I'm back

I have been on MFP for a while on a different name but decided to delete it and create a new one. I kept losing a little weight and then gaining it all back and I was tired of signing on and constantly being reminded of my failures so I wanted a fresh start with a new account. I am looking for friends to keep me motivated this time. I'm done giving up and I'm ready to do this.

I also started insanity yesterday so if anybody else is also doing it feel free to add me. It would great to have support from other people who are doing it.:smile:


  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Your journey sounds a lot like mine. Start, see results, some life event happens (a cold, stress at work, etc.), stop making better choices, and the weight comes back (and for me usually plus a pound or two more). I just started up again this Monday and am committed, with the support of family and friends. This time I've let everyone know so that they can help keep me accountable. I don't think I could handle insanity, but I've started P90X for the fourth time. My husband is doing it with me, so I am hopeful that will keep us both motivated. Best of luck to you, and feel free to send me a friend request. Like I said, I just started again, and am in the process of adding people out in the MFP world to help keep me accountable!

    And let me know how you like insanity.
  • havi7
    havi7 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in my 4th week of insanity and love it. What's really helped me is this site and a different one to constantly keep track of my goals and progress as well as finding people that I can support.
  • JodiLouLou
    JodiLouLou Posts: 17 Member
    What is "Insanity"?
  • snickers224
    it's one of the beachbody programs. it's a 63 day exercise program and the name describes it perfectly...it's insane lol