I am pleased with that.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend, and stays on track with their healthy lifestyle changes.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well I weighed today. I didn't get to keep all of that 6lb, but I have lost 3lbs officially this week, so I am still exited. I treated myself to 4 new dresses!! 3 don't fit :o( But I know they soon will and will try them on next month and see how I'm doing. This weekend has been amazing, ive been very active with walking and cleaning, and finally got to dance yesterday. It was so nice being complemented by all my friends on how well I looked in my slightly slimmer frame, I'll never get board of complements *8:o) Now I'm going back to sleep, to see if I can get more than 8 hours and burn extra calories the lazy way. Hehe
    I started on january 13th. At first I was not so convinced about the help I would find with MFP. In less than 2 months I am completely excited. MFP makes me understand what I'm doing and supports me to hold on. I find it rather easy to reach for my goals now. I can recommend the help of MFP to anyone out there who is in doubt!

    Welcome to this thread and congratulations on your loss so far. I agree with you and I couldn't had done it without the support too :o)

    @Rachel thank you! I had a really fun time with my friends and well done on your loss!! 4 more pounds and you've lost 2 amazing stones :o)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I had my weigh in earlier this evening.... lost 2.5 lbs....!

    I thought it would be slightly more though... as I was 3.5 lbs lighter this morning...

    I thought my weight only increased by 2 lbs during the day... well, I thought wrong...huh?
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I had a sneaky pre-weigh (becoming a habit I need to stop LOL) and no weight loss. I'm putting this down to having take out 2 nights in a row and 1 day of over eating at the beginning of the week. I'm pleased that I haven't put anything on!! And fingers crossed I lose 1 pound by Sunday (official weigh day).
    I had my weigh in earlier this evening.... lost 2.5 lbs....!
    Well done on your weight loss! Don't worry about the morning evening thing. I always weight in the morning, because I know I'll weight more in the evening. It makes sense, our body is holding in x amount of water, 3 meals and snacks! If you were to put it all on a scale it's bound to weigh a good few pounds :o)
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    Hey Everybody, Happy Friday!

    I hope y'all are continuing to do well. Autumn, good luck with your weigh-in Sunday, I hope it goes well.

    I had my weigh-in today, only down 1/2 pound, but I am not going to worry about it. I had a stressful week (my Mom was in the hospital), and didn't have as much time to log my food properly and get the exercise in. At least I didn't gain, so I am happy about that!! :smile:

    I am only 1/2% ahead now on the Biggest Loser, it is really a close race with me and another person. Only 2 more weeks to go, so it's coming down to the wire. Wish me luck!! I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well, I'm up 2 pounds this week and I'm not surprised! My frozen yoghurt intake has kept my sugar and fat in the red. Not only that, but eating all my excersize calories has left me feeling heavy and making other parts go in the red too. Not to mention having take out at the beginning of the week seeing my sodium go in the red by over 2000. On top of that, I've been stressed about my move and I know from my studies, that stress causes your body to hold on to fat because that basic flight and fight response. So all this has contributed. I have to severely reduce my frozen yoghurt and not feel like I have to eat all my excersice, although recommend. I intend to have a big loss next Sunday and enjoy my new home!

    Rachel well done on your loss and I really hope your mum starts to feel on the brighter side soon! :o)

    I hope everyone has had a good week. x
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    Hi All - I hope your week is going great.

    I weighed in today, a day early as I am off from work tomorrow. I was very surprised that I lost 4 pounds!! I think part of that may be from stress, I am going through some family issues, with my Mom in the hospital, and I think I missed a few meals. Not healthy I know, so I have to be better about that.

    I think I am still winning in my Biggest Loser contest , will find out for sure tomorrow. The last weigh-in is next Friday, 3/25/11. Wish me luck holding on to the lead!!

    Anybody else have an update? I hope things are going well!!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well, I've been doing well! I lost the weight I had gained and more! I'm not looking forward to Sunday weight in, it's the week before TOM and I'm spotty and hungry. Yuk!! Which means, I could be heading for water retention city. Hopefully not :o)

    @Rachel Congratulations on loosing 4lbs!! And being the Biggest Looser! I'm sorry to hear that your mum is still poorly in hospital. Hopefully you find time to get full meals and keep safe.

    How are all of you?
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    Quick update - My final BL weigh in is tomorrow!! I am excited, and nervous. Of course I got a little visitor today (TOM!!! :angry: ). I hope that doesn't ruin my chances of winning. I will have the final numbers tomorrow, and hopefully an extra $200+ in my pocket!!

    How is everybody else doing?
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi everyone, I lost 1.5lbs this week bringing my total up to 25lbs lost so far - I have set myself a mini goal to try and lose 3lb before the end of this month. I've been fitting in extra walks with the dogs, taking stairs all the time, I've even been walking up escalators! (people give me funny looks but I don't care) I'm determined not to go into the red on anything this week and I'm drinking more water than I've ever managed to drink before. Pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeee let me lose this 3lb before Friday 1st April! LOL if I manage that I'll be ecstatic as it would be two whole stones in weight since the beginning of January. :-)
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    Hello! I started on 1/7/11 and this is my first time ever on a real diet and exercising!! It feels great! I have a long way to go though! Good luck to all of u!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    I only lost 0.5 lb this week.... I know , I know... I should be happy that I even lost anything...! :ohwell:

    I did total up the amount of inches that I've lost since I started... and.... it's 22 inches.....! :bigsmile:

    Actually, I can't believe I've lost that amount of inches... maybe I have back to front body dysmorphia (lol...!)... that I thought I was skinnier than I really was.... :embarassed:

    It just that I juggle my life around so much (my 5 year old daughter goes to my step-mother's house on Mondays. and to her father's house on Tuesdays & Thursdays) just so I can get some exercise (at home) in ....!

    I was just hoping all that extra work would result in 1lb - 1.5 lb loss.....

    Maybe mfp exercise calories aren't correct (for me), which is why I've ordered a Ki Fit (UK Bodymedia Fit).... hopefully that will help me get a better picture. I decided on a Ki Fit instead of a good HRM, because... I'm a gadget freak, plus the sleep monitoring aspect is a bonus....
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member

    Maybe mfp exercise calories aren't correct (for me), which is why I've ordered a Ki Fit (UK Bodymedia Fit).... hopefully that will help me get a better picture. I decided on a Ki Fit instead of a good HRM, because... I'm a gadget freak, plus the sleep monitoring aspect is a bonus....

    It likely will help you to see a more accurate tally of what you're burning. You've made a good choice. I've got a HRM and I love it!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    How's everyone doing, how's your weekend?

    Well I'm slowly settling in to my new home and unpacking. I'm please to have lost 3lbs this week, that's my biggest loss since my first month on MFP. A went to lunch with my friend yesterday and made sensible choices and stayed well within my calories. Friday I had a big eat, but could only manage half of what was in front of! My body and brain are working together to keep me healthy :o) I'm hopefully going to find my tape measure and update my measurements. It's been a few weeks, so there should be a big difference. I'm only 2lbs away from loosing 2st and 10lbs away from being out of the 200's!

    TOM is looming for the end of next week, so hopefully I'll still get the 2lbs loss I want. Also, I have a girls' night out Friday night, I plan to have a big eat then, but I'm hoping I can encourage them to go dancing afterwards. If not, I'll have to do some PS3 Move dancing or something. Saturday, I'm meant to go on a pub crawl, I'm going to try to get out of it, but my boyfriend is keen! I may just drink diet Pepsi and Coke and hope no one notices that I'm being health conscious. I can't have two big calorie nights in a row just before my weigh in and during TOM!!

    @Rachel I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. You've been doing so well, you're bound to be the Biggest Looser!

    @snockers3112 Oooh, well done on your loss! I want to join you on your challenge, I really want to hit the two stone mark too. And hopefully by the end of the next month, be out of the 200's!! I shall add them to my signature. We can do it :o)

    @gailygail99 Well done on your loss so far, 38lbs is an amazing amount!! And welcome to the thread, come back and keep in touch 8:o)

    @madmaz99 Congrats on your weight loss! Any loss is a big step in the right direction. You've lost 23lbs and that makes you amazing and a hard worker, because no one did it for you, it's all you!! So well done you :o) 22 inches is fantastic! That's why I love to measure as well as weigh. I know how you feel about the whole excersice thing. I'm a single mum to a 4 year old, my mum has him every other weekend. Playing and dancing with him, and housework are my main activities. Or when I go out with friends', then walking. I'll have to look up your gadget, sounds interesting and hope it works for you!

    Good luck all x
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    Thanks, Autumn for your great post, and keeping the Jan. 2011 thread going. You are really an inspiration to us all. Congratulations on your 3 pound loss, that is wonderful. You will soon be in "onderland", and that is so great. You have done a stupendous job on your weight loss!! Just amazing. Good luck this week. You are brave to do a Sunday weigh-in, but I am sure you will do fine.

    Congratulations to everyone else's losses as well. We are really doing this!! I did win the "Biggest Loser" contest, a total of 32 pounds lost, or about 19% of my original weight. Cash prize of $300!! I am going to buy a new TV for my exercise area, and maybe some fresh exercise videos for me and the kids!! I am really excited.

    I hope everyone has another great week!!!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone! This weekend is looking better and better. Today is my planned big eat, but the girls want to go dancing afterwards, which is great!! It means my big may be cancelled out by excercise. Also, I managed to get out of the pub crawl. The thought of all that drink just before TOM and the thought of loosing my 2lbs challenge, made me want to cry (metophorically speaking) LOL So fingers crossed I have no water retention, or anything else to stand in my way.

    @Rachel Thanks so much for the wonderful message and congratulations on winning the Biggest Looser!!! You truly deserve it. Enjoy the new TV :o)
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