my hunger is getting the better of me!

i have been on mfp about 6 weeks now i was fine at first and my food was filling me over the last few weeks i have become more hungry does anyone have any tips cos i dont want to slip now


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i know people will tell you to up this and up that but at the end of the day 1. is it hunger or munchies??
    AND whatever it is i always find exersice(belive it or not) gets rid of it pretty quickly!
    try it you cant loose anything...OH yes you can weight lol
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I was like that yesterday was starving .
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    You sould not be hungry if your eating the right foods and enough of then while you loose weight. It is all about balance and consistancy. If your overly hungry or if anyone is we generally grap what ever we can and most of that time it is BAD unhealthy foods. It is about consistancy and the math. Try bumping your calories up a 100 or so and see if that helps. I have clients on 1600-1800 calories. You do have to eat to loose and if your not getting enough it will slow things down.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    also :)
    why not try asking your dr for some methylcellulose...they are appitite supressants..
  • adew1972
    adew1972 Posts: 9
    Don't beat yourself up over it, we all have bad days (or weekends in my case!!) Just remember that it's not always plain sailing so forgive yourself the lapses and congratulate yourself on the good days. With a bit of positive thinking you may find it will start slotting into place :-)

  • angieb1978
  • shellia
    shellia Posts: 11
    Take a walk. I get the same way but I have found I am a bored eater. If I sit for any length of time my mind starts telling me I am hungry but tummy feels fine. The more active I get the less I think about food. It is unfortunate but for some of us I believe food is an
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    have a glass of water, not sure how true it is but i read something ages ago in one of the uk fitness magazines that stated the body struggled to differenciate (sp) thirst from hunger until the recognisable thirsty feeling arrived but at this stage the body was starting to be dehydrated. please don't take it as gospel though it was a long time ago i read this and i'm sure we are all aware that theories get changed as often as socks in this game
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Everyone is different but I operate at my best when I eat primarily fat, protein and veg with moderate fruit. Many people can also incorporate 'good', 'slow burning' or 'unrefined' carbs into their diets, but I find these foods do not keep me full. When I'm truly satisfied from good fats and protein rich foods, I don't think about/obsess about food and my cravings disappear. Some items frequently on my shopping list:

    eggs (love to poach them in salsa)
    pork tenderloin
    deli turkey (for turkey, humus and clover sprout roll ups)
    Seasonal veggies for roasting (I roast TONS of veggies on Sunday, portion and eat all week long)
    Spaghetti Squash (also divide and eat all week long)
    Plain Greek yogurt
    Almond Butter
    Roasted, unsalted almonds
    Blueberries and Strawberries

