eating right, exercising right, very slow weight loss

AlisonE76 Posts: 12
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Guys

I've been on this since jan 4, and have I admit kept to myself since, but I thought after reading through some of the posts that it would be great to hear other people's opinion on whats going on with my bod. I eat really healthily 6 out of 7 days, i lift weights twice a week for a 40 mins and i have just reveed up my cardio to 5 interval sessions on the elliptical trainer or treadmill for 45 mins. I've been doing this for 3 weeks now, (big time, as before i was only training three times a week and I now know that that was just maintaining my weight)!! and I've lost nothing!! I only want to lose another 7 - 9lbs and the 4 lbs I have lost took me 8 weeks!! Anyone what i'm doing wrong. :(


  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    it took time to unhealthily put the weight on, it'll take time to take it off the healthy way :o) be patient.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I dont think you are doing anything wrong. Weightloss in a healthy way can not be forced. You are doing good things fro your body, training it, strengthening it, and toning it. If you stick with your calorie goals and your workout regiment the weight will come off as it will.... make sure you are drinking enough water. At least 64 oz a day, and make sure your sodium intake is not too high.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    since you don't have much to lose you should have your goal set to lose 0.5lbs/week, which is how much you have been losing. This is the best way as you will ensure you don't burn muscle and when you return to maintenance you won't have a huge jump in calories all at once.

    I would suggest changing your goals to 0.5/week and make sure you are eating your exercise calories, or at least most of them. The last few pounds are the hardest to lose. You may also want to pay attention to measurements instead of the scale.

    I just looked at your diary and you are not eating enough the 1200 cals is not a maximum it is a goal and going slightly over is better than under. And it is a net goal so you should be eating that plus the calories you burned through exercise.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Four pounds in eight weeks for someone trying to lose 10 pounds is actually lots of progress. It comes off slower the smaller you are. I've been fighting 10 pounds for months now. Make sure you hydrate, eat enough, and have realistic goals.

    Congrats on your progress so far!
  • cjrss03
    cjrss03 Posts: 22
    You've just got to keep being persistent. I've been working on this for a year now and I lost quite steadily at first. Now I've been working on the last ten pounds for 6's frustrating but keep at it! You'll get there :)
  • AlisonE76

    First of all, you are hardly giving yourself enough credit. Changing your fitness and nutrition plan (and keeping to it) for two months is a great accomplishment! You also have to exercise some patience (pardon the pun!). Weight loss won't happen overnight. However, you mentioned that there is a seventh day that you don't eat very well. That could certainly contribute to your lack of results. Perhaps instead of devoting an entire day to detrimental eating habits, you could treat yourself to a "cheat" once or twice a week. There are tons of healthy recipes for treats that will curb your sweet tooth without the guilt! (I recommend hungry girl) Good luck with your goal! I hope this encourages you to stay social on the web site!
  • liltypo
    liltypo Posts: 2
    Hi and congrats on losing the 4lbs and keeping them off. It may be a small achievement to lose 4lbs, but not small in the least to keep them off, so good job!
    Do you get enough sleep? Lack of sleep and stress can keep weight on in my experience.
    One last thought- have you taken measurements or noticed a change in your size despite not losing weight? With strength training you can lose size without losing weight b/c you are losing relatively light fat and building up muscle which weighs more per inch.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Looking at your food diary you are eating healthy, but I think I would bump up the amount of calories you are taking in, at least by 500 calories with the amount you are working out. I saw some days where you were under by a lot, even when just burning 101 calories. I am having this same issue where I have to remember, and often force myself, to eat at least 1200-1300 calories.

    Congrats on your weight loss thus far. It can be frustrating. I myself have hit a plateu this last week or two, but trying to not get discouraged and plug away for another week or two
  • im2spooky4u
    im2spooky4u Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying. I'd also like to add that maybe you should change up your workout routine. Add a different kind of cardio.

    For me, if I do the same thing my body just stalls, that's why I am constantly doing a different kind of exercise every day. Kickboxing, kettlebell/KettleNetics, Jillian or Bob cardio workouts, Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training...etc.

    I was doing the same exercises on the same days every week and I wasn't getting anywhere. Then I said to hell with this planned out week and just grabbed different workout dvds every day. I started losing weight again and it's been coming off better than ever.
  • AlisonE76
    AlisonE76 Posts: 12
    thank you guys for all your thoughts and opinions, i really appreciate it. I kind of always thought that i wasn't calculating my calories correctly, as sometimes I was too lazy to input something myself to work out the information to get the exact details. I tend to go for something on the database that looks similiar to what i have eaten.

    I drink between 2 and 2.5 litres of water every day and i get enough sleep, well most nights I guess I'm just impatient, and I'm very intolerant of my own fat!! I really only gained the weight in December, I took the month off training and totally overindulged to my detriment! i have always settled in or around 9st 10lbs (136lbs) , so I find really shocking how quickly I put on 8lbs!!!
    I'll try increasing my calories, though to be honest i think I would find it hard to eat any more in a day. I'm going for the "Zone Diet" so my natural protein intake is high while I try to keep my carbs down and I don't any sweets or chocolate or crisps at all apart from the odd indulgence when its that time in the month!! :) so I'm not really that hungry on it at all and by the time i get home from the gym its usually too late to eat too much. I'll make that little change though see if it makes a difference. I wonder should i try and eat more carbs???

    Thank you all so much again and may you continue in your own super success!! Chat soon

    Ali xx
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